What people are saying about "Men of Legend"
Men of Legend
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over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357297]@Dave[/url]: Eh, KT is rough to play with since he needs an ideal board to be played on. Sneed's Shredder though is definitely underused.
over 9 years ago
Boom looks pretty manageable from looking at Trump's play since he's pretty late and the boom bots aren't reliable enough as removal, as a response people ALWAYS run BGH though. Still, for the cost a nerf would be warranted. Sneed's or Kel'Thuzad seem far more threatening than Boom.
over 9 years ago
So apparently dealwithit plays hearthstone, cause he never pipes up for those ^^
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357290]@HSPuppets[/url]: Hemet was actually made in reference to Ernest. He's a book-writing hunter in wow.
over 9 years ago
I just realized Hemet Nesingwary is an anagram of Ernest Hemingway. While I don't get the joke in the comic, I just wanted to point this out.
over 9 years ago
The thing about this card and its design is, what the fuck were they thinking. It's TECHNICALLY not a strictly better war-golem, but to not assume that it is so practically is just juvenile in all respects.

Hearthstone as a competitive game is probably always going to be a joke.
over 9 years ago
I don't know who this Nesingwary is, but I feel a strange spiritual kinship with him.
over 9 years ago
I unpacked my first legendary yesterday and it was Nesingwary, tough luck.
over 9 years ago
@Isaías Rodríguez Aguirre: Blizzard lets people dust things for full crafting value when they nerf them. Letting something stay OP isn't really giving them more money. They're just really slow at nerfing cards.
over 9 years ago
Blizzard is to busy nerfing cards that no longer gives them $$$ like Undertaker.
over 9 years ago
Ahh fixed, thanks!
over 9 years ago
What your Dog????? :P
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_357266]@Bontage[/url]: It's a new card, they will nerf him ONLY after they have milked enough $$money$$, and then released the new expansion. Just like undertaker, they only nerf undertaker to force people to run mech-zoo.
over 9 years ago
(cont) One card that either: (a) forces your opponent to expend minimum three cards to deal with, or (b) take 9 damage the next turn.

Either way, you'll take minimum 2 damage and burn cards.

Almost every player who can afford to is running this card, irrespective of strategy. BLIZZ NERFNOW!
over 9 years ago
For folks who don't play Hearthstone, "Dr Boom" is a card that costs 7 mana, has 7 life and attack, and when played summons an additional two cards, the boom bots, who are 1/1s that, upon death, deal 1-4 damage to a random enemy.

It's a crazy good card, some even say overpowered. They're RIGHT.
over 9 years ago
7/7? 3 for 1? Board control? Wut?
over 9 years ago
I would love a "Destroy a Mech" Battlecry.
over 9 years ago
Twincest is best. You da Man, Doctor Boom!