What people are saying about "The Emperor New Design"
The Emperor New Design
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over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_359446]@Waka[/url]: This still doesn't negate the notion that it's a factor, in the case of SK it simply wasn't a big enough factor, but that doesn't make it so for ever other hero.
over 9 years ago
Jo I'm surprised you haven't noticed but there's a typo in panel one. It says Faceless Vod instead of void.
over 9 years ago
"The bad news is if for any reason you enjoyed the old model..." Anyone who says they prefer the old model over the new one is a liar.
over 9 years ago
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_359427]@Bontage[/url]: My opinion is that MOBAs are like MMOs. I.e., I think I can only play one at a time. If I ever try another MOBA, it will be after I give up Dota.
over 9 years ago
@Klint Izwudd: Oh yeah, I laughed when I saw that post.

over 9 years ago
reminder that SK still got a remodel even with existing cosmetics, heck some were even changed to fit him.

so you cant really bring cosmetics up as an argument.

really it is much more likely that valve is just listening to the people saying that void is fine.
over 9 years ago
I'm glad that Void looks basically the same. But you mentioned Zeus, and I have to wonder what is taking them so long. I thought Valve announced that they would change Zeus' model so he looked less like Mario. But so far he's still the same, while Void and SF have had redesigns. Priorities, Volvo!
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_359427]@Bontage[/url]: My veredict is diablo riding an rainbow unicorn is too much for me.
over 9 years ago
You're expected a new Faceless Void design, but it was me Dio!
over 9 years ago
[url=#user_comment_359427]@Bontage[/url]: Why play another MOBA when DotA exists?
over 9 years ago
Context: Devs at Valve didn't think Faceless Void will win the remodel, they thought Slardar would win sooo yeah.
over 9 years ago
I just realised that it's been a year since Jo opined on Heroes of the Storm. Any thoughts as we move towards the open beta, you MOBA-playing tentacle you?
over 9 years ago
Have you seen Facefull Void, Jo?
I think that's the best redesign.
over 9 years ago
I can't see photo notes. :|
over 9 years ago
Well, it actually IS just a "copy"
they said they rebuilt it from scratch, basing themselves on the old one.
They remade the textures and changed a bit the model, then added some other cloth / skin extras.
It's hard to makeover someone without a face.
Still, it's annoying as fBASHBASHBASHBASHB-
over 9 years ago
I think they should have gone for faceless lobster.
over 9 years ago
it's a pc game and it's steam+valve
one can easily mod it back