Oh, and its not without punishment, there are plenty of adverse effects of these types of drugs, reliance, withdrawal, tolerance and unknown effects. Even for legal substances these are a huge problem, and the barrier for me to dope up on nootropics and study something.
Jo, you need to also consider people on prescribed meds. I am on Vyvanse, its an amphetamine. (well metabolizes into it) Would you have people like me exempt from these events? If not, why should we get them and others not. Not to mention how do we outlaw the plethora of nootropics that exist?
@Joseph Collins: She was hard to recognise because A: She's showing a lot of skin in comparison to being always covered up and B: Her hear was always styled in dreadlocks. A couple of seemingly simple things like that can make you almost unrecognisable especially if you were in the ->
@Kate Blackwell: Even in sports like baseball, reaction time helps the most. When they began testing for steroids, players were still hitting a lot of hits and home runs. But a year later when they began testing for amphetamines, players started getting fewer hits and striking out more.
I doubt it does much for FPS gamers ... response time improves, accuracy decreases.
As for SC/LOL/DOTA players, anecdotal evidence for players taking it is a google search away. Scientific research will have been done by the big teams, but they aren't going to share.
"Winners don't do drugs!" --Captain America
"Hey Cap, didn't you get your powers from a 'super-soldier serum'?" --Iron Man
"You know what, Stark? Go to Hell." --Captain America
@Drakkenfyre: Same but instead of the crazy balance fixes I was thinking "so what is the big deal that they use drugs while playing? they're not working"
@Kate Blackwell - Concentration-boosting stuff, or even calming specifics that eliminate stress. Competitive video games are all about precision and thinking. Drugs won't make you smarter but some could boost your decision-making ability, especially in situations of prolonged stress and exhaustion.
And this is one of the reasons why "e-sports" suck balls. Aside from the drama and "pro" players being colossal douchebags with the temper of a five year old, people will cheat any way they can.
over 9 years ago
I misread "progamers" as "programmers" the first two times I read that bubble, and thought the joke was going to be about crazy balance fixes and changes.
I never heard of that before, but I HAVE been in Dota matches where somebody on my team said they were drinking or smoking weed before the match and assured me they could play just fine regardless. Thankfully, some of them actually turned out to be right, but I was still worried.