What people are saying about "Omen List"
Omen List
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over 9 years ago
And half-life 2 is pretty bad.
over 9 years ago
Half-life 3 is never gonna be released because valve doesnt need it anymore i mean come on they make 19 mil per week thanks to Defenders of the ancients 2.
over 9 years ago
How about Capcom and Konami stopping sucking? How high would that rate on an End Times checklist?
over 9 years ago
Oh yeah and Tekken X Street Fighter.
over 9 years ago
Forgot Beyond Good and Evil 2 and Psyhconauts 2.
over 9 years ago
The list needs another update: Silent Hills.
over 9 years ago
@Hfar: Jesus 1 was only available on the Christianity console. Jesus 2 will be released for all available players.
over 9 years ago
Half-Life 3 will come out when all of Valve's other revenue-generating venues fail. It will happen eventually, but only when Gabe is retired on his island of money, and some desperate exec wants to rake in some easy cash. It will, however, suck along the lines of Duke Nukem Forever.
over 9 years ago
Except you know Jesus 2's not going to be as good as the first one, right? I mean the first one's such a classic at this point that how can the sequel possible live up to it?
over 9 years ago
Dang, after reading the last text balloon i couldn't avoid ensuring my path to my condo in hell...
over 9 years ago
Half-Life 3 is never coming out. Valve is done with Single Player games, probably even games without microtransactions. And do you really want a Half-Life 3 with Microtransactions?
over 9 years ago
@Nathan West: Those games were all released eventually.
over 9 years ago
Oh Prey, I didn't know about its development hell back then, but I enjoyed that game, it had cool weapons and some daring scenes for it's time, even if there were some clichés. I'm still sad Prey 2 didn't happen, the trailer for it was awesome! Here is hoping Beyond Good & Evil 2 still comes out.
over 9 years ago
Prey was an omen? I didn't knew it was on the same level of DNF.
over 9 years ago
You forgot Starcraft: Ghost
over 9 years ago
Don't forget the Splinter Cell movie.

Though from last I heard I think Tom Hardy got attached to it, so we may get it.
over 9 years ago
The Last Guardian is also a big one, the "sequel" to Shadow Of The Collossus
over 9 years ago
@Undying3132 Ofcourse not, you're supposed to use hotkeys you clicker noob.
over 9 years ago
So, they would stall development to prevent doomsday?
over 9 years ago
WHAT?!? No Final Fantasy 7 Remake?
over 9 years ago
While a little more obscure, you could add Tex Murphy to that list....Tex fans waited 16 years for the finale to the series.
over 9 years ago
Aliens: Colonial Marines mysteriously absent from the Omen List of PC games that escaped Development Hell.
over 9 years ago
Lore? What do you mean Warcraft lore? You mean it's not just a point and click game?