Half-life 3 is never gonna be released because valve doesnt need it anymore i mean come on they make 19 mil per week thanks to Defenders of the ancients 2.
Half-Life 3 will come out when all of Valve's other revenue-generating venues fail. It will happen eventually, but only when Gabe is retired on his island of money, and some desperate exec wants to rake in some easy cash. It will, however, suck along the lines of Duke Nukem Forever.
Except you know Jesus 2's not going to be as good as the first one, right? I mean the first one's such a classic at this point that how can the sequel possible live up to it?
Half-Life 3 is never coming out. Valve is done with Single Player games, probably even games without microtransactions. And do you really want a Half-Life 3 with Microtransactions?
Oh Prey, I didn't know about its development hell back then, but I enjoyed that game, it had cool weapons and some daring scenes for it's time, even if there were some clichés. I'm still sad Prey 2 didn't happen, the trailer for it was awesome! Here is hoping Beyond Good & Evil 2 still comes out.