He is dead. At least his body,he may be a spirit?He is not will be resurrected by Sylvanas,because no more his own body,and his spirit if free.
She is fine as Warchief,she good ruler of forsaken and good tactican.And she can't do really shady business now("out of da shadows")
@The J Man: actually the Forsaken are in the horde for the exact reason that they are underhanded and operate in self interest. Thrall and the horde mostly missed the scourge invasion and rise of Arthas. So Sylvanas petitioned Thrall to join the horde to save them from the Human's "Let purge" plan
Gonna be honest with MY opinion, I always felt the Forsaken never belonged in the Horde. Orcs are kickass, Tauren Warriors are beasts, Trolls are pretty sweet as shammies, goblins are funny, and blood elves....well They're there.
But forsaken just underhanded and look out for themselves no honor
The Horde are really getting the short end of every single stick ever since Thrall left. I get that the Alliance spent the like, first half of the game's lifespan as the morally challenged side, but when the pendulum swung back it seems like the Horde have become ten times worse than they ever were.
It's all a redemption story for her before Blizzard curse the Forsaken. That and the alternatives really aren't much better, Lorthemar is not that great a leader, Baine doesn't want it and that leaves Gallywix...
I like the fan theory that Vol'Jin doesn't trust sylvanas, and knows that as warchief she will be forced to have all eyes on her. She'll be a good warchief because she does want to do what's best for the horde; she just can't be sneaky and do unethical stuff now.
Considering the disappointingly shallow deaths of important characters we had in Legion already, I'm pretty sure the guy is dead. God awful storytelling.
This xpac reeks of fanservice. So no, I think that Voljinn's death is set in stone and that Sylvannes will remain warchief. I just hope that they will continue her storyline from the Undead Starting zones in Cataclysm, as it shows how dark she really is