It's kinda like with yielding to terrorist demands. Yes, you may gain something in the short run, but this will only make more terrorists. If everyone stubbornly stayed in the lane they picked (if they were the first to pick it, of course), there would be no people like that because it wouldn't work
What I find funny about this is how so many 'pro-gamers' would rather blame 'dem fithy cazualz' than own up to the fact that a lot of them are arrogant and slow to change. Believing a game should be played their way - and all their problems are caused by cazualz and a lack of balance.
@Dustin Cochran: Normally it's 1 vs. 1 at mid, meaning the opposing heroes level up at the same rate until one of them leaves or dies. 2 vs. 1 at mid means the 1 levels faster, and gets their ult sooner.
@Dustin Cochran: You get partial XP in Dota too. Last hits determine who gets the gold, but so long as you're in the vicinity of the kill you'll get XP and level at about the same rate. The reason these guys died is because you're not supposed to do that in the middle lane.
Moral of the story: Go play League of Legends, where you get partial Experience for just being there, no matter who last hits (or even if NO ONE last hits).
Also: When you fight with your own team, you will always lose.
As someone who has actually tried introducing Hearthstone to non-gamers, I would guess you're wrong. Gamers don't really realize how many choices a non-gamer has to make before even getting into a game. Hearthstone has a hundred choices before you play your first card, and that is a HUGE turnoff.
@Obaid B.: I usually go to a different lane because there's less pressure. But those times I do go mid (like if nobody else takes it) and end up doing well and giving my team the edge, it's a good feeling.