What people are saying about "Job Perks"
Job Perks
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about 8 years ago
That is an interesting amount of respect you've shown for people.
about 8 years ago
Jo is Brazilian, and we don't have your usual tipping system.
We do have a 10% optional service fee tha doesn't go directly to the waiter/waitress, but is used as a staff bonus (often exempt of taxes)
about 8 years ago
Jane should have joined Dustforce.
about 8 years ago
he could be like, "hey girly, smell my finger", or just, "let me tell about the time..." with how his finger is pointing.
about 8 years ago
you made a good choice jo. of course if you ever wanted to do a single large panel of jane having her butt groped in that outfit, well, far be it from me to stop you.
about 8 years ago
@Samuel Measa: Made $50 in tips in a single day on a 3 hour shift on the lunch rush as a carhop at Sonic. And considering that was nearly 3 days pay in just as many hours in one day, I have no problem dealing with that.
about 8 years ago
@Swagner: On your epiphany comment.. Amen.
about 8 years ago
@Samuel Measa: Would that mean her dressing up as a panda?
about 8 years ago
about 8 years ago
"I'm either growing soft or turning into an adult": the first phase of the epiphany that edginess and cynicism are just laziness pretending to be justified; the equivalent of telling the obvious jokes, and only them.
about 8 years ago
@Jo Pereira
You know as an alternative for being harassed. Jane could have been breaking a fight up between the human and Orc from the WOW Mists of Pandaria Trailer AND Bottoms up! video.
about 8 years ago
Jane should apply for DustForce, she has the know how
about 8 years ago
@Erik Yin: WRONG!
about 8 years ago
Reason I preferred working a janitor job for fast food. You spent maybe an hour a day in the grill and half the time out side.
Ask any one that worked a lunch rush where they would rather be.
about 8 years ago
Need more of this waitress Jane in the comic! This is a none sexual fanservice!
about 8 years ago
@11monkeys: She holds the rest in her cleavage.
about 8 years ago
Meh, not nearly enough beer she's holding there.
about 8 years ago
@TwilitSoul: You got it!
about 8 years ago
The cute waitress outfit is all that really matters, right?
about 8 years ago
@Ivan Micheli: I changed to a more pressure-sensitive brush, this is probably the most eye-catching change.
about 8 years ago
There's something different in the style of the drawing/coloring as of late, and I love it. About your comment, Jo, I do approve of your change. It would have been a bit crude. Instead, this serves the same effect without risking ruining the joke with real life issues. Looking forward for more.
about 8 years ago
Instead of grabbing her ass, now it looks like he's about to poke her boobs.
about 8 years ago
I have 1500 hours in Dota 2 but that's still the most Brewmaster I've ever seen.