its not just the genji weve all been solo ulting the mercy its just as important with her overbuffed and then use another solo ult when she respawns just for spite.
...I either feel bad when I whup on people (rarely, I tend to face the same people even when I wait 5-10 minutes between matches, not sure if that's indicative of how few people there are online when I also am) or feel helpless when my entire team gets gunned down not even 10 seconds leaving respawn
@The Pug: The only reason I ask is because in Quick Play there's no such thing as a close game, whether I win OR lose. It's a total stomp one way or the other. If I were to go into ranked, I would imagine it eventually puts me with the same skill level of players. Right now... /1
@MechaKingGhidra: the correct order is quick play, until you got good at playing the heroes, have 2 or 3 mains, then go to rank. An unskilled player could destroy the entire gameplay for the team, and theres punishments for leaving, thing that dont happen on quick
I finally started playing Overwatch and I am disheartened by just how fast-paced it is. I can't do ANYTHING unless I have really good teammates to follow up on because I learned that when I do anything impactful, I'm thrown under the bus. Am I supposed to do Ranked mode instead of Quick Play?