What people are saying about "Health Potion 2"
Health Potion 2
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over 7 years ago
It's kinda weird how sometimes Alek remembers to add the "s" at the end of teh verb when she speaks in present tense third person, and sometimes doesn't.
over 7 years ago
Huzza. We got to see Alek with the Shantae outfit. That rpg character looks like a dollar store version of Laharl, altough I guess he's just supposed to look like any rpg character
over 7 years ago
For some reason, the blue hair and red bandana remind me of Laharl. And a one-off reference line about Jennifer's boobs giving him a headache.
over 7 years ago
Can we get some Alek cheese? :D
over 7 years ago
@Andre Swartz: we could use some clones of her for... personal reasons.
over 7 years ago
Alek is not really a manager, she only plays one on TV.
over 7 years ago
So beautiful.
over 7 years ago
The solution to the EA issue is a very simple one. Don't buy EA titles. If EA stops making money of doing stupid shit, they will stop doing stupid shit, or better yet, go bankrupt.
over 7 years ago
I see Alex shaves. How lewd...
over 7 years ago
Can we get some clones of her for the stores hosting the upcoming black friday mania? Please?
over 7 years ago
Netflix has also had some PR annoyance, though not as bad. "We're raising prices to HELP you!" No, you're not.
over 7 years ago
@Nos Rin, Anothga:
over 7 years ago
Honestly, the players who helped make Online Multiplayer the huge cash cow that it is, are partially culpable for what has transpired.
over 7 years ago
over 7 years ago
"Yearly dose" D:
over 7 years ago
Alek is definitely one of the best waifus.
over 7 years ago
over 7 years ago
Don't joke like that jo! Moar Alek Boobies!
over 7 years ago
He looks like the main character from maybe a half-dozen JRPGs...