What people are saying about "Reward Chart"
Reward Chart
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over 6 years ago
@Nos Rin:

What makes you even feel the need to spout off with that kind of shit anyway, man? There's over a million words in the English language. What's the big deal with picking some others that don't suck moist ass?
over 6 years ago
@???: "I-I don't really care."

It's okay my man, you can just admit you like arguing on the internet like the rest of us.
over 6 years ago
but as for professional league, they can moderate as much as they f***ing want, who cares. it's their cash cow, it's their decision.
over 6 years ago
id personaly rather deal with a little forced wholesomeness than fucking trolls.
what bugs me is when you play a game where right from the beginning the NPCs are spouting racial slurs and you can listen to swearing and racial slurs on the radio, but you cant fucking type fuck in online chat. WTFUCK
over 6 years ago
@TheSharpmarksman: You know, all you did was prove my point. You probably don't realize it, of course.

But then, I don't really care. It's just so fun to see you get triggered because you look so precious when you do! Coochie coo!
over 6 years ago
@???: it's mostly if the libtard media goes full REEE and then attack the sponsers directly
hence why sponsers don't want bad publicity incase one of their players mouth's off
not because of his mouthing, but because of life-less liberals complaining about it...
over 6 years ago
@???: you're forgetting they also abolished spectators using "spicy" langauge
Overwatch Esports league has became sterile, bland and unentertaining

when in Dota, such BS rules do not exist, and brands rarely give a damn if one of their sponsers said a "bad word" in his private streams
over 6 years ago
(final part)

Because their customers will abandon/boycott their products if they're associated with "trash." And that's what a person who swears like a sailor and offends people is to the mainstream. Trash.

That's reality, folks, no matter how you swing it. There are still *rules* to follow.
over 6 years ago
(Continued from below)

Do you hear athletes swearing in real sports leagues? How often do you see them get away with offensive actions? No, rarely? There's a reason for that. Sports leagues and teams earn gobs of cash from sponsors. The latter flee at the first sign of rudeness. Why? (continued)
over 6 years ago
I find it funny how people are just dumb about this, assuming "BUT MAH FREEDOMS"

OL is trying to be a legit sports league, meaning they want sponsors and advertisers dropping cash on it. What scares the latter two off? Swearing like a sailor, saying offensive things. (continued...)
over 6 years ago
I'd be inclined to agree with Dave Warren.
over 6 years ago
and if you say "faggot" in the heat of battle say goodbye to your Esport's membership
Blizzard have gone full libtard on "toxicity" lately
over 6 years ago
How is people being rude, using racist slurs and pretty much being toxic make a fun chat for anyone? I seriously dont understand the fun on being a shit person on the internet.
over 6 years ago
Honestly, I don't mind heavy moderation. In my experience it only noticeably affects the sort of people that are just trying to be offensive for juvenile shock value, and we're all better off keeping the trolls in their dungeons.
over 6 years ago
The brand has a discrete financial cost. Theoretically, it would be better to let the teams themselves (comparable to a business vendor) manage their own employees' behavior, but in this day and age, that kind of laissez-faire attitude is often far too slow and the damage is done.
over 6 years ago
I can kind of understand where Blizzard is coming from. This isn't really the Internet at large; Overwatch League is more comparable to a business, or, at the very least, a venue. The amount of money invested in both the teams and the League as a whole is significant, so any behavior which devalues
over 6 years ago
People always exaggerate the extent to which communities are moderated. If you're not allowed to be a racist prick with no consequences, people bitch and moan about how the moderation is crap. Always take anyone's "horror-stories" about Nazi mods with a GIGANTIC grain of salt.
over 6 years ago
I can agree there Jo. AGDQ levels of family friendly suck the fun out of anything.
over 6 years ago
@Carolyn Pike yeah, I understand it's pro-league. I was talking about general banning "practices" in online gaming. I guess I was sorta off-topic here
over 6 years ago
2) have to learn to adjust to that if they want to continue taking money from these people. Nobody is forcing anyone to play for the OWL, if racist memes are your schtick then there's definitely a market for that on twitch.
over 6 years ago
1) Really though I don't think Blizzard has a choice in this one. These teams are serious things, the owners are the same people who own NFL teams, and the sponsors they want to attract are also not small beans players. These people do NOT want their names attached to racism, players are going to
over 6 years ago
@Nick Dubrowski: This is professional league play we're talking here. If someone is 'playing like shit intentionally', then their team is going to kick them out and nobody else is going to want to touch them. Blizzard has no need to moderate professional playing styles.
over 6 years ago
Then they wonder why people go back to TF2, the game is literally based and meant for you to be an ass in it while still playing effectively for the team. The spy for example, many of his achievements are focused on you on pouring salt in the wound of the people you backstab to the point of raging.
over 6 years ago
My problem with such moderation:
-one can easily get banned for verbal assault (it's just chat, can be ignored, not core gameplay)
-one hardly ever gets banned for playing like shit (often intentionally, cause "meta is for idiots" etc) which is actually ruining games & brings verbal assault upon u
over 6 years ago
Nooooooo not the Hanzo privileges
Blizzard you monster
over 6 years ago
Dude, losing your Hanzo privileges? Blizzard is *not* screwing around...

/scatter arrow is the bane of my existence with how it always seems to 1-shot me