What people are saying about "Mass Effect Redux"
Mass Effect Redux
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about 15 years ago
Hmm, 'probe launching. probe away' why am I reminded of Ironseed? Is it just me?
about 15 years ago
Best part is bangin' the Quarian. Smexy Tali.
about 15 years ago
@Devil Dan:

I thought there was some subtext there...
about 15 years ago
Far, far easier to do on PC.

Step one; take mouse off mouse pad.

Step two; find large, flat surface.

Step three; Make wideee sweeping motions.

Step four;profit.
about 15 years ago
Oh look, Eve Online 3 and 4 came out. But why is the main person's name Shephard instead of random wannabe hero #5?
about 15 years ago
So, did you try and get a relationship with Garrus as female Shep?
about 15 years ago
You need to mineral scan in order to afford the upgrades you need to survive. If you want everybody to live you need to get basically EVERY ship upgrade.

ALSO: I'm playing it on 360 because ME1 was 360-only when I bought it, and I was NOT about to rebuy the game and redo everything to play ME2.
about 15 years ago
Who in their right mind would play ME2 on a console and not a PC?

Oh yeah, if your computer sucks you would. :P
about 15 years ago
Damn you, element zero.

Dam you.
about 15 years ago
Now Hold on there! Sure Mineral Scanning can be very boring, but dose pay off in the end! Also, Mineral scanning can be much faster on the PC version of the game.. It's only slower on the 360 / PS 3 because of your joystick speed.
Ran Iji
about 15 years ago
Mineral Scanning is so much slower on the 360 version. I was watching my friend play, and I kept asking him if he had the Mineral Scanning upgrade. My scanning moved about three times as fast on the PC.
about 15 years ago
I didn't find mineral scanning boring, I only found it to be a little slower paced, but I still did way more of it then I needed to in order to get every possible upgrade
about 15 years ago
Sadly, no such thing as fem-shep getting it on with either Miri or Jack.
Devil Dan
about 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_22863]@Innuendo[/url]: OMG, his plan was to overpopulate the galaxy with those anoying little bastards so that eventually everyone would welcome the Reaper invasion. [url=#user_comment_22875] @Daedalus[/url]: I think FemShep can only bang yeoman Kelly Chambers, but the comic is free to take some liberties.
about 15 years ago
Wait... so girl-shepard can have further lesbian relationships? I though they cut down on them due to some douchy homophobic backlash...
about 15 years ago
I kinda wish they did the mineral collecting like in Star Control 2/Ur-Quan Masters. That would have been cool. I mean, the whole game already reminds me of SC2.
about 15 years ago
Tali, followed by Samara, Garrus, and then silly shit.

Like scanning ALL planets for Iridium.
about 15 years ago
As a result of this comic, I looked this up on youtube. Are you shitting me? What were these people thinking? If there were only 2, maybe 5 planets to scan, it wouldn't matter... but I have a suspicion there's a lot of grinding to do. Minesweeper... without the logic and reason.
about 15 years ago
Mineral scanning doesn't really add anything to the game.
about 15 years ago
Choice C) Tali
about 15 years ago
Needed more anomalies. Maybe ones that'd give you a few other rewards, like xp, or credits, or entertainment value.

"You have found Saren's secret Volus coning facility. Had to start somewhere"
about 15 years ago
Then again, I found it rather fun to strip mine entire star systems, I figured I was cutting the pirates out of business money for their gear. All the weapon upgrades greatly helped to.
about 15 years ago
Well, I did not mind the Mineral scanning, though I had imported a decent level ME1 character and had some decent bonuses, after I beat the game on Casual for the story whenever I make a new character off my import I get 50k of all resources, very good for cutting down on mining.
about 15 years ago
It was slightly boring, but I was able to do all the necessary ship upgrades on 2 planets + mission minerals...
about 15 years ago
Heh, I almost fell asleep doing mineral scans, but they yeiled me lots of research. :D Gotta say I like the SMG's better than the rifles for some reason. And I still stand with the Quarian for the big choice. [url=#user_comment_22847] @Laken[/url]: I know, that sucked cause there were more ore planets than Eezo.
about 15 years ago
You Need To Construct Additional Minerals?
about 15 years ago
Mineral search, AFAIK, was entirely optional and didn't really give you anything.

As a side note: I LIKED driving Mako around and did ALL of these collection quests. For fun.

So ME2 has a big minus for me for replacing a fun minigame with a complete time - waster.
about 15 years ago
Guys, WTF? Why are we even comparing these two? First off I havent played ME2, but I hear you get upgrades for it. Last time I checked, you didn't get anything for minerals in ME1 (except maybe for money. I don't know, I never bought anything save for maybe that special unlockable gear at the end.)
about 15 years ago
I liked the mineral scan at first, I scanned everything I could and wanted to scan more.

And then I had to get Element Zero.

That's when all the fun went away.
about 15 years ago
Mineral Scan>Mako

I wish they had you searching for deposits, and then having those deposits give you a resource INCOME. The more and better ones you find the more INCOME you get, but you'll EVENTUALLY get the resources you need from just a few of 'em.
about 15 years ago
Somebody didn't play ME1 or didn't do a refresh course of ME1 before ME2 came out.

No matter how boring, forced mini game mineral scan is. It pales in comparison to how idiotic and stupid the MAKO was in ME1.

I'll take mineral scan over the MAKO any day of the week.
about 15 years ago
I haven't had the chance to play it yet, but for some reason I feel like I'd rather be doing a mineral scan mini-game than just clicking planet after planet to see if there's a "Scan" or "Land" option, clicking a button, reading the top line of text, and then backing up to repeat.
about 15 years ago
wut?! I would honestly pay good money for Mineral Scanning - The Game. Its so fun, but maybe thats just my OCD talking.
about 15 years ago
I didnt find the mineral scanning that bad, however i would like there to be more freaken eezo and platinum deposites! I mean come on! I want the medibay incase upgrading it unlock something more important but the upgrades to everything else that require it and effect me immidiately come first....
about 15 years ago
I am yet to play Mass Effect 2, but... but from the way you talk about mineral scanning, I get the feeling that it's worse than looking for minerals in previous game... and I hated that with all my heart, but I needed cash and wanted to complete collection quests.
about 15 years ago
just use a trainer for infinite minerals, makes the game infinitely more fun.
about 15 years ago
Doctor Ossus-agreed.
about 15 years ago
Hey, I found Mineral Scan fun. It was like a retarded minigame I could play after all the fighting and talking i've been doing for the past 3 hours.
about 15 years ago
Huh, I thought that the mineral scan was awesome :O
Minty Fresh Death
about 15 years ago
You know, as dull as the mineral scan can get, compared to the mind-numbing "trawl around random planets that are all mapped the same with numerous cliff climbs in a slow-moving tank" of the first game, it's actually a vast improvement.
about 15 years ago
I think excessive mineral scanning is on the verge of killing my second graphics card. I think the first was Sapped by "Excessive TF2 play", back in November. I love extended warranties :D.
about 15 years ago
It was a lot better than the previous game's Mako and cookie cutter rooms. You could get away with doing very little of it unless you wanted everything.
Doctor Ossus
about 15 years ago
Tali's romance dialogue was just freaking adorable in this game. :3
about 15 years ago
I hated there is much less weapons and weapon/armor customization.
about 15 years ago
Is it true that femme shep can't get it on with the Asari again?
about 15 years ago
I actually like the mining every now and then.
about 15 years ago
yeah it took a lot of time

but it was worth the upgrade

at least u can survive 3-6 seconds more for doing rambo pushes

about 15 years ago
I agree. The mineral scanning marred an otherwise (IMO) perfect game.
about 15 years ago
37 hours here. Yeah, I took my time.
about 15 years ago
yeah i agree, buth it only took me 21hrs to finish ME2