What people are saying about "Obituary"
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about 6 years ago
Definitely agree with the analysis, but I think we're more looking at a transition of EA thing. Bliz's big deal has always been polish, and that appears to be the first thing the Activision execs are cutting.
about 6 years ago
Also have you seen how Blizzard buildings look like IRL? They are WAAAY more opulent then this. They have statues in the front yard for christs sake.
about 6 years ago
Personally, don't care one way or another. I play HS every once in a while and basically that's it as far as I'm concerned. They still have rabid fanboys who will buy anything and people are still playing WoW so I don't really see anything to be concerned about.
about 6 years ago
@Micheal Fortner That's not probably the point... it's just like in Steam sales: you have a game that you can sell for 20 and be in positive, but you usually sell it at 40, you discount it every three months to 30 and once a year you bring it to 25. You're not trouble, just playing the sell game.
about 6 years ago
But Blizzard is not going bankrupt, Activision is not going to allow that.

It's just Activision-Blizzard going away, to become Activision-Activision.
about 6 years ago
This is what I've been saying for a while now since it seems like every 6 weeks they are putting Overwatch on sale. All it does is let the trolls, smurfs, and griefers buy cheap, disposable accounts. It's making the community toxic, which drives off the good players. Lather, rinse, repeat.
about 6 years ago
Unlucky timing for this strip. Blizzy is firing people in order to recover and Activision is slowly growing stronger with his influence.
about 6 years ago
Now they're opening Vanilla WoW servers that, again, means rehashing. I'm not saying it won't be fun, but it just seems to me that Blizzard creativity has been pretty much dead for a while.
about 6 years ago
About Blizzard... well, let's say that it's not like their last games felt great to me. HotS was okay but still unable to top other ARTS, Overwatch never picked my interest, Starcraft 2 and Diablo 3 were basically reskins of old games (with Diablo raising a lot of fire because of the AA).
about 6 years ago
ouff, you nab =P The Lorem Ipsum is a standard long wall of text (in latin) used to check formatting and typesetting on publications.
about 6 years ago
why the newspaper is not written at english?
about 6 years ago
The main problem here is that Blizzard is tied to Activision, a company that is nothing but greed focused and that cough is gonna have them being a vulture circling
about 6 years ago
I just hope Diabmortal gives them tons of cash so they can make more pc games.
about 6 years ago
...don't they still have all that WoW money rolling in? And Starcraft 2 is still the South Korean national sport, isn't it?
about 6 years ago
The fine print is worth reading on that one XD
about 6 years ago
Ya, no. not everyone. I won't. I have zero interest in phone games that kill my battery.
Until smart phones have the battery life of the nokia brick, nah, I'll wait till I get home on my PC.
about 6 years ago
I don't speak latin. :S
about 6 years ago
Also everyone still gonna play Diablo immortal when it came out.. me too... screw you guys, maybe it will be fun! Sure donations will be there to.. what foken F2P game without it?