What people are saying about "Money Sense is Tingling"
Money Sense is Tingling
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about 6 years ago
Granted, you are entirely at the mercy of card draw from there on in while your opponents have at least 3 cards (assuming no mulligans) but c'mon, how many people are willing to bet someone will blow 7 cards on their first turn?
about 6 years ago
My favourite turn 1 play of all time was a game where I went first, Swamp -> Black Ritual x2 -> Mind Swords x2. The table had 7 people at it. Still got knocked out first due to instant aggro from everyone but it was worth it. It's one of those combos that basically mean people HAVE to play slow.
about 6 years ago
@Daniel Jenovah: Okay, nevermind. I'm an idiot with a garbage memory. I remember the effect so well that I mixed the mana cost up with a different card altogether. it is (1)B and is called Mind Swords, and if you control a swamp, you can sack a creature if you can't pay the two mana.
about 6 years ago
@Daniel Jenovah: no, it was a really old card (comparatively speaking), like...I’m tempted to say around the era which the Torment set was relevant. Had a half-hidden face of a guy holding twin falchions.
about 6 years ago
Are you playing Paper or MTG Arena, Jo? Just curious. Arena has access to the Allegiance cards as of today, and a lot of them are fun. I love Teysa Karlov for my Divine Visitation token deck.
about 6 years ago
@Chomper are you sure the card is all players? Because the card you're describing is similar to Witness the End http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=407592
about 6 years ago
/2 I know what the wording is on plenty of them but no results come up. For example, there's a card that states all players choose two cards in their hand and they are removed from the game. It's a black sorcery, costs (3)(B) and yet no results are yielded. Things like that are so strange.
about 6 years ago
I'm thinking of buying singles to make 3 or 4 decks based off of the playstyles I enjoyed back before I got rid of my whole collection. The only problem is that even with advanced settings to help search results, I still cannot find what a plethora of cards are actually called. /1
about 6 years ago
well i do put nexus of fate in my deck. but i did it as an anti mill. because you can't be mill out if you have nexus of fate. other than nexus of fate Gaea's blessing will also do the same and better if you play green.
about 6 years ago
@Marcos Kosteraku Sollero Gruul aggro can be the new answer to Teferi, they can set Rhythm of the Wild, and now Teferi deck can't counter you that much. They can also remove him with Thrash//Threat, at instant speed, so they can kill him before activating any effect.
about 6 years ago
Feel that same way when it comes to Steam sales.
about 6 years ago
Jo, you could go to a store to see a pre-release paper event xD
there are some nice stores in São Paulo
About Teferi, he's probably continue a strong deck, but golgari midrange and monored aggro are already dealing with him atm, I don't think he'll rule the meta anymore
about 6 years ago
Pre release this weekend! I’m excited to see which guild does best!
about 6 years ago
The pauper troll deck is gonna be Persistent Petitioner, whileas Merfolk Tribal laughs in Zegana's face and keeps going with Herald of the Secret Streams. Combine Guildmage will be welcomed as a combat trick on a stick, and Gyre Engineer for ramp.
about 6 years ago
They realized this issue, and tried their best to make Blue/White not centralized around Teferi this set.

Also Hydroid Krasis just dumpsters all over him, as does the new Salamandrake.
about 6 years ago
Lavinia of the Tenth is now an Azorius Renegade, and looking for a new home. Just saying...