What people are saying about "Color Pie"
Color Pie
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about 6 years ago
I'd pay good money to see a pie with a different flavor in each slice in real life.
about 6 years ago
@Adryan Tymes, that's why that slice is not actually part of the pie
about 6 years ago
Angie, you deserve every mill every Jace's Erasure in the world gives you.
about 6 years ago
Hello yes I play UW Control

What's that? Ninth Circle? Excellent.
about 6 years ago
I once beat my friend's blue counterspell deck with Burnout. My best (and only) victory on him. Yes, I did yell "GOTCHA!" at him.
about 6 years ago
LMAO! No blueberries. Just liver and contempt.

You need schooling in the old ways, Jo. If you think blue is bad in formats they *balance* it for...try some Legacy/Vintage some time...
about 6 years ago
Well, if you haven't read the books, you lose out on 80% of what The Witcher 3 "is". Mass Effect was a brand new "universe" so it didn't have any baggage, nor needed to rely on any previous "story" or "lore".
about 6 years ago
Speaking of decks from hell... I have an Atraxa deck (EDH) where I turn 1 dropped a doubling season and turn 2 dropped and ulted Tamiyo, Field Researcher, followed by dropping for free now and ulting Ugin. (Honestly, the cards just aligned perfectly. I never expect to see it happen again, lol)
about 6 years ago
anyone who enjoys playing prison combos is a dick. and they should be ashamed of themselves.
about 6 years ago
You got it all wrong, they don't deserve a place in hell. They are from there.
about 6 years ago
Control players deserve a special place in hell.
about 6 years ago
I am gonna eat my pie of liver and contempt, cause i won the paper prerelease at my lcs with an UGW mid range control!
about 6 years ago
Moral of the story, Jo is apparently salty about Blue Control
about 6 years ago
Fair enough. Plus it's not like Geralt can probe Uranus.
about 6 years ago
@Adrian tymes i don't think Cheesecake is a flavor that normally ends up in Pies? given the thematic fruit choices so far Green is probably Lime, apple, or pear and White is either coconut or lemon?
about 6 years ago
All this talk of Gwent, Artifact, & Magic and I'm sitting here playing Pokemon TCGO.
about 6 years ago
Love Mass Effect, but I did prefer the First version - 2 aspects, one was the lack of finding ammo mechanic that I'd hated all the way back to Doom. The other was I like sniping but the spawn style enemies in the second didn't allow that.
about 6 years ago
I'd love to eat Angie's pie.
about 6 years ago
I used to hate blue, so I kept all my blue cards in a shoebox in my closet. Then some a--h-le broke into my locker at school and stole all my cards (except blue, which was, of course, banished to the closet). So, I had to build new decks out of the only color I had. Blue. Since then, I love blue!
about 6 years ago
Assuming the blue is actually blueberries (because liver and contempt would sour the adjacent slices), white could be cheesecake, but what would green be? Kiwis?

(Also, Jane's line should be, "Which color does this represent?", or, "This one represents which color?")
about 6 years ago
Mass Effect is one of my favorites franchises, i love the lore, and ME2 and ME3 still have decent graphics even for today standards
about 6 years ago
What actually seems really strong is orzhov (white - black). The afterlife stuff is actually really strong as your creatures block profitably and can also take removal or sac effects without losing complete board presence. There's also a lot of creature removal in those colors, which is always good.
about 6 years ago
I did a bit of the sealed six RNA yesterday on MTGA. Ironically the annoying things about blue - card draw and counters - aren't that bad, which isn't surprising as RNA is meant to be drafted along with the first set. This set, the blue that is in the form of flying adapt creatures that hit early.
about 6 years ago
Oh, I DO hope this year's Simic Slew is not the same from last time...just like last time...
about 6 years ago
Moral of the Story - Angie will soon make new foods for new expansions....so no-one tell her the recipe for Simic Slaw.