What people are saying about "Memes"
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about 5 years ago
The really memorable memes will still pop up occasionally even after their main run, but people have short attention spans, so the joke is only funny for so long. That said, the lady yelling at cat meme has had a spectacularly good run.
about 5 years ago
Haha, good one, thinking Ugandan Knuckles hasn't been going strong for 2 years now!
about 5 years ago
Dickbutt and Woman yelling at a cat are eternal thought.
about 5 years ago
I think OK, boomer is the most annoying one that's gone around for a while. I don't know what it is but I find it super irritating.
about 5 years ago
OK boomers make older folks angry because the millennials do not listen but agree in a way to say "ok, but shut up". Sadly, millennials don't get they are at the bottom of the food chain but for companies that are willing to sell trash (nike, addidas, apple...)

about 5 years ago
remember when memes were good?
pepperidge farm remembers!
about 5 years ago
Here's the weird thing about the OK Boomer phrase: It's making older folks angry but it's not even a real insult. It's just the equivalent of kids saying "yeah, whatever, old-timer." ...It's just mild ribbing yet it's legitimately getting folks huffy and upset.
about 5 years ago
Fed up != stale. After all, the people who got fed up with it are likely not the same as the people perpetrating it.
about 5 years ago
yeah, it's not a meme from high quality. More something to anoy other people.
about 5 years ago
Is iAlso something like iPad? Won't iApple sue you, Jo?
about 5 years ago
I know some people who say they are already fed up with Ok Boomer
about 5 years ago
I don't know, the 2 meme you pictured in this comic already got a life spam longer than months. Think Uganta Knucle was hot for about 3-5week, and OK boomer is still hot (+4 week?)