To be fair, I think 2016~2017 was a very bumpy period, and 2018~2019 was going fairly well... until 2020. I doudbt 2021 will top it, unless we get something worse than a pandemy. I mean, only a literall WW to be worse. The bar is set pretty low now.
Tentajo, Monday morning: Hey, where is everyone?
random stagehand: They all got the covid.
Tentajo: Huh. I should have drawn them partying in masks.
Us: And nothing else.
2021 won't be any different than 2020. We will still be stuck in our houses for most of the year and even after that some rules will stick around. Not to mention the Karens who will keep whining about social distancing after. I just want the face masks and social distancing BS to fuck off already.
4.0–4.9. Light. Noticeable shaking of indoor objects and rattling noises. Felt by most people in the affected area. Slightly felt outside. Generally causes zero to minimal damage. Moderate to significant damage very unlikely. Some objects may fall off shelves or be knocked over.