What people are saying about "Too Good"
Too Good
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about 4 years ago
Maybe you just hate losing.
about 4 years ago
Okay...I'm going there. Hades just looks completely unappealing. The dev's obsession with isometric is going overboard, and the art looks like a massive circlejerk. Way too slick and comic-booky for its own good.
about 4 years ago
That cerberus on the first image...
about 4 years ago
@alex khudoyarov. Ares + Athena duo boon can be devastating and melt bosses out right. Just look up how to get it. And I hope you been gifting the nectars to the gods as well
about 4 years ago
It has a dedicated button to pet Cerberus. You can't get better than that.
about 4 years ago
Wait until you discover that the perfect catch, needed to pick rare fishes, requires a response time under 0,5 sec.
about 4 years ago
@Thomas Robbins: Lol, *that* makes you "nope out"? They give them fiery feet, they transform the peaceful meadows of Asphodel into a fiery landscape, they separate the family so it's not all incest-based, and the thing that's too far for you is that a goddess has any arbitrary skin tone?
about 4 years ago
@Thomas Robbins: To be fair, considering all the technicolor people in the game, Athena having dark skin is not too out of the left field. It's still a little jarring, but at least she is not blue.
about 4 years ago
Some of the skill combos can be pretty funny tho. Some like to come up with silly names for them.
about 4 years ago
Would you provide a commentary regarding this year's Steam Award?
about 4 years ago
Didn't stop you from making a Scrooge Lemongrass joke. Can't find anything good to turn up to 11?
about 4 years ago
Angie's boobs are looking nice.
about 4 years ago
When in doubt: Penisballs comedy joke.
Works every time.
about 4 years ago
If you have difficulty with the game take as many risks as possible that increase your damage.
Things get really interesting.
about 4 years ago
I'd say my only personal complaint after some 70 runs was a lack of environmental variety. I know the amount of work would have been astronomical but I'd have loved to eventually have a choice between the fire rivers and..ionno, a swamp zone instead.
about 4 years ago
The great news is that the game DOES pull some surprises, and not only do they make sense within the context of the story, but they actually improve the game and make you want to press forward even more on subsequent runs.
about 4 years ago
The only complaint i can leverage against Hades, is that enemy health shoots up closer to the end, and killing anything becomes a grind. Especially bosses. I'm sure some combination of boons, can help alleviate this issue, but it doesn't show up often enough for me.
about 4 years ago
You know your game is a gem when Blizzard steals the idea and implements it in Shadowlands. Torghast is basically a WoW adaptation of Hades, and everyone figured that out on the first day lol.
about 4 years ago
Games like these always amuse me - it's like - this game is REALLY good and really fun and it held my attention for several hours... BUT, meanwhile, there's plenty of other SHIT games that I have just GOT to play so I can bitch about the collapse of the gaming market - so - yeah, I'mma do that now!
about 4 years ago
This game is a hard drug... almost eighty hours of game in less of a week. I never was so hooked to a game before.
And i still didn't finish it properly (the queen has returned but i still have work to do...)!
about 4 years ago
Do I see sneaky Helltaker reference?
about 4 years ago
you can make an"are you losing son?"joke.