What people are saying about "Homewrecker"
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over 14 years ago
Oooooooo, I want those boobs sooooo much. I'd let her do that to my gun.
over 14 years ago
Protip: All pro's use the Homewrecker

It's just so satisfying when you kill someone with it and see them RAAAAGE!
over 14 years ago
es where my actions have turned a retreat into a push, and a stalemate into an absolute rout! Losing a little bit of dps in exchange for adding to my ability to toss the enemy around = nice upgrade for my play style.
over 14 years ago
d to where our turrets could deal with them. I generally would only get 2-4 direct kills in the 5 seconds before being taken down, but I would single-handedly /destroy/ any plan or cohesiveness that they might have had. Even though I don't claim any great skill, there have been more than a few tim
over 14 years ago
I play Pyro more as a flaming, evil, avatar of utter Chaos. I've lost count of the number of times I've flanked until I could drop right in the middle of half the enemy team who were setting up for a massive push, then ran around alike a madman, setting everyone on fire and blasting the medics ahea
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28934]@Scarecrow[/url]: Axtinguisher/Airblast dancing is key to taking down a class fast. In close-quarters combat, a smart pyro can slaughter a heavy before he has a chance to react. Ambushing is now more vital to his style. Axtinguishing is harder in 32-player servers, so medic-buddy is still vital.
over 14 years ago
@ Axlion:

In large 32 player games, a Pyro's life expectancy is usually measured in seconds, so in those situations you just try to do as much damage as you can.

When games get smaller, the combo gets more important, as you have to take people down solo much more often.
over 14 years ago
I never found a use for the airblast or axtinguisher. Mainly cause I don't see there being enough time to use them when you're being shot at.
over 14 years ago
True, but meh, I only used the axe anyway.
Picker of Nits
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28927]@iSpycheck[/url]: I actually found the BB's damage "buff" kind of ironic. Far from giving it some ambush utility, it's now better in up-front damage than the classic flamethrower, making it even more of a thoughtless W+M1 weapon than before.
over 14 years ago
The true benefit to the Homewrecker isn't the damage to buildings, it is the shame you inflict when you actually manage to kill someone with it, and I think its crit rate is up there with the rocket launcher
over 14 years ago
TBH... I don't think nerfing/buffing fire damages of flamethrower/backburner would help getting rid of W+M1... like people who do that are using BB already.

Or Valve wasn't even considering getting rid of it.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28922]@Regal[/url]: While we're at it, let's get rid of that silly looking fire resistant suit, and put on something more stylish. Something with pinstripes and a tie. Of course we still have to have a mask of some kind to keep that air of mystery.
over 14 years ago
Okay, so instead of charging in, a pyro is supposed to ambush people. And he's supposed to destroy buildings up close instead at a distance. I think I know how to fix this. All he needs is a special device to let him turn invisible! And maybe a few disguises.
Pregnant Orc
over 14 years ago
Perhaps it whould be fitting to change the standard wepon to be the Backburner and the regular airblaster to be the drop/unlockable one now that it focuses more on the airblast.
BB is still about good old burning and would fit better with the class name
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28898]@MegaTank[/url]: Yeah, pretty much. You really have to use the Axetinguisher to kill anything with Pyro now. It was already a risky business to just ambush people and kill them with the flamethrower before the damage reduction, so now it's doubly so.
over 14 years ago
I'm sorry but Pyro's left hand looks deformed and painful.
over 14 years ago
also I've gotten thousand of kills with airblast without the buff, so it wasn't necessary, and removed my favorite part of the original class, or at least made it less useful.Third, I can't help feeling that this is a response to people's insistence that Pyro is W+M1. No. You do that, you get killed
Manah Manah
over 14 years ago
Self ubering your own head is OP, nerf please
over 14 years ago
My problem is not so much with the nerf itself, but with the ideas behind it. To those who are commenting on airblast, NO. His name is not Aero, it's Pyro, therefore, even though airblast is a very useful tool, setting people on fire should still be a viable option.
over 14 years ago
Homewrecker is Usefull, Giving a crazy Serial Killer a Sledgehammer is the best thing in the world. :D
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28866]@AngryPotato[/url] "Good pyro play was always about airblast" Except for, you know, the first entire year the game was out when airblast didn't exist.
over 14 years ago
Also[url=#user_comment_28878] @Demoman[/url] Because Demoman is truly the most skillful class, right guys? Right? Also, it's "Sentence," you drunken cyclops.
over 14 years ago
I'm glad you're back to caring about what you draw. The well-drawn bodies and expressions have returned in full force, as well as the little details and background jokes I stopped seeing when you were churning out Starcraft comics and the like.
It looks great.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28908]@SargeTH[/url]: If he does have any luck with it, it'll be a Natascha Heavy.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28878]@Demoman[/url]: Yes....now its a Heavy waiting around the corner. Good luck with that.
over 14 years ago
Pyro got buffed, what is he whining about?
over 14 years ago
They nerfed the flamethrower just for the airblast. Now it's like the pyro is impotent and just firing blanks.
I've never, EVER, seen a problem with the flamethrower being OP. Not only that, but every time vavle adds a way to put the fire out it makes he pyro even weaker.
over 14 years ago
He's got a Thermal Detonator!!!!
over 14 years ago
I sometimes wonder about the basic intelligence of people anymore. Airblast being the be-all and end-all ability is...actually utterly irrelevant.

Back to basics here, folks. What's the class named? PYRO. What's a pyro's defining function? Killing it with *fire*. *This* is why people complain.
over 14 years ago
If you ask me, the changes to pyro gave more reason to use the Axtinguisher more than anything else.

Boosts to Compression blast are nice, but really hard to use. The pay-off is even sweeter now though...
over 14 years ago
Stealth pun, maybe?
over 14 years ago
Pyro, here's how you get sniper-tan on your side.
"Yeah, it's no big deal NOW, but when I'm too busy making up the difference from all those nerfs, it's going to be a fuckton harder to keep those spies off you!"
over 14 years ago
Urge to kill.... Rising...
over 14 years ago
I don't understand why he's raging. Nothing is more satisfying (backstab/headshot/melee-killing/taunt-killing notwithstanding)than using your opponent's own projectiles against him/her.

Also, now it's easier for Pyro to light Sniper-tan's arrow. She doesn't even have to be in the mood!
Troll NOW!!
over 14 years ago
Don't be a hater of rage! LOVE DA RAGE! But ya what the hell with the hammer? I have only seen it shine when a pyro worked with a sapping spy!
over 14 years ago
haha... She got "Two buffs"... that's a nice way of saying implants!

And check out the... flame war... in the comments!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28878]@Demoman[/url]: Unless there's a Soldier or Heavy around the corner. Or a Demoman with stickies set up. My experience is that they can capitalize on a blind corner quite a bit better than even a pre-update Pyro.
over 14 years ago
Kind of ironic that Demoman is complaining about walking around the corner and being killed "randomly", as if nade spam down chokepoints is so precise and skillful.
over 14 years ago
STILL love the pyro nerf, it's about time you didnt get a death sentance for walking round the corner at the wrong time.
over 14 years ago
I only use the Flamethrower to paint targets for Axtinguishing, so I won't miss much.

The afterburn was so great for pissing off Scouts, though. Q_Q I miss you, 60-or-so-damage afterburn.
over 14 years ago
First time commenter, just found out about the comic and have to say it's awesome (even if only for the cute genderswapped TF2 classers. :P).
Far as the Pyro-changes...seems like a lot of people are overvaluing the airblast. Reflects are a lot harder to use effectively than people are thinking.
over 14 years ago
Buffing airblast in no way compensates for the huge damage decrease AND afterburn decrease.

That's like saying we'll take 20% damage off the direct hit but buff the shotgun for soldier.
over 14 years ago
I love how all the w + M1 pyros whine about the damage nerf. IF you still wish to w + m1 people, go use the Backburner. It's not like you were hitting M2 all that much anyway.
It's been less than 3 days since the update came out. Before you start whining, TRY it out. The new airblast is amazing.
over 14 years ago
Hey, I play pyro a lot (2nd class) and I don't think he got nerfed, but buffed! Come on, we've got more airblasts now (it takes less ammo and cooldown is shorter)! Good pyro play was always about airblast - whether it is airblasting projectiles (hey, minicrits! next buff!) or axtinguishing heavies!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28863]@KissyBear[/url]: Ironically enough, Sasha is a male Russian name.
over 14 years ago
Well, due to the new "buff", Pyro is no longer a viable option for me. Also, isn't the minigun called "Sasha"? What's the male equivalent of that?

Also, this may be considered spam, but I'd love ingame classes-tan models. Anyone up to the job?
over 14 years ago
My favorite class is now OP. I had the highest ping on Hoodoo and was leading the scoreboards as Heavy.

Old Minigun speed please VALVe
over 14 years ago
Yeah, sure.Less damage+less afterburn=buff.
Wait, what?
An Actaul Pyro Player
over 14 years ago
Stop fucking crying, the pyro got buffed not nerfed. The new pyro update is fucking awesome.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28851]@Filipus1000[/url]: The backburner stayed the same, they just reduced the regular flamethrower damage so now the backburner description says it does increased damage in relation to that.
over 14 years ago
I use the Homewrecker ;_;
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28845]@kal[/url], how does this mean "Suck it, W+M1"? THEY BUFFED THE BACKBURNER. Moar like "We love you, W+M1" Amirite?
over 14 years ago
I have to agree that the dropping damage makes it harder and harder to actually kill things as a pyro, and easier and easier to kill the pyro, even after he starts flaming you.

I don't know about you guys, but I remember way back when, when afterburn actually killed people.
A Pyro.
over 14 years ago
I like the changes. I don't normally let people die from flame damage anyway lol
over 14 years ago
Suck it, W+M1.
over 14 years ago
It's not so much the fact that Pyros still can't effectively kill people with the puff-n-sting so much as it is the fact that Pyros are being dragged further and further away from being an offensive class. I mean, most of Pyros extra equips are still useless to him. Compared to other classes........
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28839]@Njittie[/url]: Shotgun and/or Shovel/Equalizer ... you can play a W+M1 Soldier too ya know :)
over 14 years ago
The new airblasting system is shit if you like to play Soldier though. You can't get your rockets even close to a pyro.
over 14 years ago
1-2.5 sec KO with bb from behind, mini crit airblasts, easy crits with axetinguisher+airblasts, have fun whining W+M1s

But okay, I'll agree the homewrecker is trash.
over 14 years ago
Considering the introduction of Air-blasting and Jarate so long ago to put out fires anyhoo.
over 14 years ago
I actually tried some Pyro play today, even though I haven't really been interested in TF2 .... honestly it doesn't feel like a huge change ... fire still kills people, Pyro's can disrupt big group attacks if dumb, lucky, smart enough to pull it off ... the low burn isn't as big a deal really.
Kitten Powah
over 14 years ago
I have an utopia of hoping that homewrecker will be usefull after the engi update.
over 14 years ago
Valve will either fix it with something, or reveal that the change is all according to plan.

Just wait for the engie update, the homewrecker might be useful then.
Robert W
over 14 years ago
Sadly, I think TF2 proves that constantly patching a game for balance manages to turn people into morons.
over 14 years ago
This nerf is wrong. Very wrong. This comic is right.
Why Valve, why?? Why do you hate pyro so? I thought there was a guy at Valve who liked pyro, and tried to keep him good.
But now, EPIC FAIL has occurred. And now, people are trolling pyros about being W+1. It's really, really sad.
over 14 years ago
Also Sniper-tan and Heavy-tan got a artistic makeover eh? :D Pinups? :D
over 14 years ago
He's only gotten buffs ever since the game came out, and the first nerfs he did get ever in the recent patch was only because of the major airblast buffs he got.

I swear, the pyro player base is the biggest bunch of winers I have ever seen in a gaming community, moreso than WoW.
over 14 years ago
@Doctor Eekolu: IMO dont think Pyro needs a good weapon. He's a pyro. HE BURNS THINGS. Homewrecker is... well kinda useless I dont see a position it fill other than taking up space for your axtingusher/fireaxe. I mean your flamethrower blows up buildings pretty well already. Why use melee?
over 14 years ago
It's not even funny how Valve forces the players to use certain weapon-combos. I don't like the Axtinguisher, so I have to use the Backburner, because the Flamethrower gotten useless without it.
over 14 years ago
The first thing I thought when I saw the new Pyro changes was amazement that he got such massive buffs...and then I saw the Steam forums. I guess 90% of the people playing Pyro either lack basic hand-eye coordination to use the airblast effectively or have no idea how to use the Axtinguisher.
over 14 years ago
Anyone else notice the name of this comic page is Homewrecker?
Doctor Eekolu
over 14 years ago
Oh, Valve, you and your inability to make a good weapon for the pyro.
over 14 years ago
I like Oliveman's photonote translation of the Pyro's rant.
over 14 years ago
Pyro nerf? For those who haven't discovered M2, I suppose.
over 14 years ago
"You need to work for your kill."

Unless you're a Heavy, Sniper, Demoman, Soldier, or engineer. They really just have to spray, camp, spam, spam, and smack a gun with a wrench respectively to get get kills. I've never grasped the pyro whining most of the time it's not even the most used class.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28795]@Zodbones[/url]: The duration reduction alone wouldn't really have done anything, because, unlike what it used to be like, the up-front damage is what owns you. Not the burn. Unless, of course, you're a Scout, and you have just enough health to get as far as 1 inch away from the pills.
over 14 years ago
forums steampowered com/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=545

and especially

forums steampowered com/forums/showthread.php?t=1252294

READ THEM before spouting nonsense like "he got buffed". Thanks.
over 14 years ago
With that latest patch I'm seeing MORE backburners out there now that the backburners damage was normalized with its 20% damage buff.
I think the damage reduction was a bit much
the duration reduction alone would've been fine.
over 14 years ago
It's more like the Heavy got 3 buffs. A spin-up buff, which he didn't need and renders any sort of positioning skill moot, a spin-down buff and a movement speed buff when spun-up, which are good.
IMO, Heavy needs old spin-up speed again.
over 14 years ago
Airblast buff was fine, flame nerf was totally unnecessary and uncalled for. Pyro might as well be called Aero now. He's running around with a leafblower that can additionally give the enemies a nice tan.

Nice comic thought, Joe! Last panel is how I feel right now...
over 14 years ago
Seriously, the Pyro speaks!

But anyway, yeah, the Homewrecker kinda sucks.
over 14 years ago
The airblast buff is still totally worth it though. The nerf in fire damage won't really bother Ax-Masters.
Me or I, one of them
over 14 years ago
...Pyro is still speaking...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_28772]@Xriloku[/url]: I would adore the airblast if it existed. olol imma console player
over 14 years ago
I would adore the airblast if it's range was just a little larger.
over 14 years ago
This update really forces the Pyro to use the axtinguisher.

btw, That 20% increase in Backburner damage only brings it to 96% of where it was originally. The BB's been nerfed with no bonus whatsoever.
over 14 years ago
Personally, I like the changes. The airblast buff is totally worth the fire nerf.
over 14 years ago
I know how this will end, Pyro will discover the 20% damage increase to the Backburner and will make sweet sweet love to his old flame.
over 14 years ago
Honestly the fact that airblast has had it's cooldown time (finally!) and usage reduced - you don't see me complaining. I'm a hardcore pyro player - just means I light them a bit and then shoot them with the shotgun or *legasp* use the axtinguisher as it's meant to be used.
over 14 years ago
You know where the bottom of that minigun is..
over 14 years ago
On the plus side, +20% damage for Backburner! Time to pull it out of the closet my friend.
Now if only Natasha were tweaked a bit...
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
Sucks for you, guy...
over 14 years ago
For once I wish I was a chain gun
over 14 years ago
that heavy is enjoying her gun TOO much
Cyclone Duk
over 14 years ago
zomg first <3