What people are saying about "Not worth"
Not worth
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oh my D
almost 15 years ago
Birry Ree
almost 15 years ago
I feel like achievements add a nice sense of purpose and accomplishment. I'm always excited to see that I've unlocked one. That being said though, I tend not to go out of my way in order to get them.
almost 15 years ago
To continue (damn this character limit) it would also add replay value to the storyline for players who enjoy getting the achievements.
almost 15 years ago
I am of the opinion that singleplayer achievements should only be available after you've played through the game once. The player can focus on playing the GAME as it was intended instead of attempting to meet artificial standards imposed by achievements, at least the first time around.
almost 15 years ago
Reading this and the replies I'm glad to find out I wasn't the only one who couldn't care less about achievements
almost 15 years ago
Achievements themselves are awesome and add a lot of replay value for me. You could have just said, 'I don't want to go for achievements right now', or something. Seems more like a problem in communication, rather than the system itself.
almost 15 years ago
Amen brother, AMEN!
Achievements to me have done nothing other than turn most of my friends in to HOs.

I wish they'd get rid of them, but it doesn't seem likely :(
Achievement Critic
almost 15 years ago
I agree with your comments on achievements somewhat.
I'd like to see achievements that encourage irregular gameplay require that you've played through normally beforehand.

Take for example an achievement for beating a game without powerups. It should require that you beat the game before.
almost 15 years ago
I'd rather have just grind achievements so it doesnt alter your goal
almost 15 years ago
Oh god, this made me laugh. Well done.
almost 15 years ago
As one who played the 3rd game: HYES. Having to beat up gangs, forest gangs, ninjas, desert gangs who look like city gangs, AND chokeslaming mummies after rescuing the girl twice already? THIS COMIC.

Girl should have at least gotten a taser......
almost 15 years ago
Imho, if someone is trying to get achievements in MP, then tell them to stop or just play with other people. That's not hard to do.Also, achievements are also very similar to how side missions work in some games. Lastly, it's not like your forced to get them,honestly. They are easy to avoid tbh.
almost 15 years ago
Cody or Guy could smash through those punks any time.
almost 15 years ago
The only achievements you shoudl be aiming for on expert is the expert achievements. Which is finishing the campaigns on... Expert...

Normal and Easy for achievements is better. Advanced is still... very hard if you've got one guy wanting and only aiming for an achievement.
almost 15 years ago
When it comes to getting achievements in MP: don't hate the game, hate the playah.
almost 15 years ago
Achievements you say?
Defiant Wolf
almost 15 years ago
Wow, I haven't thought of Double Dragon in a long time. I feel old now.
almost 15 years ago
@beep boop:
It ain't a matter of receiving an unexpected gift, rather a matter of pointless grinding to get one.
almost 15 years ago
beep boop
almost 15 years ago
seriously though if you dont try to get an achievement then you get one. It's FAR more fun then you think it's like receiving an unexpected gift for your awesomeness!
almost 15 years ago
Ah, the good old days:

No regeneration health. No boring cinematics. No pretentious stories.

Just you, and a legion of faceless goons that need to be given a lethal dose of Karate.
Random Douche
almost 15 years ago
Eh, I find it more fun finding out about how effective some stuff are on my own. "Hey, look what I can do with this!" [url=#user_comment_30452] @Kurata[/url] Not everyone is as skilled or as experienced as you and whoever you play with.
almost 15 years ago
Time to take out your frustrations with the bat glitch on the girder pile!
almost 15 years ago
Nerfnow gets the honor of being the slowest-loading site I've been to yet.
almost 15 years ago
Reminds me of this: http://www.firstpersonobserver.com/apocalypse-survivor-irritated-by-helpful-companions/
almost 15 years ago
Septic Tank, the achievement, was trying to show you how bile bombing a Tank would aid you against them by making zombies attack them. Some achievements are worthless, some are actual things you achieve, but others can just be helpful hints.
almost 15 years ago
Honestly, there's nothing wrong with achievements/trophies in and of themselves--frankly, they're no worse than any other sidequest thing. I like them because a lot of them are interesting tasks that I *wouldn't* think of trying on my own. It's how they're *presented* for e-peen waving. :-/
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30444]@Lester[/url]: You're also missing a childhood spent playing good games. Play Double Dragon. [url=#user_comment_30445] @Catalyst[/url]: [url=#user_comment_30446] @SingleDragon[/url]: Stop making it easy D:
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30455]@SRG[/url]: <------<<< his post O your head
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30423]@Style[/url]: If someone's dumb enough to need an achievement to clue you into obvious strategies, they don't deserve it. If they aren't creative enough to come up with cool little challenges on their own, they shouldn't be taking glory from people that do. If they're just a whore for points play MMOs.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30415]@Brian[/url]: Then why are we trying to keep the uncreative, uninteresting ones arou- oh right, sales. @???: Little did you know the girl was pregnant. NEXT UPDATE MUST BE A CTRL-ALT-DEL MISCARRIAGE SPOOF, YOU KNOW IT IN YOUR HEART JO!
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30412]@Detis[/url]: The problem with that is you can go online and see just how many other people have also done your challenge, which really lessens the sense of awesomeness. In the good days you sent in proof to Nintendo power and had thousands of readers envy you. Now you're one of several thousand.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30398]@Guy[/url]: Because nobody ever came up with their own little challenges to do before developers started making shopping lists for us, right? When did gamers lose their creativity? We've been doing ironmans, speed runs, and limited runs since the dawn of gaming.
almost 15 years ago
"I couldn't care less about achievements and his tip reminded me of how distracting they can be."
"achievements are an unwelcome annoyance instead of an interesting addition. I enjoyed my games more without them."

THANK YOU! What happened to playing a game for (You lost) THE GAME ITSELF?
almost 15 years ago
I don't think achievements are a huge deal, so long as you're not actively going after them or they're designed in such a way that you can get them without going out of your way or it's advantageous to do them. Like 'Violence in Silence' in L4D2.
Josh Miller
almost 15 years ago
Yeah. I was playing TF2 the other day and I was trying to get the one where to "Stickybomb 20 spies after they sap a friendly building". So I'd set bombs, then hide. even when i saw the spy coming, which was almost every time, I'd wait till he had dropped his sappers.
almost 15 years ago
I didn't see the Facebook thing D:
Now i get the joke!
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30446]@SingleDragon[/url]: she ends up dead around the second to third game*. so she had it coming to her. arcade she stays dead, nintendo she comes back.
almost 15 years ago
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30445]@Catalyst[/url] I usually do Akimbo on advanced, since I always save up money and the pistols are rather powerful on left 4 dead, anyway, and we don't really fail at finishing the map.
almost 15 years ago
Or not trying it on hard and expert. Hell, thats what solo-easy is for...
almost 15 years ago
It's not the achievements' fault, it's the players'...
People should try to get achievements like "Akimbo" only when they know they are not making the other players have a hard time, AKA trying four at a time with friends or something...
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30444]@Lester[/url]: You basically have to kill a fuckload of baddies and a few hookers, some of whom have magical powers in order to get back your girlfriend, then she makes the two of you fight to the death to decide who she's going to stay with. Bitch.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30444]@Lester[/url]: The plot of the game Double Dragon pretty much revolved around you taking out a street gang to save your girlfriend. Also DO: Hit the L4D2 Moustachio achievement when an extra adren shot is lying around. DONT: Do Akimbo on hard.
almost 15 years ago
I'm missing something on the comic today. Anyone care to explain?
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30395]@Takhiarel[/url] The CSS Beta now has 144 achievements. If you don't believe -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=89PZQ4bCqCg
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30432]@Kriztov[/url]: that's not freddy it's jimmy lee(billy lee blonde twin). I don't know why he's wearing billy's vest. I take it he stole them like he did with his girl.
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30423]@style[/url] It doesn't point out that it's pointless though, as you're more likely to shoot the zombies killing the tanks, than actually letting them kill the tank.
almost 15 years ago
Achievements are for players who like to stroke and show off their e-peen. I'd appreciate it better if the achievement systems were only limited to single-player games/modes.
almost 15 years ago
why is Freddi from Scooby Doo hiding behind a wall?
almost 15 years ago
It all depends on the game I suppose. In some games the achievements are really troublesome, but in others they just show others a degree of your skills, thinking, cunning maybe. It gets a bit annoying, yes, when the game expects you to threaten the whole team, just for the sake of a nice badge.
almost 15 years ago
i hate it when some drooling tard goes out for an impossible "achievement" that requires perfect coordiantion, timing and planning from the whole team, possible only with people you know to the core, and then they expect all that from total strangers out of the blue.
That Scout Is A Spy
almost 15 years ago
I dont like it when they put achievements that are distracting,I enjoy it when they are made so you will get them by playing the game.Like some of the TF2 ones how its just do a specific task or kill X amount.I don't like it when they put ridiculous ones that make ppl ask"can you help me boost this"
almost 15 years ago
"At least it was not a run of L4D1 on hard which we failed several times because one of the players insisted of only using the pistols for his akimbo achievement."
almost 15 years ago
I hope you realize that there is also times where achievements are made in order to point out something you would not see otherwise *as in the case of this one

This achievement was pointing that you could use the masses of zombies attacking you and turn them on the most deadly enemy of the game
almost 15 years ago
Yeah...this strip isn't going to bring up any concerns about sexual assault or rape...riiiiight?
almost 15 years ago
Hell, I'm quite partial to achievements, but I try to make sure that people are OK with me gimping myself (and by extension, the team) or asking them if they are willing to play under harder rules.
almost 15 years ago
i..... dont get it
almost 15 years ago
[url=#user_comment_30398]@Guy[/url]: You fail at reading comprehension forever. He didn't imply that it was the MERE presence of achievements that annoyed him, but rather of douchbags who got angry when people didn't seem to want to play ball to their arbitrary goals instead of just, you know, playing the game.
almost 15 years ago
Sometimes the funnest part of a game can be doing something crazy or interesting, and 90% of gamers would never come up with creative or crazy things to do, that make things fun. Achievements are a sort of supplement for that, i guess
Wolf the Widowmaker
almost 15 years ago

The First-Person Observer has pointed out the achievement whoring in L4D2
almost 15 years ago
I feel achievements more like "challenges" basically things that you would've tried anyway in the game just to test yourself, only now you get something that has proof. Only problem is that people really either flaunt it or abuse it. As far as multiplayer goes get friends and play the game no hassle
almost 15 years ago
feel like playing double dragon now...
almost 15 years ago
This is precisely why I do whatever achievements I can in single player, and before doing the ones that require other players I ask if they mind. While I do care about achievements, as they make my e-penis ever so slightly larger, I don't think it's fair to impose on other players.
almost 15 years ago
I meant there's nothing stopping you from playing the game without trying to get achievements >.<

Trying to say two things at once doesn't work too well.
almost 15 years ago
If you really don't like achievements, then ignore them. There's nothing stopping you from playing the game in order to get achievements.

Achievements are just there if you want them. They add more replayability in a game for those that do care about them.
almost 15 years ago
+1 Venerax
When I see that Valve will implant achievements for CS:S, I'm laughing just thinking how most players will react.
almost 15 years ago
Achievements are nice, but they should definitely stay away from multiplayer where first-timers might be playing; a group of friends playing through for a second/third time hunting for achievements can actually be a riot.