I'm probably one of the real hard core sonic fans. I have been playing the game since it's release back in 92 on the Sega Genesis Game Consol. I've played every Sonic game and found that they are infact intact with their roots in each and every game. 'Fans' need to learn the actual roots.
lee brandin detroy
over 13 years ago
i like miles prower being called a female ,because she is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute, and lovely,and she is soooooooooooooooooooooooo rawrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
over 13 years ago
perv destoyer
over 13 years ago
only flaw with the sonic series, attracting too much attention of hypocrite pervs who thinks anthropomorphic animal porn is more decent than their own species
Furry person
about 14 years ago
As a furry, I know how it is, and yeah, this made me laugh about, 'cause alot of furries that are WAY over the top. Some are even into beastiality. But I've seen way worse. BELIEEEEEEEEVE me.
Dr. Healswell
over 14 years ago
Problem, furfags?
over 14 years ago
@Ample Ryan
On the internet, EVERYONE IS FURRY.
Also troll.
Also trekkie. You see, all the nerd classes merge into one superclass that out 34's and out competes everything
Thus the internet takes over the world and it is revealed that /b/ WAS SKYNET ALL ALONG.
Also yay fanservice.
over 14 years ago
This is why I hate being a furry, too much drama over the little things. XD
Comic is epic, the only problem I see is when the hell did Sonic get muscles? XD
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36900]@blarg[/url] That is just a rumor.
It is said that Tails was also supposed to be a tanuki(and Sonic could've been an armadillo).
But he isn't. He is a fox and he is male. Just because it could've been that way doesn't mean it is correct.
over 14 years ago
oh yeah, you can really see how the artist made a deep, objective research into the furry community before deciding to make this[/sarcasm] >.>
like really? Did ya need to do it? Could you have at least ditched the costume?
over 14 years ago
@Fathoms the Fox: HIFF IN YELL,FURFAGS
over 14 years ago
I can't figure out how to use Photo notes.
over 14 years ago
tails was supposed to be female anyway
Fathoms the Fox
over 14 years ago
besides, tails is too awesome for that. i say to ditch sonic and re-make the series in the name of tails :P
Fathoms the Fox
over 14 years ago
thats not furries, thats just WRONG >.>
an no " yiff in hell, furfags" please. dont shove us all into one group cause of like 2% of the furries that do.
over 14 years ago
Hah, furries.
over 14 years ago
O.e fucking tails + sonic!?!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34567]@RedShocktrooper[/url]: its teh boobies
over 14 years ago
I say fans kill any kind of creativity that developers could have they want a selfish recognition of what they enjoyed instead of trying to get something original or innovative
its good to respect your roots companies but don't milk the poor things until they are dry and empty
over 14 years ago
Whats funny is how many more notes are on the last panel compared to the second.
over 14 years ago
Why, this is the internet little Jimm- I mean Cesue. A whole new world out there. Full of magical things, things for all ages and types of people.
over 14 years ago
I'm 12 years old and what is this??
over 14 years ago
[cont]Therefore, it doesn't matter what SEGA does, it will never be good enough for them.
What the Sonic fancrowd want is to keep their nostalgic illusion that the old Sonic games were perfect and nothing will ever be nearly as good.
over 14 years ago
Sega have been releasing some good Sonic games every now and then, but the Sonic fancrowd apparently can't see it.
They want games like the old ones, complaining of any deviation, but they don't want more of the same. They requests contradict each other, they nitpick and they are never satisfied.
over 14 years ago
MM9 and MM10 WERE just Megaman 2 with new levels. Terrible.
over 14 years ago
The funny part about all of this is that they're not even furries. Just some people with headbands that have ears on them and a tail.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34228]@alb16[/url] that is not true whatsoever
over 14 years ago
actually its pretty accurate since Tails was a girl first before they switched her to be a boy for sega games
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34064]@StarPilot[/url]: I wanted to say something about those, but I ran out of characters. :\
@Kono[/url]: They nostalgia for the original games because they WEREN'T boring. People are buying MM9 and 10, they would buy a true 2D sonic game even if it were just Sonic 3+K with new levels.
@kdebones[/url]: *facepalm*
over 14 years ago
Not sure about the others, but for me it was the "Yay for stereotyping" / "Furry bashing is fun [/sarcasm] WTF JO?" style posts that had me going. Because I feel the best way to shut "OMG FURSECUTION" up is to show how much worse it could be whilst being just as / more truthful.
Ample Ryan
over 14 years ago
wait, why is most (read, all) of the rage coming from people who are not furries themselves, but are insisting that this isn't furry enough?
I just don't even know anymore.
over 14 years ago
But anubis pretty much IS furry.
over 14 years ago
Its what this comic is about, it ameks me lol so hard! Keep it up Jo!
Needs to be full-on mansex to even be remotely accurate.
over 14 years ago
One more thing[/Jackie Chan Adventures]: Furfag and the posters who are going "Hah, nice page": They are the furries people don't mind on the internet. "OMG ANUBIS = FURRY!", "OMG JO HOW COULD U?", and "FUR ONLY 1% SEX! TROLL LIES!", those are the ones people are irate about.
over 14 years ago
Also, again, Vulpis does a very nice job of showing the fandom as it WANTS to be seen. Ask yourself this: If the sex obsessed is the minority, why should some 15-20% of Fur Affinity's Admissions be Mature / Adult-tagged, with those also getting over half the sum page views of FA? TROLL LIES?!
over 14 years ago
Woah, how long was I gone?
Time to bring the Stalin's Organ again.
over 14 years ago
And I rest my case: Anyone who does anything with anthropomorphized animals is Furry / Furry-involved. I'm glad to know that Edgar Allen Poe and Frank Herbert were Furries.
Oh, but self-admitted furs aren't tru-furs when they do crazy stuff. Funny how that works.
over 14 years ago
Go, eat it, throw up and eat it again.
NSFW, mind you.
over 14 years ago
Of course, the practice of wearing animal skins/teeth/claws/bones by hunters and shamans in order to 'take on their aspects' dates far, far further back from that. The sex-obsessed idiots are a vocal minority.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34172]@Blanco[/url] Anubis? Yes, actually. The Egyptians were some of the original formal furry fans (formal in this case meaning specific named charaters, created media, and the like)...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34165]@Batabii[/url]'s photonote: Tomorrow I'll CUT THE MONITORS!
Devil Dan
over 14 years ago
You'd think that furr suit might be a warning sign.
over 14 years ago
It's not that hard to go out of the way. Here: http://e621.net/ Enjoy the tags. BTW, direct link in ITSELF isn't NSFW, but pretty much all the content is.
And if I had to guess, a lot of the people here are saying last panel's non-furry because they found Tailsette NOT repulsive.
over 14 years ago
There are always idiots on both sides of arguments, in this case, Furries who seem to want to cause as much trouble as possible, to go as far as can, and the trolls, going out of their way to poke fun at them.
over 14 years ago
Also furry here, lol'd hard. Though Tails would be male. The amount of Rule 34 for Tails is verging on obsessive.
Technically though the only furry is the one in the chair. The other two are more... I dunno. Humans with animal bits stuck on. I'm lolling at MANLY sonic though.
Hollow Aizen
over 14 years ago
I've been reading all these comments and people are pretty harsh. Jo keep up the amazing work, Furry or no Furry, hate or no hate. Keep on keepin on.
over 14 years ago
Hey Sonic Advance and Sonic Rush series were pretty damn good.
over 14 years ago
I live in a place where that game would probably send you to prison.
over 14 years ago
If they make a Sonic game like that, I would buy it. But it would also have to have characters like Amy Rose, Vanilla the Rabbit and Rouge the Bat like that.
The Fix
over 14 years ago
How to really fix the sonic franchise is to make Sonic Adventure 3. The first and second ones were amazing as long as they have the same idea in mind they can't mess it up as long is a chao garden.
over 14 years ago
No, actually, I don't think a furry would fantasize about human Sonic and Tails. c.c
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34153]@Xan[/url] That's the point: that's par the course for Sonic artwork on FA. I just grabbed what I could and bolted. It's not like there's any shortage of other works. But please, if you wish to learn more, just go to e621.net and search Sonic Tags. Jo went light on furs, and furs are still going crazy
over 14 years ago
How Sega can fix Sonic:
over 14 years ago
How SEGA can make fans happy- release the next VF5 game in the US.
over 14 years ago
That's some nice "art" you linked, the "artist" is sooo talented.
And no I don't give a damn about the content, the "art" is just terrible, couldn't you have used something better?
over 14 years ago
Furry here. I laughed my ass off.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
By the way, what's up with the Franks all over the place.(Hurr hurr. Double entendre)
over 14 years ago
*gouges out eyes*
Random viewer
over 14 years ago
Personally for me this kinda begs the question of where you draw the line between "cosplay" and "furry".
To me, the picture on the screen just seems like cosplay because they both have distinctly human bodies. But its apparently INTENDED to be "furry".
over 14 years ago
lol @ anyone that thinks this is meant to accurately represent furries.
over 14 years ago
Sega is also terrible at taking care of regional online Phantasy Star games. Most of them died with barely anyone on them due to a horrid lack of updates or support.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
The strip isn't bashing...it's making a highly satirical point that most fans are torn about what they want. The strip didn't do anything that the comment feed hasn't pulled off in spades. Obviously this is serious business, not like I care......
Some Other Guy
over 14 years ago
THIS IS NOT REGULAR SCHEDULE. GAH. I want more TF2, or something. Some sort of real storyline of sorts. It was 30 pages ago that we had a TF2 (and a real) arc too.
But then.
over 14 years ago
I've already linked to the fact that Jo's "unfair / lame bashing strip" could have been made HORRIBLY more bad for the fandom, but apparently putting a tame shipping that many Furs wouldn't mind is so much worse than Futa Amy or Gay non-Kemonomimi Sonic Art.
Name Goes Here
over 14 years ago
I invite you all to think about what the feed would show if linked to the mind of Chris-chan.
over 14 years ago
Ah yes, the typical defense: Any of the others could be a furry too! Let me guess why, and I'm just going out on a limb here: Because it involves anthropomorphic animals? Just a hunch, but next are you going to say Anubis is related to the fandom?
over 14 years ago
Oh yay, another lame bashing strip. I do wonder--why is someone in what's pretty obviously either a Conker or Mr Nutsy outfit even caring about Sonic, anyway?
And something to think about here--it's entirely possible all three of those guys are 'furries'...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34128]@Furfag[/url]: Just because your a gay furry does not mean they all are.
over 14 years ago
You made tails female just so others would point it out, but I must point out, any furry doesn't want a female tails.
over 14 years ago
Tails reminds me of Avatar
on Subject Sonic Adventure 2 was the peak
especially for the 3D games
It amazes me how they fuck it up
Captain Fubar
over 14 years ago
Yeesh. To me the only bad furries are the extreme ones that dress like this moron and embrace the extreme forms of fur-faggotry as their religion. All other furries get the short end of the stick due to this guy.
That's my two cents on the "furfags."
over 14 years ago
The guy in the costume is the only furry. And he seems to like animal ears/tails more than the furry.
over 14 years ago
There are three types of Sonic fans...retro players who prefer the 2D games, players who like the 3D games, and furfags.
But I agree with Missing00's photonote...I'm no furfag, but furry boobs are as good as any other boobs.
over 14 years ago
To prove I wasn't all talk, 3 artists' works on FA. Warning: VERY NSFW! Direct links too. Now if you'll excuse I have to find a sun to soak my eyes in.
I obviously BSed earlier. Jo totally misrep'd furs
over 14 years ago
Meh, lacks fur. This is not yiff, this is otaku stuff.
over 14 years ago
This isn't furry enough. Yiff harder, noob.
over 14 years ago
I also like the Androids Dream reference made on the chair, if that's what the person was going for that is.
over 14 years ago
Did someone say feeding frenzy? Well anyway, the only way that they can get me to buy another sonic game is to bring back chao garden, It was literally the only thing i cared about in Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. Or is it sonic adventure battle 2..... oh well....
over 14 years ago
dang that chair is good and all but what happens if to sit the original creators in that seat?
over 14 years ago
gives a new meaning to gettin some tail.....and apparently Jo, pleasing their fans is a "hard task"......okay, I need to go end my pathetic life now
over 14 years ago
Heh... Troll feeding frenzy achieved...
over 14 years ago
Sheesh, can't you guys just enjoy a comic? People make lighthearted jokes about furries and the Furs get all riled up. Then we got a goddamned flamewar on our hands. Then this whole little "Tails IS female!" bullcrap, IT DOESN'T MATTER! It's a flippin' joke! .... Okay, done yelling now. Funny comic.
over 14 years ago
I'd hardly call this 'furry.' Even with the tails and ears, it's not worse than catgirl pr0n. Okay, the really disturbing guy in the chair makes it, well, disturbing.
Jack M.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34108]@Lobster[/url]: riff on scientology.
over 14 years ago
It's also kind of funny that after all the shots this comic has taken the "furry fandom" is getting all butt hurt over this.
Heaven help you if you riff on scientology.
over 14 years ago
It isn't hard to make Sonic fans happy. In fact, they're so loyal they'll buy any old crap that SEGA gives a "Sonic" theme. So that's just what they've done. Taken a stupid gimmick, put Sonic in it, give enough screenshots to give the fans hope, then disappoint them.
over 14 years ago
[cont'd] and tell me that it's both a gross misrepresentation here AND that it's only a very small number that care about such. Hell, look at the number of times the images have been viewed AND favorited). People in the Fur fandom need to stop throwing fits, lest more people do what I suggested.
over 14 years ago
Of course, she makes a multi-comic Mac v PC comic it's fun to jump on one side and mock the other. Makes a comic that is VERY tame for what could have been shown as actual Furry concepts (Join "SoFurry" of "FurAffinity" just so you can turn the Mature Filters off and look for "Sonic" [cont'd]
over 14 years ago
I once found a hentai doushinji where Tails turned out to be female. I kid you not. Don't ask me what I was doing to actually find it, I don't remember, nor do I wish to remember...
Oh dear lord, why?
over 14 years ago
I have heard rumors that Tails was originally going to be female, but those rumors were dismissed. There are rumors that he was going to be a tanuki instead of a fox, but nobody seems as interested in that.
Congratulations Jo, you are an average troll. I hope you are happy.
over 14 years ago
Oh, and since i didn't have enough room before; some furry is respectable. Something like this has very little taste and does not stimulate the senses; even if Tails has big knockers.
over 14 years ago
Bah, f*ck the "True" fans; look at the Mario Series, they've could have been split by the 2D vs. 3D Mario games but have they? No! The problem with the Sonic Series is that, and this is counter productive, it's way to fast. In the Mario Games it feels much longer and gives more content.
over 14 years ago
technically, tailes is male, yes.
but there are several comics that ignore that ;)
over 14 years ago
The problem is sonic fans don't know what they want.
Some have nostalgia for the original games and cry for the same thing again. But that would be boring, and they have nostalgia for different games anyway. Personally...some of the recent ones are fun games. Just not what the 'true fans' wanted.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34082]@PT[/url]: But... that's where Leonidas is dining...
over 14 years ago
Sega does what Nintendon't :P
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Heh. Female Tails is old school by now. I would find it creepier if it were a male one in this pic... And I've seen it. Can't unsee @_@
over 14 years ago
Jesus christ, buy fem-Tails a pushup bra.
over 14 years ago
A straight fur suiter? Now I've seen everything
Boy Wonder
over 14 years ago
The same urban legend went around about Knuckles as he was pink, which isn't a feminine colour in Japan like it is elsewhere, so sorry to all those Furries but I'm afraid Miles and Knuckles are both guys.
Boy Wonder
over 14 years ago
Yamaguchi ended up with a compromise. He sneaked the name "Miles" in as his legal name; "Tails" would be his nickname, ending up with the full name of Miles "Tails" Prower which is a pun of the phrase "miles per hour".
Boy Wonder
over 14 years ago
Yasushi Yamaguchi, originally the main artist for Sonic Team, designed Tails for an internal competition for a sidekick for Sonic. The character was meant to hold a "deep admiration for Sonic." His entry won, but Sonic Team decided to change his character's name from 'Miles' to 'Tails'.
Boy Wonder
over 14 years ago
Actually its an urban legend about 'Tails' being female in Japan (like so many other things with characters.)
over 14 years ago
Hehe, Stereotyping is fun! :3
over 14 years ago
What's going on here? Why are you people mentioning me?
over 14 years ago
This is pretty accurate.
over 14 years ago
Seeing that Jo is well known for his "-tans", and I specially note the Starcraft ones; I find it quite funny someone actually talked about "furry bashing". xD
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34053]@TheBaron87[/url]: MegaMan 9 and 10 say hi. Well, there are leaderboards, but that's not really an impact on gameplay.
over 14 years ago
Ah yes, taking a shot at the internet's favorite punching bag.
over 14 years ago
i thought nitendoh owned sega
over 14 years ago
If post ends in doubles comic was never made
over 14 years ago
yes we do.
over 14 years ago
Do we really have to do the furry bashing here?
over 14 years ago
i like the joke here, it's so inernet-nerda-licious.
over 14 years ago
Oh by the way, Jo, you're supposed to keep them furry in the last panel. That's what makes it so creepy. This way they just look like two well-built cosplayers.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34050]@Bek359[/url]: Hahahaha, what? I think they're complaining because it didn't go back ENOUGH. It's got the homing attack, and the speed is gone, how can you call it a carbon copy of any of the Genesis games?
over 14 years ago
In Sonic 4's case, the homing attack makes the enemies too easy, and the game is STILL slower than Sonic 2, 3, and +K. They've got some aspects of the level design down, but Sonic himself still seems to control like his older (more recent) self.
over 14 years ago
I think the reason that people are whining about Sonic 4 is because it didn't just go back to the series' roots,; it's a carbon copy of Sonic 1, but in HD. To paraphrase Spoony, when people played Sonic 18 years ago, they probably thought that they wouldn't be playing the same game 20 yrs later.
over 14 years ago
The problem is when these developers try to go back to their roots, they're NEVER comfortable with going all the way back. They always have to drag something from the "new world" back with them that the fans didn't ask for, or leave out the part that makes us miss the old games to begin with.
over 14 years ago
Tails is a girl for this... don't cut the feed. Hit record.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
You know...This isn't that far off from what you'd probably see...
Which is sorta sad when you think about it...
over 14 years ago
Excuse me while I bring the brain bleach.
over 14 years ago
Worth noting that originally, Tails WAS female. "He" was made male for the American release of the game because...the main character having a female sidekick was weird, I guess? And like many other Americanizations, it stuck.
Of course this is EXACTLY what the censors FEARED happening. Hah!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_34028]@BarGamer[/url]: What has been seen, cannot be unseen.
At first i complained about Frank
over 14 years ago
Now it's Zack, I give up...
over 14 years ago
Tails was male before.
over 14 years ago
Jo, you're just evil sometimes. THE HORROR! AUGH!
over 14 years ago
Been there, done that. http://female-tails-lovers.deviantart.com/
over 14 years ago
To think, Tails was originally supposed to be female in the games.
over 14 years ago
I will never play another sonic game for as long as I live. Thanks a lot for ruining sonic for me, Nerf NOW!!
over 14 years ago
Pointing? You spelled fapping wrong.
over 14 years ago
Dr. Taco: Surgeon at Law
over 14 years ago
The look on the furfag's costume's face... priceless.
over 14 years ago
You mean "I know Tails is NOT female". Right?
over 14 years ago
Tails-chan is immensely hot, please make new comic w/out sonic