What people are saying about "Retcon Ink 4"
Retcon Ink 4
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2 months ago
I did say intruder alert last comic, just didn't say who.
2 months ago
Moar Alek <3
2 months ago
I think this is the right situation for a classic "POW! Ha Ha!!"
2 months ago
Realistically this is what SHOULD have happened to handsome Squidward.
2 months ago
2 months ago
Intruder alert ! A Purple Pink spy is in the base !
2 months ago
not gona lie. i didint see that PUNCH line comeing ^.^
2 months ago
To be fair, if I saw a man with a schnozz that big, I'd probably assume he was an intruder too. Specifically a Spy.
2 months ago
Anent four, Agent six and agent three with a half. If you had understand, you have a 200 IQ.