What people are saying about "Retcon Ink 5"
Retcon Ink 5

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2 months ago
It's not like time travel, where the responsible for the changes still remember what reality was like before.
2 months ago
Every one but Jo, Anne and the readers forgot Victoria. So Anne finally won something?
2 months ago
@Erin Gorman
Looks like she might not be so mini any more.

@Ovis Militaris
Parallel time lines, Victory got drawn from the main timeline to the alt. Her past was rewritten to fit that timeline. Yes there could be two of her, but do we want Anne to have two sisters who treat her like a doll?
Ovis Militaris
2 months ago
wait... Wait... WAIT!!! So technically there are two Vic's now, sharing the same body? You KNOW what that means, right? Jo has to divide the Vic's into their own bodies, which THEN means we can have Vic twins. And why is that important? TWINCEST, threesome with twins, and more delicious degeneracy!!
2 months ago
MiniMedic returns!