What people are saying about "Retcon Ink 6"
Retcon Ink 6

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Chiribito Sardina
about 2 months ago
I personally like the two of them, but old Vic to me is that kind of character that doesn't want too much on screen or becomes tiring. Maybe the best point to me would be new Vic but with some of the old Vic antics (Like not totally wiped). Old Vic had better capability to cause drama
about 2 months ago
Split the diff, port over the "siscon" feature to the new Vic
Hydroxy hydroxy
about 2 months ago
I'd prefer just having two vics or none, cause either way unless they will be utilized more both of these options will change just about nothing in terms of the normal content you make. I do like your stuff, wouldn't have read for this long if I wasn't but stuff like this actually made me comment.
Hydroxy hydroxy
about 2 months ago
But she seemed to get good rather fast which made her reason for staying still moot. I see this is your way to rewrite her but at this point AU vic is a different character, like basically no real similarities other than appearance, and I guess this one is more fanservicey in base design.
Hydroxy hydroxy
about 2 months ago
But that might be because she joins your trio of "main characters" that might as well be guest stars due to the scarcity of their appearances.

- "good at everything" , wasn't the reason she moved in cause she started out not good at games? Could have had it taken awhile for her to improve.
Hydroxy hydroxy
about 2 months ago
In the years I've followed you I honestly never though too hard hard about your characters personality. Might be my own fault but with them being eye candy about 60-80% of the time any of them are on screen. Vic actually started rather tame in terms of that.
Maxime Denis
about 2 months ago
Maxime Denis
about 2 months ago
Hey, the bar could use a guard from time to time. I'd like new Vic to continue raking weapons, or maybe video game's combat styles.
about 2 months ago
I gotta say, Old Vic was such a smug, smarmy b!+ch, I was glad when she left. New Vic is a much better character.
Peff Copher
about 2 months ago
I actually like new Vic, so just bring her on wagon and keep her as a side character. Maybe you can use her doing weapon gags, after all gaming is full of ridiculous fighting systems and stupid weapon designs and tiers.
about 2 months ago
Or rewrite old Vic's past into New Vic's backstory like Usershadow suggests.
about 2 months ago
I think it'd be best to have Vic return to the main canon, regain her old memories upon seeing Annie, and treat this as if old Vic had developed into new Vic. Maybe some financial rival hstolen her wealth/company while she was away.

Yes, even if that means she goes back to being a siscon...
about 2 months ago
Eventually, Anne succeeds in seeing her, they share a moment, and while Vic can't remember who Anne is, it's the small spark of her old continuity that she knows seeing Anne is right. They part ways on a happy moment.

This is how you pocket Vic for way later, when you absolutely need her back.
about 2 months ago
What I think Vic needs is a bit of her novelty back.

I think the best way to resolve this is to have everyone seem really content to leave Vic in the past, but have Anne be the one who grows to miss her. Anne over time pours more and more of the money she's saved into making a time machine.
about 2 months ago
2/2 Vic be very old "forever 16" and I don't know if you'd like that) You could then explain why Vic could get so succesful and that she only becomes such a petty ass around her sister. Her character's halfway between Angie and Anne this way: diligent and talented, but greedy enough to not be abused
about 2 months ago
Old Vic was popular as comic relief, since she was the driving device for some jokes. New vic feels like her own character that gives context to the jokes, rather than being the "source" of them. You could retcon it as either "vacation", or distant past that she's forgotten (That would make 1/2.
Indy_ Com
about 2 months ago
New Vic isn't so much Vic, but an entirely new character that happens to share the appearance of Vic.
I feel merging the two characters into one would make the most sense because otherwise new Vic is just a complete stranger with no connection to the main cast.
about 2 months ago
Wait... people don't like Vic? I thought she was fairly popular. I don't want her to go the way of Sniper, Pyro and original Engineer.
Besides, nothing that new Vic has is **that** different from classic Vic.
about 2 months ago
I think the best thing to do is to keep the most interesting parts of both.
Vic's connection to Anne Marine as a sister gives her a family connection that the rest of the group doesn't have.
The idea that she was seen as perfect by everyone, but when she reached an impossible wall, she ran away.
about 2 months ago
Six points beats four points and 6 is probably a main reason to keep the retcon.
about 2 months ago
@daretobecupid the old one was unpopular. This is why Jo is playing with her.
about 2 months ago
Yeah... its not like i didn't liked the Old Victorie, but the new one is more fun to put in stories.

Maybe we can have a mix of both?
about 2 months ago
Wait, 'unpopular'? I LIKE the new Vic, and not just for the sexy outfits! I think she's fun and interesting, please don't get rid of her or reset her!
about 2 months ago
I like new Vic. Old Vic was a little like Gary Oak: Whatever Anne Marie did, she already had done, but better.

Now she can be her own character, not to mention the eye candy. I say we keep her.

BTW: Axes rule. Swords drool.
about 2 months ago
Retconning your sister out of existence/replacing her with an alternate version is kinda dark. Would prefer if new Vic has memories of old Vic but traits of new Vic. Kinda like how Samus lose her abilities and have to regain them in new game. New Vic lost, filthy rich and good at everything etc.
about 2 months ago
Idea: repurpose old Vic's traits for new Vic's past. Wealthy but shady parents are where she got the cash/training for her weapons, was initially (partly) to impress her sis, the only family member she truly bonded with. Left to focus on her passion for weapons (and easy tragic backstory clicks).
about 2 months ago
I love the new Vic
about 2 months ago
Wait...so you're suggesting Victoire originally wanted to fuck Anne-Marie?
Morgan Dorne
about 2 months ago
Honestly, I really like New Vic. She's interesting and has a fun gimmick with the warrior vlogger aspect :)