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over 14 years ago
guitar taunt, mini-assist, mechanical hand did valve turn engineer into captain commando?
over 14 years ago
I'm kinda surprised Blizzard backed down. What is it with game companies really putting their feet in their mouths lately? Cryptic, Blizzard... who next?
over 14 years ago
appearantly VALVe has been passed, Bliz is now the king of trolls.
Why? Because when Bliz trolls, they actualy INFORCE IT.
Jaded Cynic
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35630]@Rakshi[/url][url=#user_comment_35617] @Rage[/url] Yeah, here's the US Today article where Blizzard flacks expounded on their 'master plan' to out-facebook Facebook: http://content.usatoday.com/communities/gamehunters/post/2010/07/wow-studio-blizzard-to-require-real-names-on-forums/1
over 14 years ago
Ew, ew, ew. I hope he dies in a fire.
over 14 years ago
Real name NOT to be required on forums. PR Nightmare? Very much. The forums must have exploded with shit flinging and namecalling.
over 14 years ago
Actually, Kotick has been quoted specifically saying that he wants to force WoW into being the next step in social network gaming, try to emulate farmville, with RealID basically becoming facebook. And he HAS stated it WILL be forced eventually, just like the battlenet account thing.
over 14 years ago
It doesn't affect you Jo because people already know your name :/
Awful awful idea, and it will end in awfulness. Just another reason why I don't, and never will, play WoW.
Jaded Cynic back again
over 14 years ago
The Law of Unintended Consequences is a BITCH, isn't it?
over 14 years ago
Does it give it out in-game too? I thought it was only on the forums. Though it is of little consequence to me, I quit WoW about 2 years ago.
over 14 years ago
Hey, lets play WoW!
No female players, no male crossplayers, no anonymity - only MONTHLY CHARGING, FINAL DESTINATION.
over 14 years ago
Real-ID is a genius invention:
It will shoo off current WoW player, get them off their seats and prepare them for the next blizzard superhit, diablo3.
over 14 years ago
Cry some more.
It's entirely optional and it's never going to be forced. You're never going to be running around Northrend with Your name floating above your head. As for forums, it's a God awful train wreck out there, I'd be happier if nobody ever posted there again.
over 14 years ago
Tin Foil hats, I sell them.
Also the guy in the youtube you linked, many people from his raiding guild said he was a cool guy outside of raids helping people all the time. He was only a hard ass during raids, kind of like a drill sergeant.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Update is heeeeerreeeee!
Stop looking at these comics and got play with your new Shotgun/Power glove/Remote Control thing/Mini-Sentry's/Pack-up-able sentry's. NOW!
over 14 years ago
Gentlemen, we shall meet at the next comic and after the 40+ hourss of continous gameplay and hopefully a shower
(last part isn't gonna happen)
over 14 years ago
Gratz Blizzard, you now how trolls with names such as Hue Gass trolling just as hard as before while people are scared away by the lack of privacy, goodjob guys!
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
99 Wrench's have been found.
With one wrench to rule them all, and one gauntlet to control it. http://www.teamfortress.com/engineerupdate/images/100_radigan.jpg
over 14 years ago
Pretty much right, both with the 'girl who's a guy' *and* the fact that the bottom picture only has 1/5 the players of the top one. I've been told there's currently a several *hour* wait on the server that handles account cancellations, though I have no way to verify that.
over 14 years ago
Yeah, I don't play WoW, but I can see that the RealID thing is a BAD idea. Internet anonymity allows people to be idiots, but it's also one of the things protecting us. Heck, I've heard stories of people being attacked in real life for whacking someone's character in-game.
over 14 years ago
Just to reiterate my point I made earlier. There's a glitch with RealID in the game which automatically friends yourself and addons can use it to steal all your RealID info. And it HAS been noted that blizzard will force RealID in game as well.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35519]@NAMKCOR[/url]: Actually with this forum change, EVERYONE will know your real name. NOT just your Real ID friends. Which is total bs.
over 14 years ago
...scratch all that, I didn't click the Real ID link at first because I thought it was just an explanation as to what the new feature was.
Allow me to retcon my previous comments with: THAT'S FUCKED UP.
over 14 years ago
It's a way for you to communicate with your friends who play wow cross-faction or cross-server. It's a system meant to let you communicate with friends you have and people you know, not random people in the game who you've never met.
over 14 years ago
to continue, you still post with a character on the forums, not your Real ID, so your name is not released.
Long story short, nobody will know unless you give it to them, so only give your Real ID to people you trust.
over 14 years ago
Nobody knows your name or anything unless you give it to them. You can't just get someone's account login (the email you use to log in) from a character name, so people won't know your first and last name unless you become real ID friends with them (which is totally voluntary as well).
over 14 years ago
Lexi... I tried that website... and it got my fucking birthday right. I'm scared.
over 14 years ago
people complains about anonymity on the internet until A) you recognize you have to give your info to get most stuff anyway and/or B)you actually have to give YOUR information and then it's a breach of privacy...
over 14 years ago
Blizzard wouldn't implement something like this. Activision would. You game company is dead, replaced with one for pure profit... any action taken is to make more money.
over 14 years ago
linked to credit/bank information, so to avoid any possible accusations of stolen credit or stupid bullshit we just went with it. Now we can't change it, and we can't even so much as delete accounts.
over 14 years ago
And you can't just say "Oh I won't post on the forums" or "DURR USE A FAKE NAME" because inevitably blizzard WILL force this in game on all their games, and you can't change the name on your account. Many of us put our actual names on their because it was agreed to be private, and because it was
over 14 years ago
Anybody dumb enough to think this is a good idea on any scale needs to be shot. Removing the veil of anonymity on the internet will not stop people acting ilke retarded apes, because by and by it's not an act. Instead this is a HUGE security issue, that extends beyond just the game itself.
over 14 years ago
I'd have to go bro fist the Onyxia guy if he lived across the street for sure.
over 14 years ago
@Long-winded Jaded Cynic: This is all part of their plan to force people into buying authenticators. Or iPhones for the Mobile one.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35454]@Godot[/url] I know this is late but i just wanna say I TOTALLY get what you mean. Next comic will be Ego.
over 14 years ago
There's more then just your real name that it implements, but that is part of it. There's a formula to it and they're eliminating one variable.
Long-winded Jaded Cynic
over 14 years ago
...oh and Lexi/Rabidwombat: Doesn't matter if the name you gave is not yours, the *name*associated*with*the*account* is what phishing account-hijackers will want...
...and now they'll get it. From Blizzard itself. *Michael Morhaime takes aim* *Michael Morhaime shoots self in foot*
Jaded Cynic
over 14 years ago
Indeed, Jo:
http://forums.battle.net/forum-coc.html?sid=3000#_Toc127268900 Would this mean the end of blue text in forums.battle.net ;), or a double-standard that just ends any respect players have for their mods? "We'll ban you if you do this, but we can do it just fine."
over 14 years ago
I always use Evil Genius as my name for things like that. Why should a game need to know my name?
over 14 years ago
Yee-Tvae Corinst is my hero... Bro hug bump!
Were doing this man! were MAKING THIS HAPPEN!
over 14 years ago
I don't understand. Why would you give them your real name?
I am Evelyn W. Johnson, and I live at 4217 Doe Meadow Drive, Annapolis Junction, MD 20701. http://www.fakenamegenerator.com/
over 14 years ago
It can only be a good thing. The amount of abuse that gets thrown around on the Blizz forums is ridiculous. This is probably the best way to curb that - people will have to take ownership of their comments, rather than be royal w@#&ers at everyone while hiding behind the safety of anonymity
over 14 years ago
Version b could also exist as a Pre-OP T-Girl. After saying that...where are the post-ops =O
hmm technically
over 14 years ago
nightelf version b exists in real life. they are called hermaphrodites.
over 14 years ago
I use an RSS tracker to follow Nerf Now. Am I the only one who saw the title for this comic before reading the comic and thought we were about to get some sort of highbrow Freudian psychology joke?