except when the enemy engie is strategicly screwing us with them :|
sentry ahead
over 14 years ago
Wow. Direct hit rips female characters' garments off? This is amazingly overpowered.
Weeshnog 01
over 14 years ago
Yes, it is.
Now I want Jo to get back to the story arcs.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
@Internet guy (lol)
I dun Geddit D:
over 14 years ago
PLEASE! Even with the armor, a body shot from the sniper rifle would kill an engie!
@Internet guy
over 14 years ago
Read the bellow comment lol
Codename: slenderman
over 14 years ago
In the name of the demoknight, I will hunt you down and remove your head! Then put it on a stick! GET YUR EyELANderS and tArgES my fellow knights!!!
Internet Guy, Evil Overlord
over 14 years ago
Gaaaah! Foiled again! My evil plan to corrupt the internet's grammar with minor spelling and grammatical errors has been discovered!
I'll get you next time, Batabii!
Heavy-Tan killed XxXLeetSniperXxX
@Weeshnog 01
That's such a horrifying concept...
A Fan
over 14 years ago
Wait, you have four things: The hand, the grandfather, a saw, and a Victoria's Secret catalogue.
Weeshnog 01
over 14 years ago
Yeah, and then "Frank is X" bots too.
over 14 years ago
@Internet Guy: they are is?
They are is a bot.
That's what you said.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35860]@Serathis[/url]: Not yours.
over 14 years ago
Whose the blondie?
over 14 years ago
@Internet Guy:
This *is* Valve you're talking about. Don't put it past them. Though the bot I'd totally lol over is Class-tan.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
And amusingly enough, it involves an engineer gaining immense power to gain revenge after his sentry's been killed
Also, they're's a bot named "Kritrawkets"
Perhaps somebody at Valve reads Nerf now?
(Just wait until the bot name "Spy Here" comes out)
over 14 years ago
I just went through the old nerfnow comics, You have one from 2009 callled revengengineer :o
over 14 years ago
Enginner? Is that a typo or a pun?
over 14 years ago
Direct Hit: Now super effective at cutting hair.
over 14 years ago
Oh the Direct Hit. Those Mini-Combat Sentries never stand a chance.
*Monocle Man*
over 14 years ago
That's kind of a chastity belt...
More like chastity bra....
Jo's next comic should be about how the heavy's sandvich got nerfed.And btw,Valve hates sandviches and heavies and sandvich parties.
over 14 years ago
I believe she wasn't created by Jo.
Also, I'm pretty sure that this Engie-tan, heavy-tan and the rest of them are on Blu team, while the original is on Red now.
I gotta wonder... what ever happened to that other female Engie?
Frank West
over 14 years ago
My boobies, they are made of STEEL!
Sorry, had to say it.
over 14 years ago
@ Platypus : what's prosodic? Do you mean PROSTHETIC?
over 14 years ago
The Gunslinger was under Engies glove the whole time.
over 14 years ago
@Dirteh Dan: soldier's rocket.
over 14 years ago
the engie is using the pistol in the gloved hand if i remember correctly.
Never really paid attention to it.
over 14 years ago
I gotta say, replacing your hand with a cybernetic one is pretty hardcore.
over 14 years ago
Have we ever seen what's under the Engi's glove? I think not. It may have been a more basic prosodic all along. I mean if I had a simple robot hand I'd cover it with a glove. But the Gunslinger is a much more awesome hand... and has a gas powered motor. You can't but that in a glove.
over 14 years ago
Those boobs did though.
Dirteh Dan
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35770]@Bob[/url]: That statement may or may not be canon. Lol.
over 14 years ago
@Internet Guy: LAIR! Heavies aren't addicted to sandviches! *closet opens, hundreds of sanviches fall out* ...... uuuuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *Runs inside the closet and locks it from the inside.* Nom nom nom, om nom.
over 14 years ago
To those who think the Engi always had the gunslinger, read the blog post for day three again (pay special close attention to the word "saw").
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Valve did it for his own good, everyday, thousands of heavies die from sandvich addiction.
Spread the word, knowledge is power
over 14 years ago
@Internet Guy: Don't forget grenade jumping, spy crabbing, and kritz smoking. Also the Heavy is the sanest one, all he has is an expensive gun, and sandvich love, ( p.s curse valve for getting rid of Heavy picnic. )
over 14 years ago
and the engineer already had a ciborg hand since start.
over 14 years ago
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Mini-Sentries are fine, they're intended to be cheap, dispoable, and great for combat eniges.
Which they are.
Yeah, but think of the other stuff that happens in TF2; Rocket Jumps, Irradiated Cola's, Urine in a Jar.
Engie's still sanest of the bunch.
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
Why bother? Use butter or vegetable oil!
over 14 years ago
Call a locksmith!
over 14 years ago
Aside from being utterly gimped with mini-sentries that'll be blown up anyway. Bit of a double-edge sword, but good for teamed engies.
and then setting up base while having the option to move your crap when things get hot (among other things) is pure win.
Also killing level 3 sentries with the mini is just pure fun.
And remember kids, the build order is entrance, dispenser upped to lvl 3 -> front lines, sentry then exit
over 14 years ago
Engie update best update for sure. Being able to move all your crap alone makes it the 3rd best update behind the Medic and the Homewrecker.
Being able to work your way behind enemy lines, planting mini-sentries for distraction/harassment while racking up revenge crits
over 14 years ago
I've heard the theory that the engi had always been missing his hand (hence the one glove) and he replaces his normal hand with the gunslinger. Otherwise he keeps his normal robo-hand and glove, just changing the wrench.
Also suck that there are only 100 G.W.'s, at least one of my friends got it.
over 14 years ago
What Josh said is true, except the glitch was patched away earlier this morning (or last night, depending on timezone).
over 14 years ago
Xenni, it's a simple glitch. Build a level 3 sentry with the wrench/southern hospitality. Then switch out the gunslinger and move your level 3 sentry. When place you shall have a mini level 3.
over 14 years ago
And now Heavy-tan get timehax knifed by Sakuya Brando.
over 14 years ago
The gunslinger was always there but the glove covered it
Xenni~ ♪
over 14 years ago
I saw an upgraded mini sentry, it was the same a the normal level 3 but it was about half the size... It was weird, how did they even do that?
over 14 years ago
Metal body plate is good, but cold, however, cold in the breast area can cause nipples to harden, hard nipple + lots of movements = rubbing on the plate = sexual arousal resulted in = horny engie-tan + prolonged sexual arousal = masturbatory act, aaaand the boys reaction to that..... R34
over 14 years ago
I see a new trend in Victorian lingerie. Yes....
over 14 years ago
shut up dummy so are mine.
over 14 years ago
Falcon Punch Heavy, meet God Hand Engie.
over 14 years ago
i'm starting to find the glove idiotic
simply because of this
i was on granary eairler, there werre 5 engis on my team
one was me, i was ninjaneering trying to set up a tele on their point
1 was setting up on our point
the others had mini sentrys in the places you'd put lvl 3
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35701]@Regal[/url]: My point exactly
over 14 years ago
What McScrooge said about metal padding for hardcore periods, it could probably also apply for Xenomorph periods. Acidic menstruation requires EXTREME protection.
over 14 years ago
Engie-tan "Medic! I need to borrow your bone saw again."
Medic "NEIN!"
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35676]@StarPilot[/url] yes yes it is =D
over 14 years ago
Does anyone else find the mini sentries ridiculously cute? It sucks that they go rid of the level 2 and 3 mini sentries.
over 14 years ago
@Internet Guy: Sane, HE TAKES A F#@$ING SAW TO HIS ARM TO PUT IT ON. Nothing to dull the pain also.
Engi: OK, i need the Gunslinger quick *takes saw.....*
Spy: what a disaster.
over 14 years ago
@Internet Guy:
Male Engies wear a vest instead. Don't worry.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
He keeps it in a jar of formaldehyde, and re-attaches it when he needs it.
Like any sane, logical person would do.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
This explain's so much...
And brings so many more horrifying things to the table, like, do ALL engies wear this, male included?
Oh god...*Shudder*
over 14 years ago
This comic would be ten times better if she'd equipped the wrench.
Supplying she didn't die, of course.
over 14 years ago
You miscalculate, as the Engineer did win out.
Spah sappin' mah mini-sentry! Oh well.
over 14 years ago
Haha this Engineer Update kick some asses but again, only class which really won is spy.
Spy sappin' my sentry!
Spy sappin' my teleporter!
Spy sappin' my pride!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35678]@TheIdiotBox[/url]: You mean a cyborg.
I just find it baffling that some new engie players think the mini sentry is just as effective as a level 3 sentry in usual spots. Can't wait until the engie craze dies down so maps aren't turtling stalemates half the time.
Also, engie rocket jumping looks fun.
over 14 years ago
My name is Jagos and I approve this comic.
over 14 years ago
I had it worse... I deleted all of my spares a week before the crafting update...
over 14 years ago
realy? well. that sucks..alot
havnen't had a chance to try it though, i crafted my sanvich to get a golden wrench
...i crafted everything....everything
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35666]@Grug[/url]: Engi: Doc, I need you to sow back on my old arm.
Medic: This is the 10th time today, the round ain't even over!
( multiply that by number of engineers on the team. and I don't think he would deal with that. I think he would just snap his neck. Alot. )
Foxeh is wrong
over 14 years ago
The cooldown applies to eating it as well. Though it's thought to be a bug
over 14 years ago
@ Firned
Medic, of course.
over 14 years ago
@Lightning lad
you know how you can drop the sanvich to heal someone else? they added so that it comes back after 25 seconds, you can still eat as fast as you want
over 14 years ago
damn u jo TEASING US
over 14 years ago
Something I've been wondering, I understand how the engineer puts the gunslinger on. (i.e cuts his own hand off.) Though how do they take the gunslinger off and get their old hand back?
over 14 years ago
second panel-"then suddenly critrocket's attacked!"
also how does the engineer get their hand back once they swap the Nathan Spencer addon?
oh that and that engineer is a part of the strog now.
Lightning Lad
over 14 years ago
Engie update is fun. Lots of cool new weapons.
One small problem, though.
They nerfed the sandvich. They honestly added a cooldown of 25 seconds to the freaking SANDVICH.
over 14 years ago
Also, her hair reduced in length from panel1 to panel 2
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