Wait...so Pyro has a kid? And who's the mother? Sniper? DID SHE BEAR A CHILD IN THE MIDDLE OF THE BATTLEFIELD? WHAT IS THIS, METAL GEAR?
over 14 years ago
2fort is kindergarten (how to turtle)
dustbowl is middle school (spamorama)
badlands is high school (fair fight)
MARIO_KART is your mom's basement (4chaaaaaan!)
I still can't think of a college-type map....
over 14 years ago
But the engineer is much easier to play, not to mention that he got a a primary weapon that gets very easy crits whereas the spy got a new weapon that is difficult to get crits with.
So, engie is easier but spy has an advantage. U mad?
over 14 years ago
Mr, Super Awsome Cool Balls
over 14 years ago
@ Misoski i think that the old pyro is talkin vout dustbowl
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
The wrangler work surprisingly well for spy checks, just spray some machine gun fire around the area, most spy's will scamper off to avoid getting shot.
over 14 years ago
Of course the spy ruins the engineer's fun. The spy ALWAYS ruins the engineer's fun, since he can just sit there, cloaked for INFINITY time, waiting for the engineer to do ANYTHING that is not "look for spies directly around sentry."
Sniper got anti-spy, but engie? Ohhh no.
over 14 years ago
Just in response to the artist's comment about how a single sentry holds back teams: It used to be like that for the old sentries, and people figured out how to get past them, it will be the same with wrangled sentries.
over 14 years ago
wait... the pyro cant talk!!
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
@codename: slenderman
One of them hilarious intermanet jokes, the type that you have to laugh at because you see it over, and over, and over, and over!
codename: slenderman
over 14 years ago
please answer this question: who the f--- is zack/frank and why should i care?
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
'I don't want to go too school, it's full of noobs'
story of my life
Khan FurSainty
over 14 years ago
How cute, Pyro gave mini-pyro the hat he won when his wife never came home.
over 14 years ago
even tiny pyro has more hats then me
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_36027]@Foxeh[/url]: That's some terrible spelling you have there.
Also, protip: kill the engie first. Problem solved.
over 14 years ago
sheild needs nerf
if somone's tanking it, nothing but a damn good spy, 2 heavys at poiny blank, or 7 stikies can kill it
Mr, Super Awsome Cool Balls
over 14 years ago
I like this one. my fave
over 14 years ago
The beanie is sooooo appropriate.
over 14 years ago
until a spy ruin his fun
over 14 years ago
i agree that they should be rewarded for being able to aim, but the double fire rate might be JUST a tad too much, perhaps a small amount less or something, cause 2x speed is a LOT (althogh it does mean you runn out of amo realy fast.. i think, i dont have the wrangler)
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Which is where the teamwork bit can come in. Having a buddy tank your sentry, while your wrangle it is a rather effective tactic.
I've tried it with a couple of friends, it's actually rather fun, and rewarding.
over 14 years ago
Seriously, you should keep going with this. Ish sooooo cute.
over 14 years ago
Hey, if an Engie's got good enough aim to be able to accurately juggle targets and prevent an entire enemy team from moving forward, more power to him. You can't nerf a player's good aim.
I cant believe that the majority opinion here is that the wrangler is balanced! Dont get me wrong though, I think that too, but it felt like a minority opinion.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35971]@Dave[/url]: No, I just made up something random that had no relation to the comic
over 14 years ago
@Combat Engineer: The problem is the same as unwrangled sentries. Sure, you can head for safety, but then nobody can repair it. So most engineers aren't willing to risk their sentry for long to save their own life. Plus the laser is highly obvious.
over 14 years ago
wait this can't be heavy's medic? she already a grad...
unless tf2 doesn't count HOMESCHOOLING.
over 14 years ago
I would hope for as much win in this arc as the last one with the heavy teaching the children.
Thanks for the great art, and greater stories.
over 14 years ago
Codename: slenderman
over 14 years ago
Something tells me that little pyro is gonna fall in love with little medic. . . And then that lady (the administrator/secret evil world overlordess) who's always yelling at us will break them up via intense violence. . .
over 14 years ago
And then Pyro was a sakuya.
Herr Doktor Eekolu
over 14 years ago
Honestly, if they nerf the wrangler, someone gunna die. Or not, if I cant shoot them anymore.
Homstar Runner
over 14 years ago
Didn't the pyro dad say the back burner is good? And that pyro's could cloak at one point? I hope they make an arc outta that. On the wrangler side, I really think it is balanced. The Wrangler makes up for the pistol's range and cornerer countering with the sentry it self?
Combat Engineer
over 14 years ago
It leaves the sentry MUCH more vulnerable to spies; but the advantage is that its much more versatile. I used a wrangled sentry to give me cover on the last point of granery whilst I capped the point.
Combat Engineer
over 14 years ago
Tbh the wrangler isn't that bad if you just learn to kill the engy first. The vast majority of people playing with the wrangler are just terrible, they sit right behind or on top of their sentry and use the wrangler to aim.
Now me...I'm practicing how to use it for long-range fire support.
A Fan
over 14 years ago
I treat Wrangler Engies the same way I treat normal Engies or Heavy-Medics. Take out the support (Wranglin' Engy), then destroy the killer (Wrangled Sentry, now in reboot) before he knows what happened.
Also, +1 for making this an arc.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35958]@NoTorso[/url]: More like one of those regular schools that try to adapt the special needs people to a one-size-fits all thing.
Next class is CP_Well. A bit more advanced, but not overly so, IIRC.
Wait...What if Pyro and Sniper broke up and then Pyro got together with...Engie-Tan? I dunno anymore, but I think Engie-Tan (Orange Hair, from the earliest strips) may show up in this arc.
over 14 years ago
Anybody remember that the Snoipah cheated on Pyro? Lets get back into that discussion. That was fun.
over 14 years ago
I look forward to watching itty, bitty babies fighting.
over 14 years ago
to bad they patched them out :(
a guy on my team was gonna tell me how to get one through other measn last night but i got sniped then auto balanced ='(
over 14 years ago
I seriously hope that Valve does their usual thing, and buff the Frontier Justice and Wrangler, and nerf the Gunslinger.
over 14 years ago
Oh yes. This is gonna be epic.
over 14 years ago
I can see the heavy teaching a class of "BABIES". But I can see the Engie or Medic teaching the class more because they are a little more (ahem) knowledgeable.
over 14 years ago
YAY!!!! I love the baby pyro, almost as much as baby level 3 sentries
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35963]@Batabii[/url]: Dude, did you even read the comments?
over 14 years ago
is the teacher going to be a heavy?? XDDDDD entire class is baby!
over 14 years ago
I just spam Direct Hit on Wrangler Engineers.
over 14 years ago
Anyone else see our old HWguy as the teacher of this school? I'm also expecting more light on sniper+pyro.
over 14 years ago
Yay, borderlands =D
over 14 years ago
>Implying, that this Arc needs a diaper changing station
over 14 years ago
@Heavy Weapons Guy: Entire team belongs to baby?
over 14 years ago
ITT: People bitching because they suck at 2fort.
over 14 years ago
So, new story arc I hope? The 2fort kindergarden makes sense, because thats where most new players seem to start out. I wouldn't doubt if Jo makes it 32-man insta-spawn, too
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
This is sort of canon, considering the current Engineer seems to be the son and grandson of past Engineers.
over 14 years ago
The kids are learning to play TF2 on 2Fort? Wow, this is the TF2 equivalent of an under-funded, inner-city, public school where you just can't get a decent education.
over 14 years ago
I've had great fun ruining the day of Wrangler engies as Sniper; SUDDENLY, ARROW IN YOUR FACE! :D
I also managed to cap a final point as scout because the engie was too slow at turning around and aiming for me. Wrangler can be dealt around. Just don't fight it head-on.
over 14 years ago
This sure looks like it could be a cool new arc.
over 14 years ago
Changing paths + Multiple CP = Steel?
over 14 years ago
Is this a new arc or what? The last line of the Pyrokid sounds like a next comic will have some relation to this. And I bet Pyrokid is gonna find his special someone there too, and he be like "I DUN WANNA GO BACK :< *sadfaec*"
If that ain't the case then I guess this is cliffhanger like Demo+Snip
over 14 years ago
Apparently I've been playing on the wrong servers. Engies where I play try desperately to use wrangler, but snipers and spies are always taking them out.
over 14 years ago
I love the wrangler.
Why? Because every time you see one, it's like a boss battle! You and your team must work together to destroy him! And when he does down, there's usually a massive drop in his teammate's morale!
We're crowded with them for now, of course. Soon enough, they will scatter.
over 14 years ago
A good joke with the wrangler... the noobs whose don't reload their sentries XD. See so oftent, and so often they B.A.D (burn and die)
Suppose that Valve was counting on the player for the nerf, not the gameplay
over 14 years ago
I really am interested to see if this is Sniper and Pyro's kid... This oughta be good...
over 14 years ago
The Wrangler doesn't even have its own taunt. Grounds for nerfing are unsound.
over 14 years ago
@Lord of the Dance: well he did just get nerfed... so i guess the jury pitied him...
over 14 years ago
And then, the entire class is bullied by the kid engie
That Guy
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_35917]@Peddie[/url]: It seems that the wanted/expected nerf is to keep the sentry from locking on to the target when the wrangler is in use - as it is now, it allows for a margin of error, and snaps to the target if you're close. Try shooting someone long range with it; you'll see the laser dot jump.
over 14 years ago
Hey Jo, if you're looking for some good mindless action, check out Wet- it's like playing in an action movie.
over 14 years ago
I "Wan" to go with you?
over 14 years ago
Not so sure about the Sniper argument, if the engineer has a sharp eye he could simply spray bullets in the Sniper's direction, forcing him to retreat if he doesn't wish to die.
If anything the Wrangler needs a regular sentry's turning speed, now engies can kill stickies with their sentries.
over 14 years ago
A sad fate awaits. :(
Heavy Weapons Guy
over 14 years ago
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Smell that children? That smell's like a story arc!
Anyway, the wrangler is... interesting, While it does suit my personal play style when I'm playing defensive engie, the sheer amount of engie's running about with them, and the buff they get when getting wrangled is.. agitating to say the least.
over 14 years ago
I demand this to be a story arc.
Heavy Weapons Little Girl is babies. Engie made diaper changing station for her. XD
over 14 years ago
As far as nerfs go, I think the Frontier Justice needs one on the crit limit. 30+ is nuts, even with a 3-shell limit. Its like uberkritz on steroids.
But I think the mini-sentry or engie needs a Gunslinger buff again. Like some speed. Why give melee to engies that a Demoknight laughs at?
over 14 years ago
The wrangler is...well, a mixed bag. It allows him to CHOOSE his area defense, rather than let the sentry gun decide. A spy is coming? Blow him away. Heavy and a Scout? Nuke the Heavy.
But if you don't see the spy, you've made yourself EASIER.
over 14 years ago
A good sniper or two with an great eye may just as well turn the Wrangler Sentries into playthings.
over 14 years ago
However with the engineer get out of their cubbyholes they call their buildings to looks at where to shoot, they have made it sickeningly easy for Snipers to get easy headshots off of them, and then giving the entire team Lego pieces sitting for 6 seconds to blow up as they desire.
over 14 years ago
I somewhat disagree with you on what you say about the Wrangler. True, the Wrangler has certainly made the Engineer and his sentry a force to be reckoned with.
Lord of the Dance
over 14 years ago
Wait I just noticed...did Pyro win custody of the kid?
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