Grass grows, birds fly, sun shines, and brotha, I SELL shit
about 14 years ago
YES! Communism! Soviet Linux! HO!
about 14 years ago
Sooo...cheetara already shopped there? (no stick on the shelves)
over 14 years ago
brilliant, very clever on thundera :)
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Jack Frost, Hee-Ho!
over 14 years ago
ракота в треед!
Meow meow
over 14 years ago
@little girls, ho!:
не только азиаты любят маленьких девочек.
Педобиру они тоже нравятся =)
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Rule 34 is the 34th rule of the internet that states "If it exists then there is porn of it" This is offset by Rule 35 "If no porn exists porn will be made"
[url=#user_comment_43303]@Frank[/url]: What is rule 34? Also, this game is amazing. Try the demo on steam.
over 14 years ago
Hmmmmm..... this game might have piqued my interest if i wasnt already playing another economy simulator, as that is all im getting from this comic. If you excuse me, Urist McOverdone wont stop turning on the danger room....
over 14 years ago
What the hell is this,ho!?
over 14 years ago
I don't get it, ho!
over 14 years ago
I played the demo, the game was fun. Comic is awesome. I'd recommend snagging the demo on steam, as most people have said its not for everyone but it won't cost you anything to find out if its for you.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43301]@Frank[/url] West: That's nice of you to care about me Frank West. But I always get my commeupance. Always.
The guy with the thing.
over 14 years ago
I gotta say this game was hella fun. I was just gifted it the other day and I've been playing nonstop. It's a bit of PSOne nostalgia fer me (Monster Rancher, Azure Dreams) with a lil bit of modern humor thrown in for good measure. (Powerglove- It's really not so bad...)
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43296]@Drake[/url]: Get it? Like Reset? Especially their store. It's called Recettear, which could be called Racketeer OR Reseter. Eh? EH? Since every time you get a game over it goes back to day two with all your stuff still there?
over 14 years ago
I still need to try the demo to see if I actually like this game.
Everywhere else seems to like it though.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43293]@gia[/url]: Her name is Recette, not Recettear, much like Samus is not Metroid.
over 14 years ago
It's Soviet Russia. Customer should be telling HER that.
Haha that coupled with the photo note of customers should be saying that. You could edit it to have recettear sad/scared and a mob claiming communism be enforced.
over 14 years ago
Pedobear, ho!...? Wait, no, just... no...
over 14 years ago
Anime Ho!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43265]@2033[/url] Is it a bad thing that an anime-ish game has little to no fanservice? Fanservice is usually just a cheap, lazy way of getting attention.
If all you want from anime is porn you are missing out on a lot.
over 14 years ago
@Turd Sandwich: It's a Borderlands reference. That's a gun shop.
over 14 years ago
Bought the game. It's good, but it's not for everyone.
over 14 years ago
This is where cars live! Get you one!
Turd Sandwich
over 14 years ago
I don't get the first two, I think. Is the Pandora one a reference to Avatar or what?
Copy Paste Ho!
over 14 years ago
Unfunny comics ho!
little girls, ho!
over 14 years ago
маленькие девочки такие милые, азиаты любят маленьких девочек, часто
It's Soviet Russia. Customer should be telling HER that.
over 14 years ago
Anime doesn't really need sex appeal. Though if you want, you could think of some "ero" scenarios in your head with the characters...
Also this may be the only game where it's okay to hate little girls..
Meow meow
over 14 years ago
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Screw you.
@A Bag of Opinions
Screw you.
Wait, what?
@Internet Guy
....Really? *ahem* AW YEAAAAAAAAAH!
over 14 years ago
I don't get it at all, but then again im not playing that dungeoncrawler-storemanagement game.
And I won't ever. It's has to low sex appeal for the anime-ish appearance.
over 14 years ago
I hate those little girls so much. 130%. Can you make it cheaper? 115%. FUCK NO! Well I have something to say to you little girls. FUUUUUCKKK YOU!
over 14 years ago
Yeay! Recettear comic, ho!!!
Love the game!
over 14 years ago
First loop around I lost at the final 500k barrier because I wasted time in dungeons. Second loop I ended up with a million before the third collection.
Playing in endless mode, I've got 4 mil on day 80ish with heaps of inventory in my bag. I should get around to adventuring already.
over 14 years ago
Somehow, this gives me a little bit more insight into the life of another item shop owner, Tom Nook. DAMN YOU TOM NOOK AND YOUR FORCING ME INTO DEBT!
over 14 years ago
I will purchase this game SOLELY for the reason of CAPITALISM HO!
over 14 years ago
Well, one thing's for sure. She's definitely a Ho.
over 14 years ago
already not a cake?
over 14 years ago
This is that one steamgame that's part item shop, part RPG, right?
Where you have to pay the loan your dad skipped out on?
over 14 years ago
The first time I saw that quote in the game, I misread it. I thought she was trying to be gangsta to people. And because of this, during every cutscene I always wonder "What would Gangsta Recette say?"
Customer: "What?! This item is way too expensive!"
over 14 years ago
Heh, I was told about that game cause one game I play online, the admin plugged it in the news post. Plus, for the monthly raffle (which you had to be a paying member to enter, grr), he was giving away 3 copies o_O Downloaded the demo, gots to play now :D
over 14 years ago
the photo comments are actually pretty clever. and by clever i mean accurate.
over 14 years ago
omg! i bought it just yesterday! i justified my purchase by convincing myself that i'm supporting indie games ^^ it's a lot of fun!!! good to know that you're enjoying it, too!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43207]@DK[/url] Maybe it was, but it's harder to keep it secret when it gets featured by Valve.
over 14 years ago
Yay for Recettear. :D
(Not sure if I should buy it, though, even if the demo was pure glee)
over 14 years ago
@Frank West: the only chance of a Dead rising comic would be have either Chuck make a functional duct-tape mech and you riding on top of it or do a Halloween comic with you dress as X and greene wearing a duct-tape zero costume.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I knew you'd make a recettear webcomic XD
over 14 years ago
I liked all of them. Mostly because I have actually played Recettear, love Borderlands, understand communism (I love the sole item she has to sell), and Thundercats is a fun twist on the situation.
The Specialist
over 14 years ago
now the true question remains, do you just like RPG's, or are you a weeaboo like myself?
over 14 years ago
I remember when this webcomic was funny.
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
@Frank West
Say frank, sources say that a tall man with a camera, a brown coat, and the build of a football player crossed with a god has been seen kicking zombie ass a long with Chuck Greene.
Any comments?
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
@Frank West
Just wait til Chuck Greene steals your limelight when he arrives in Vegas...
...and your photos can't help you now!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!
over 14 years ago
why the sudden influx of soviet Russia jokes?
over 14 years ago
I direct you to the second-to-last panel of this comic.
over 14 years ago
Loading up the Nerf Now site always causes my entire PC to freeze up for several seconds. Using the latest Firefox 4 beta. Any sugesstions?
over 14 years ago
All this time I thought Recettear was just /v/ and /a/'s little secret...
Cpt. Obvious
over 14 years ago
@Frank West: lolumad?
over 14 years ago
Hah! I didn't expect this at all. Recettear's really taking the net by storm.
I also didn't expect a Thundercats reference. Not complaining.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
What the hell is crap? First a Tetris comic, and now a lame Thundercats joke? Where's my Dead Rising comic? When does Frank get his commeupance?
over 14 years ago
Love this strip! Made me laugh my butt off. Also like how the USSR store is empty, very realistic if I do say so myself. Lulz!
over 14 years ago
lol, Borderlands! damn gun vending machines takin all my cash!
over 14 years ago
...Recette, get off the Internet, you have a store to run, remember?
Recette Lemongrass
over 14 years ago
A comic about me?! Yayifications!
over 14 years ago
I think the first one is the town the game is in.
over 14 years ago
... ok, I get all of them EXCEPT the first one...
over 14 years ago
Alternative Communism block, it stays the same but has a really long line of people.
over 14 years ago
I started playing this game because everyone is talking about it, and the live streams are pretty interesteng to watch. Question: Would you ever be interested in doing livestreams yourself?
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