What people are saying about "Scrooge Lemongrass"
Scrooge Lemongrass
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over 13 years ago
Boolets are 200 dowlar custom-tooled. $400,000 to fire for 12 seconds at 10,000 rounds per meenut.
over 14 years ago
I won on my very first playthrough, no replays, no prior plays, finished with 50k to spare.

...Full disclosure, I /am/ an accountant though. I think it actually helps you in the game. :)
over 14 years ago
Each 1 ammo for the minigun actually counts as 4 bullets
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43682]@wat[/url]: Yes, the $800 figure is incorrect.
over 14 years ago
Aren't they two hundred dollar custom tooled cartridges?
over 14 years ago
Just Pin!
over 14 years ago
Are we sure that's Recette? Are we sure that isn't that one annoying purple haired girl who tries to sell you stuff like a goldfish bowl for 520%? Or maybe the spy? Or maybe that chick IS the spy?!
over 14 years ago
Recette, you sneaky little... ho.
Still, that's like 8 bucks per bullet. What kind of rounds is he using, Bolt shells?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43495]@Frank[/url]: Must be in the Wii version. Because I've played both the DS and Gamecube versions and don't recall ever seeing a fairy.
Khan FurSainty
over 14 years ago
Heavy: Leave me alone, baby medic! You are not my wife!
Another Bag of Monies
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43496]@StarPilot[/url]: Does a baby diaper contain 800 dollars for each bullet the heavy wastes on said baby? ...either that or he's a loanshark. (All russians are, basically.)
Mikoto Misaka
over 14 years ago
@Ice Car: wat.
Haitei Raoyue
over 14 years ago
This is your best one so far.
over 14 years ago
@A Bag of Monies: Obviously from killing tiny baby cowards.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43494]@Batabii[/url]: Read the word, "except"; and yes, there is a fairy in Animal Crossing.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43490]@Frank[/url]: There's a fairy in Animal Crossing?
A Bag of Monies
over 14 years ago
The real question is...

Where did the Heavy get all that money to buy for all that ammo he uses?
over 14 years ago
@The State: Yes, except you have to pay debts to a fairy and you don't really own the real estate business.
over 14 years ago
Why am I so horrible at everything other than running away and dying?
The State
over 14 years ago
So it's a game where you play as Tom Nook?
over 14 years ago
Great now I got the moon level stuck in my head.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43478]@Necronner[/url]: Oh and then there'll be a WHOLE lot of guys requesting pron of her. I hope she's a futa.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43478]@Necronner[/url]: Sooner or later she'll be pms'ing about not being able to call her boyfriend. Then there's the texting. GODDAMN THAT'S A LOT OF TEXTING. WHO NEEDS TO FUCKING TEXT? JUST GO BIKE THERE FOR 's SAKE. ATLEAST CALL THEM. Geeze.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43470]@somebody[/url]: fffffffffffff~
over 14 years ago
Mr. Heavy, Euria was selling those bullets at 500% base price to me...
over 14 years ago
The Guildmaster ordered weapons which I bought from him, that is sumting that cracks me hard XD
over 14 years ago
@ kommo1

As the baby player starts getting more and more experienced in her roll and the game of TF2 in general, she starts to become more mature.

She capped an intell for her team, that gave her a growth spirt. She gets a domination and captures the last point on dustbowl, Teen Medic-chan
over 14 years ago
Is it just me or is little Medic growning?
over 14 years ago
@Ze Spy:

Scrooge McDuck passed away in 1967. Echoing McDuck however, Resette had to outsmart the sharpest of sharpies and be tougher than the toughies to get to where she is by endgame... her being triumphant against a prince of darkness in the name of profit (which you can't trust) is enough.
Ze Spy
over 14 years ago
I am disappointed by this depiction of Scrooge McDuck. The top hat and the redingote are here but where is the duck?
You better not fuck with McDuck dude.
over 14 years ago
You forgot to say how many bullets he fires in twelve seconds.
over 14 years ago
chucking monitors around the room, ho!

also i think you can relax for the first 2 weeks with that money..
over 14 years ago
The price of weapon has increased.

Capitalism, ho!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43461]@Inwinta[/url]: I actually lol'd hard when a guy bought a thief's knife when he said he always wanted one. I now fear that I've just given a weapon to either a thief or a murderer.
Ice Car
over 14 years ago
That person in the top hat looks a lot like Carl Clover from BB.


Just pause at the beginnning if you don't want to watch it. one on the left.

Did you get the sprite from him? I swear he has a sprite almost exactly like that, but couldn't find it.
over 14 years ago
Damn I love that game... just when the the little girl buyes the PIRATE HAT saying "this is a present for momy".

maybe i'll try to finish it without loops too, i had been done to restart 3 times...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43454]@Titanis[/url]: That also happens to me when I open NerfNow for the first time. It might be the ads, but I have FlashBlock so I can't be sure.
over 14 years ago
Oh, and at the $200 rate, it would cost $666,660 dollars to fire it until it completely empties. No idea how you get the extra $60, that's like a third of a bullet o_O
over 14 years ago
Hmm, I think it's 833 and change per boolet if you go by the in-game play, though the heavy states that the gun fires 10k rounds a minute, at $200 each. Either way, yeah, that's some expensive ammo!
over 14 years ago
I hate sasha.
over 14 years ago
Loading up the Nerf Now site always causes my entire PC to freeze up for several seconds. Using the latest Firefox 4 beta. Any sugesstions?
over 14 years ago
I fucking love Recettear strips.
over 14 years ago
I hate price gouging. It's going to cause the zombie apacolipse.

over 14 years ago
When Poker Night came out, Heavy will have another source of income. Or debt. I pre-ordered it and I don't even like poker!
over 14 years ago
10000%!? No wonder Scrooge Resette's place still looks like shit! Near Pins and Just Combos are the way to go!
over 14 years ago
This game annoys me for some reason...
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43368]@Frank[/url]: The game's been out for 3 years in Japan. Recettear got relatively big initially, but that was a while ago.
over 14 years ago
One more "-x-, ho!" reference and I'm gonna start chucking monitors around the room.
The fuck
over 14 years ago
When did the little medic start speaking? And learn math?

over 14 years ago
Ironically, the game's actually much easier if you ignore profit margins and make all non-red transactions at 104/70% to level up yourself and your customers as fast as possible.
over 14 years ago
I want the Heavy's adventurer card.
over 14 years ago
when you beat the game without loops you get nothing and if you do new game+ to get the rest of the True cards it counts as looping. T_T it took like 10 attempts to get a no loop win but then you have to give it up to get all items.
over 14 years ago
A neat trick, if you get a Vending Machine A.S.A.P. you can place blue items in them and they will still sell at 100% cost (which you can't do if you haggle)
over 14 years ago
Uuuuuuuuggggh I still need to actually play this game.
over 14 years ago
I'm guessing that the achievement is based around the $200 bullet cost...but the actual in-game firing rate, which is most *definitely* less than 10k/sec....
Xenni~ ♪
over 14 years ago
Good to see you're going by the in-game facts instead of what heavy says on his 'meet the' video...

And aww, mini-medic is too big to be a hat now :c
over 14 years ago
I was FEARING you'd put this game in this comic too.
over 14 years ago
Oh ffuck

i laughted so hard it hurt
over 14 years ago
Hmm really I got through the game my first try (although very barely with just the skin off my nose, thank god for that food 200% event right on the last day)
But then again that was version 1.01
over 14 years ago
12 seconds of continuous firing: $400000
1 sandvich edible device: $5000
Medical insurance: 12 hours daily of letting your doctor be your hat
Getting ripped off: Priceless
over 14 years ago
Don't you think it's enough?
over 14 years ago
$200 cartridges at 10000 rounds per minute
For 12 seconds... First, let's find out how many rounds are fired in 12 seconds...
10000 x 12 / 60 = 2000 rounds
2000 x $200 per bullet = $400,000 dollars to fire this weapon for 12 seconds.
Nordic Oten
over 14 years ago
The Recettear music is now looping in your head.

For the rest of the day.
over 14 years ago
You play some of the weirdest and outright stupidest games...
over 14 years ago
What I love most is Heavy's face. lol
over 14 years ago
@M Demoman made 5 million last year. Since he makes his explosives, that probably doesn't count the costs of production. Heavy is well compensated for his production costs.

Production of death.
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Just... keep waiting for Dead Rising 2... Then I'll get my due!
over 14 years ago
Even in TF2, FOE... I mean, Capitalism, ho!!!!!
over 14 years ago
Ex-orphan from deathspank got a spin off?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43364]@Patch[/url]: That's one of the reasons I'm loving Steam. We get crazy discounts every week, we get games like this thanks to Valve willing to put 'em up on Steam, and Steam Sales even saved Introversion (Makers of Uplink, Defcon, and Darwinia): http://kotaku.com/5620259/steam-sale-saves-developer
over 14 years ago
I weight 150 kilograms and fires $200 custom-tooled cartridges at 10,000 rounds per minute. It cost $400,000 to fire me for 12 seconds!!
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43342]@Somedood[/url]: I bet most of us have no idea what game that's talking about.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43368]@Frank[/url] that's not even close to how to spell "CONNIVING"
over 14 years ago
Also, my cutthroat tactics apply to buying too.

"My pensions! Please! Buy my goods!"
"Sure. Here, 25% of base price."

I hope they make an expansion/sequel where we can buy land and build houses JUST so I can foreclose on people when they don't pay.
over 14 years ago
better question

where is heavy getting all this money? being a mercenary cant pay that well can it?
over 14 years ago
@I'm RICH: mmm... Capitalism.
over 14 years ago
See, this depresses me since it's all I can think of while playing the game.


"YESSSSS! Time to sell melons for 300% markup! 40k per melon hell yes."

Also, Elan won't buy anything and Nagi won't show up so I can get her. Ughhh.
over 14 years ago
ok Jo, i'll go check the game out, but if it sucks i will blame you. however if it rocks i will thank myself for choosing wisely XD
over 14 years ago
Here's a little something my friend and I made, thought you guys might enjoy it (It's a 12 second long Recettear vid, lol)
over 14 years ago
Defenitly picking this game up next paycheck
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43364]@Patch[/url]: Huh. The more you know.
over 14 years ago
I think there's a word for that face. It reminds me of Mitsuba...
over 14 years ago
Also, if it wasn't for Recettear being on Steam, it wouldn't be selling as well as it is now over here. Jo probably also wouldn't have made the last 2 comics either. You know it to be true...

*goes back to playing Suguri/Gundemonium*
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43350]@Stonga[/url]: :P There was probably a quick edit, then.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43355]@Frank[/url] It's a doujin game, so even in japan, its audience is limited. That said, I heard it ranked up in sales to give Touhou a run for it's money over there.
over 14 years ago
I hate math.
over 14 years ago
wait... is she knitting Jayne Kobbs hat from firefly?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43355]@Frank[/url] It's about capitalism, dude. I'm surprised the japanese made it in the first place.
over 14 years ago
Sandvich = $5,000
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
It amazes me a lot how popular this is getting here in the U.S but not over there in Japan.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43335]@Scarecrow[/url] if you read the comic, it says the base price is 6660, not 666.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43342]@somedood[/url] Have you been reading the comics lately? Mini medics hair has always been blue!
over 14 years ago
head hert.my go i die now :(.,
over 14 years ago
This is going to make for an interesting christmas carol.
over 14 years ago
You people. That's obvious not mini-Medic as her hair is blue, not brown.

Also, you guys obviously haven't played this game.
over 14 years ago
The math is good.
100% of 6660 is 6660
1000% = 66600
10000% = 666000
A Bag of Opinions
over 14 years ago
...stupid eco-NOM-y bringing me down.

(I bet nobody else can beat my remark.)
over 14 years ago
According to TF2 Wiki

Minigun fires 40 boolets per second.
So it fires 480 bullets per 12 seconds
It cost $400,000, so 400,000/480 = $833.33 per each boolet.
over 14 years ago
She seems legit.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43330]@EMP[/url]: You are doing your math wrong, but I think Jo is too. :P 100% of 666 is still 666, and 1000% would be 6660. 6,660,000 would be more like 1,000,000% of base price.
over 14 years ago
1000% of 666 is 6660 (10x100%). Quite a few extra zeros.
over 14 years ago
did mini-medic just gain like 7 years older?
over 14 years ago
666 x 1,000 = 666,000. One too many zeroes? Am I doing math horribly wrong? Or am I not seeing a decimal?
over 14 years ago
Capitalism hoe
over 14 years ago
This comic is genius....I probably just spelled that wrong...
over 14 years ago
"My Sasha asked me to get this for her..."
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_43321]@Nukey[/url]: That's great, mate.
over 14 years ago
First :B

Mini-medic is grown up.