I'm quite happy about the removal of the "stack of doom" mechanic. It's much easier to defend your resources tiles from 2 or 3 marauding spearmen than 20.
A Fan
over 14 years ago
There are few things more satisfying than performing a merry jig with a Giant Death Robot on the flaming ruins of a barbarian camp.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44379]@Darthcaboose[/url]: Probably should've worked the tech tree out a bit more... The fact that you can get mechanized infantry without having rifling is retarded
over 14 years ago
Civilization V isn't quite as deep as Civilization IV, that is true. However, deep isn't always better. Many of the things that were streamlined or removed in Civ V (religion, I'm looking at you!) made it look like they were just trying to make the game look deep by adding more breadth. Bleugh!
over 14 years ago
Civ5 needs more diplomacy and espionage. And I want to trade tech. And a dispenser!
Just like to say Im loving these Civ V comics hope you keep them coming there making me want to play the game more :D
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44362]@Zaranthan[/url]: Exactly a game should be like a delicious cake. The cake is great moist and delicious. It shouldnt NEED icing to make it taste better.
It's a dude
over 14 years ago
I.e., what usually happens when you kick diplomatic envoys into a pit of spikes.
over 14 years ago
"Also, vanilla Civ IV wasn't that great too so who knows what can happen on the upcoming expansions?"
This was my knee-jerk response to people complaining about Civ 5, too. Seeing it from someone else made me think a little harder: Civ 1 and 2 didn't need expansion packs to be good.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44344]@Steve[/url]: "Need a sense of sarcasm here!" Barbarians always have the best units that the most advanced player has. Barbarian destroyer? Stay away from Somalia.
over 14 years ago
Heh, I agree with the diplomacy photo note by Jeff. That ALWAYS happens except in this comic, the tank-crashing-down-wall bit happens a lot because of those barbarians.
over 14 years ago
Yeayifications, Civilization!!
And, scout-chan is sooooooooooooo cute!
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44326]@Serathis[/url], it's not link. It's a girl scout. Cuz it's, you know, a little girl who is a scout.
over 14 years ago
In the last game I played I encountered at least 5 barbarian destroyers. Yes, as in the modern attack ship. Also some barbarian paratroopers.
over 14 years ago
It just goes to show that you NEVER shoot a messenger, unless you want a front row seat to a reenactment of the Mongol invasion of Khwarezmia.
idk about the new version but atleast in the last version building the Great Wall keeps barbarians out of your homelands, most cities outside of the wall will generally be less income than those inside it anyway.
over 14 years ago
I hate how barbarians wreak havoc on my continent until i manage to unite it completely under my rule.
Germies are awesome with raging barbarians though.
over 14 years ago
lol'd hard
over 14 years ago
So Link is now a scout? Also, appealing for a wider audience? Check what are they doing with Heroes of Stalingrad. That's how it's done right!
over 14 years ago
Scout-chan looks adorable in a sad kind of way in panel 2.
over 14 years ago
I haven't played a civ game since II, but I may give this one a try. The perceived complexity of the past titles turned me off, so if V is seen as 'dumbed down' by fans of the series; it might be right up my alley.
over 14 years ago
I always explore with a warrior. Since I usually play as Nobunaga the warrior is more than enough for petty barbarian encampments and can still explore fairly decent.