Based on the author's note, I do believe this particular Mario Kart was before the blue shell's time.
over 14 years ago
rofl! this is so direct but it made me lol emediately.
over 14 years ago
What you speek about minecraft yeah it is interensting and also good game but you seee why it's named alpha. I have it and my suggestion is. WAIT beta
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Hey, anybody know who that guy in green is? He kinda looks like mario, but I can't quite place it.
over 14 years ago
Just contact steam about it if you lost a hat. They'll return it most of the time.
over 14 years ago
This is cart. Rainbows make me crash.
over 14 years ago
Alien Breed is pretty bad, I dropped it after they decided to start randomly changing the camera angle as you run down a hall, slamming you into a wall over and over again. Trying to dodge any spoilers so sorry if that doesn't make sense for an overhead view shooter
[url=#user_comment_44492]@stoppit[/url]: So how about that Civ 5?
over 14 years ago
I don't care for how you go from talking about Mario Kart and TF2 to something completely unrelated like "Alien Swarm" or whatever. Please refrain from doing that.
over 14 years ago
Well. I know this has nothing to do with anything about the comic, but I felt that this needed to be mentioned.
over 14 years ago
where the rest????????????? i sat here for 4 hours reading the stuff. you are a GOD!! srry for the childish comment. make more plz for me!!
Mini engineer
over 14 years ago
"Dear Diary, I sure didn't get a pot of gold today but I sure hit the jack pot!"
"Shut up luigi."
over 14 years ago
To the author:
A friend of mine accidentally discarded a hat he received once, and someone contacted valve on his behalf and he had his hat back within a week's time. So maybe try to contact valve and see if you can't get a replacement from them.
over 14 years ago
I'll never get my L4D2 preorder shit from GameStop, last time I ever deal with them.
[url=#user_comment_44424]@StarPilot[/url]: I used to do it without taking the feet of the gas using the green turtle. Good times.
over 14 years ago
I always did terrible on the SNES Rainbow Road. With it being so narrow and not having any side rails at all usually meant that I'd end up last, even if I managed to place 1st on all of the previous tracks.
over 14 years ago
Try the demo of Alien Breed before you buy it. It gets very samey.
over 14 years ago
I used to do the Mario Kart 64 trick on Rainbow Road whereby you jump and turn left on the big downhill at the start. Time it right (the 6th rainbow stripe IIRC from the start) and you would land on a doubled back section 1/4 way down the lap. Miss and you have to reset back where you jumped off.
Some other extra lives
over 14 years ago
Strangely enough, Rainbow Road was my best stage, just choose a heavy character and knock everyone off at the start (Works on double dash anyways)
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44394]@Random[/url]: as if that censor does anything at all.
over 14 years ago
Lame pun...
Scout (totally not a spy)
over 14 years ago
this comic makes me cry
over 14 years ago
rainbow road ALL THE WAY!!
over 14 years ago
I wanna cry.... not because of a crashed kart but that blasted rainbow!!!
over 14 years ago
Oh my god.. a full rainbow.. what does thi... oh luigi.
over 14 years ago
...and this is how luigi met daisy.
over 14 years ago
Luigi: F*cking blue shell...
Cyclone Duke
over 14 years ago
*blows tip of index finger*
Abraham Lincoln
over 14 years ago
Also, I always hated Rainbow Road the most of all the Mario Cart tracks. Couldn't stay on to save my life.
Cyclone Duke
over 14 years ago
It's called the road, it's called the Rainbow Road....