What people are saying about "King's New Hat"
King's New Hat
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almost 14 years ago
On the list of most critical benefits of shedding pounds is the greater electrical power levels. Although a person is body fat and weighty, hefeels lazy and slug to do the job. Identical factor is reversed when weight is reduction. There are actually extra energy ranges. Even just before oneloses f
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Let's solidify this. The Sniper cannot DIE from a head-shot. If the killing blow, say an attack that would bring his HP at or below 0 thus ending his life, is aimed right at his head, he will survive. HOWEVER, if he takes a head-shot that doesn't kill him, he still receives the damage.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44645]@Merc[/url]: Uh, I'm talking about a situation where the Spy gets the element of surprise first. At point-blank, all it takes is one head-shot from the Amby and then a body shot for a kill. So yeah, it's a plan. I'd go so far to say an OUTSTANDING plan, especially if he's Razorback'd.
Necron Lord of Kronus
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Ho! Captalism
nothing to say '-'
@ @SRG
over 14 years ago
Guys, try thinking for a moment before posting. If the new croc shield blocked backstabs, then it's basically just a Razorback + 25hp. Which is obviously just OP and stupid. The croc shield DOES NOT stop backstabs.
As for Ambassador, it's stil the same, one headshot, one bodyshot
over 14 years ago
Yeah I'd imagine so. You can't backstab the sniper, and you can't take him out with a headshot using the Ambassador, therefore breaking the entire sniper class. Now Snipers are relegated to taking out engineer buildings, and maybe getting into a direct conflict with the sniper, but no insta-kills.
over 14 years ago
wait so does this mean snipers are immune to spies now with they got the gatorback and immune to head shots?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44724]@ZAN[/url] Body shotting snipers can still kill pretty much everything.
over 14 years ago
Pocket medic
over 14 years ago
so the red spy must have tested out his new knife on Saxton... who some how blonde?
over 14 years ago
Robin said they were going to add recipes for the set hats.
over 14 years ago
Well it did allow me to finally get the sentry remote control which was really the only thing I needed to complete my engineer rollout. But that doesn't matter now since soldiers can just bomb my sentries to shit now since they have resistance to it.
over 14 years ago
You forget that while it makes the Sniper immune to headshots, they can't do any themselves anymore. THAT is what it'll change their gameplay.
over 14 years ago
@Xenni~ ♪: It's a primary weapon. Not a secondary.
Xenni~ ♪
over 14 years ago
I HATE the new scout pistol, it's like a secondary FaN ><
over 14 years ago
Actually I did craft a croc hat then trade it away for a vita-saw. Dont question my methods.
strict rules
over 14 years ago
mercenary code states you must buy a permit to remove your hat :P
over 14 years ago
Just gotta say that the defense banner is super awesome fun, especially with a kritz pocket medic. Just wait until the two of you are charged, then just rick roll over everyone. 35% dmg reduction, no crits, and full crits for you? AWESOME.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44708]@Calzone[/url]: Stupid Sexy Scout
over 14 years ago
Feels like I'm wearin' nothin' at all!

Nothin' at all!

Nothin' at all!
over 14 years ago
@Doc Lithius: Well... Think of this as donating towards Half Life 3 finally coming out sooner.
over 14 years ago
lol you can still get all the items through drops and you can still craft all the hats... you just need luck XD
Internet Guy
over 14 years ago
Generally I found the whole update enjoyable. I don't mind the store and I have in fact purchased quite a few items, mostly cosmetic stuff.

My one problem is the fact that crates seem to drop quite a bit, and at the moment the only way to get the keys to open them is via the shop. Capitalism, Ho!
over 14 years ago
Robin wrote on the forums that the polycount hats will have a crafting blueprint to help with balacing out the specials.
over 14 years ago
o.m.g o que é isso kaskaskaskaskas
over 14 years ago
clicked on the wrong hat while trading. Got completely ripped off. My fancy fedoraaaa, nooooo
over 14 years ago
@Informative Troll: Well, hot damn. I talk about it last night and it gets announced the next day. The update gets better AFTER the day it came out.
Informative Troll
over 14 years ago
Update: Robin Walker has since replied to a message on the Steam Forums that Polycount hats will have specific craftable formulas now. Likewise it should be noted that the Sniper may be immune to head shots with his set but the Sydney Sleeper cannot dish out head shots.
over 14 years ago
well, I DID get a croc by trading on one of my spare tyrant's
guess the other guy didn't think it was so valuable
over 14 years ago
I had great success with the "milkman" build last night. Kept getting a 5 kill streak!
over 14 years ago
i think its fare, for one reason: i heard they are making the new hats craftable

over 14 years ago
Even without any other tangible benefit than saving time, people are gonna sink loads into this shop. Valve will be rich. Filthy rich. Filthy, stinking rich. Just a big...just a BIG stinking CORPSE of ATROCIOUS, ROTTEN RICH.
Doc Lithius
over 14 years ago
I'm...on the fence about this latest Team Fortress 2 update. On the one hand, I like the fact we now have twice as much Backpack space to work with, but on the other hand, this could easily turn the game into yet another "rich kid's playground" much akin to every Korean MMORPG EVER...
over 14 years ago
@Soylent Robot: Fine by me, I hate twitch snipers.

I approve of this update. Micro-transactions are not being forced upon anyone and the new gear is pretty interesting. Valve certainly handles the whole item store bwees-ness better than companies like Nexon. (I hate you, Nexon.)
over 14 years ago
I like this update. Community desingers actually can make a small profit of their items and hats if they are added to the store. It's supporting and encouraging to the community to build and contribute to keep TF2 fresh and fun.
over 14 years ago
The new update sucks ass.
Soldiers broken.
Scouts broken.
Pyros broken.
Spys broken.
Snipers broken AND immune to headshots.
Demo is unused again.
Medic is unused again.
Engis unused again.
Heavys super UP
And the Random button is still never used......
over 14 years ago
As long as I dont have to pay for updates, Im willing to purchase item sets i REALLLY want for 25 bucks right now.

I am a tanking Soldier right now...
over 14 years ago
Don't bother with the 20 bucks a pack. Just aim for the all in one for 50 bucks.
over 14 years ago
The set bonus seems to be a clever idea. The Degreaser is deadly with the axtinguisher as it is easier to "puff n' sting" but you need to equip the powerjack to move faster
Soylent Robot
over 14 years ago
People always seem to forget that if a sniper wants headshot immunity, he gives up his own ability to headshot with the sydney sleeper.
over 14 years ago
it was only a matter of time until valve decided to jump on the bandwaggon of micro transactions. Can't say I'm happy with that either. I'd prefer an age verification system... [url=#user_comment_44655] @davtwan[/url]: For now, they can not be traded. but wait for it and it will happen. Just wait.
over 14 years ago
Maybe the special-set hats could have their own 100% crafting formula, if they don't already have one? After all, if some players plan to craft it, then they could at least get an absolute chance to get it after weeks of collecting items.

After all, store-bought items cannot be traded.
over 14 years ago
I generally liked this update. I love The Degreaser for fitting with my playstyle.

I'm glad items can still be found normally too. Players found PAINT. Nevertheless, special-set hats having no better odds than regular hats was a bit devious. Whatever it takes to jump-start the store, I suppose.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44645]@Merc[/url]: to get the set bonus you need to be using the rifle that *CAN'T* headshot back
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
But even with these added prices, you can still op out of buying them and just find them. heck, even some items still can't be bought, and must be found.
over 14 years ago
You couldnt see this coming, Jo? Where were you when people foretold this coming back when Valve started selling exclusive items for prepurchasing L4D2 and Sam+Max? Those were the omens heralding this coming, yet people like you provided excuse after excuse for Valves foot in the door schemes. GJ.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44622]@Le_Spah[/url]: And then you get headshotted since you didnt kill him the first time. So now you're dead and he's run off to get health. Yeah. Good plan there.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44631]@lol[/url]: Pretty sure thats the definition of a headshot in TF2 terms. Headshot = instant death from charged rifle. Headshot =/= instant death from charge rifle. I guess you can say he's immune to headshots. OH SNAP.
over 14 years ago
After taking another look at this, I really think that it should be Recette at the counter instead of Hale-spy.
over 14 years ago
Holy Mackerel is god tier. That is all.
over 14 years ago
wait the scouts get a bottle of non-milk to chuck at folks so he can sap their health?
over 14 years ago
@lilly satou
notonly that but pr update items that already said vintiage (merrywether) now sound weird "vintage vintage merrywether" which is why i found a tag and renamed it the pyro hat of pwning
over 14 years ago
sniper thing protects you from one headshot- it'll always leave you at at least 1 hp when it should have killed you, but it's not immunity.

my friend just got the gru twice- bought it then it dropped an hour later.
Lilly Satou
over 14 years ago
Baaaawwww. Valve made it so that items bought were untradable and uncraftable, they made pre-update items vintage, and all sets have a specific recipe. Not to mention the items are ridiculously overpriced in the first place AND funds from bought community items go to the creators. Why complain?
over 14 years ago
I agree with Titanis. I want a mini-medic. Maybe a hat with a mini-medic key-chain on it?
over 14 years ago
I think the new rifle is pretty useful - I've managed to ruin many heavy-medic combos by inflicting jarate from across the map.

Other than that, still trying to get the right stuff to craft the new items.
over 14 years ago
Damn. Now Spy is a businessman.

Sneaky bastard. Ponzi schemes and all that.
over 14 years ago
Keep in mind the bonus says "The wearer cannot be *killed* by headshots." Meaning you can't die from them, but you can still receive damage. So Amby combo is still valid (Head-shot for the 102 dmg and then body shot to clean up). Or a head-shot to bring them down to 1 HP, if that's how it works.
over 14 years ago
The update needs some tweaking, that's all I have to say about it.
over 14 years ago
Why has no one made a mini-medic that I can buy and wear in TF2?
over 14 years ago
I love the tittle of the comic.
over 14 years ago
I find the solider set bounse to be a bit much, 20% damage reduction from a sentry guy is a lot to be taken away from. I mean a solider being healed by a medic could take it out with out an uber.
over 14 years ago
And suddenly I'm recalling 8-Bit Theater...
over 14 years ago
The new weapons I have have been fun to use and effective in the field, without giving me any apparent advantage.

I just wish we could get the GRU..I heard stories that it can drop, but..
over 14 years ago
I'm a bit surprised you didn't say anything about the Degreaser, what with how it's frankly an Axtinguish Pyro's wet dream.
Mild Sauce
over 14 years ago
You can't receive headshots, but to get that set bonus you must be using the Sydney Sleeper, which cannot headshot others. It basically just removes headshots from the equation, and it's hard to imagine a croc Sniper even participating in a sniper war.
over 14 years ago
The croc hat set bonus comes at the exception of using the Sydney Sleeper. Which is pretty damn awful. It isnt unfair. Just annoying.