For the people who don't notice it, this referres to the craftable diamonth armor in Minecraft.
~ Minecraft: 0% Sugar ~
over 14 years ago
Heavy has always been ez mode, top the board with him EASILY
You must only play pubs, gloves only help him get too & from the line quicker, which is welcome, I guess..
Makes the spy have to work harder to pick stray heavys though
Kyono Ieora
over 14 years ago
Holy hell, he became Taric! (league of legends)
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44755]@Frank[/url] West: I hate this new guy more than you!
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Who the f*ck is this guy?
HUH? Anyone care to elaborate? I don't see HIM covering wars? Do you?
over 14 years ago
I wish that get diamonds on minecraft its so easy like that.
@Batabii[/url]: Minecraft isn't the entire game that the comic means,
but Dead Rising isn't too.
over 14 years ago
Chuck's armor needs more duct tape. And chainsaws.
over 14 years ago
@Wheeeeeeee!: Maybe if Minecraft wouldn't refuse to work for me, I could try it.
@n3w[/url]: Minecraft is NOT The Game. Which you just lost.
@hyudra[/url] then why is is I almost never see more than one heavy on a team?
over 14 years ago
Trouble is, most games are devolving into 'whoever has moar heavies wins'. It's starting to get boring/annoying, particularly with Natascha. It's too easy to get results with the new W+M1 class (the heavy) and disproportionately difficult to counter it, in your typical server.
over 14 years ago
What Gryffinp said. The trouble being that heavies (by design) tend to provoke teamwork, while it takes considerably more effort to coordinate countermeasures vs. a heavy push (reinforced by a medic, another heavy, and various teammates).
over 14 years ago
talking about minecraft. also anyone who moans that it's too vague should realise that EVERYONE in the ENTIRE world plays minecraft. some just don't admit it, or don't realise they play it.
over 14 years ago
1. You're a good heavy.
2. You're playing on pubs with noobs. They probably charge right at you and die like bitches.
3. If you'd played against anyone who knew what they were doing,you'd be dying over and over,even with support.
Summary: You're play against noobs. That's why you do so well.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44846]@Batabii[/url]: The colour and shape on those new items match minecraft graphics very well.. yes it's an in-joke, anyone who's played a fair amount of minecraft will 'get' it very quickly, but those who don't... eh, too bad. Nerf now centres around in-jokes so you can't get every gag.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44842]@sama[/url]: Name something in the Scout pack besides the Shortstop that actually needs aim.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44836]@Somebody[/url]: and how were we supposed to know this has anything do do with minecraft, other than the vague title?
As for the new unlocks, at best, they're awesome (Holy Mackeral, Degreaser) and at worst, they're lazily implemented (Darwin's Danger Shield, L'Etranger). Nothing I would want gone.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44837]@ArmsAreLoud[/url]: I'd love to use the new scout weapons... but alas, I cannot aim. I'll stick to classes like soldier, pyro, and spy for now.
over 14 years ago
So you want to complain about what is OP or not, and you choose the GRU over the new Scout weapons.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44835]@Batabii[/url] (And anyone else who doesn't get the gag)
Diamonds make the longest-lasting equipment in Minecraft. The last panel shows him wearing diamond armor and a diamond helm while wielding a diamond sword (tha handle of which is the stick from breaking the broom).
over 14 years ago
@Don'Gitit: What does that have anything to do with Orbitz?!
over 14 years ago
I don't understand what this joke is implying. Does Dead Rising 2 (I assume that's what this is) allow you to make anything into anything else?
over 14 years ago
This Asiaticfox thing, or whatever they did there... Is that a reference to Orbitz commercial or the Old spice dude commercials?
over 14 years ago
None of this has any bearing on whether or not the GRU are overpowered. I haven't seen them in action. But that's my theory for why good heavies with support rack up insane points. I've had games where I got on the cart, started shooting, and never left it until it fell into the pit of death.
over 14 years ago
The ideal 12 V 12 team should be focused on on protecting and assisting the team's heavy/ies and disabling the other team's heavy/ies Spies and scouts attack the heavies while pyros keep them off and medics heal. Demos and soldiers bombard the enemy heavies and snipers, while the heavies charge in.
over 14 years ago
The heavies are the big honking capital ships, with the main guns and scores of protection that can blow things up better than anything. Their weakness is that they need support. Without backup from frigates and cruisers, and a fighter screen, a single millennium falcon can blow up a star destroyer.
over 14 years ago
I like to think about Team Fortress Two's meta-combat as being similar to the traditional depection of space combat. There are small fighters running around striking at key objectvies, frigates and cruisers running around shooting each other and at the fighters while the fighters try to dodge them.
over 14 years ago
I got out of my way to kill heavies as a scout.
over 14 years ago
I wonder what you'll draw after you get frustrated with FOnline 2238.
Delicious, as usual, man!
over 14 years ago
He doenst need pants to screw around.
over 14 years ago
You win all the moneys.
Pick Yer Poison
over 14 years ago
Look at your zombie. Now back to me. Now back to your zombie, now back to ME. Sadly, he isn't me. But if he got a decent ranged weapon, he could be as annoying as me. Look down, back up. Where are you? You're in a cave, being attacked by the zombie your zombie could fight like!
over 14 years ago
Wait, the guy who made Mega Man also made Dead Rising? Awesome.
over 14 years ago
The real question is, where did he get the wood to make the workbench?
over 14 years ago
Aaaaah Minecraft. All you need now is a shite ton of TNT and you can just level the whole city.
over 14 years ago
Hello ladies. Look at your man. Now back to me. Look at your man, now back to ME. Sadly, he isn't me. But if he stopped using leather armor and switched to Old Spice Diamond Armor, he could defend like he is me.
over 14 years ago
Of course he didn't make pants!
8 for breastplate
*7* for pants
5 for helmet
2 for sword
He must have only had 15 diamonds to work with.
over 14 years ago
Heavies are big and slow... They're easy to kill. Bit tougher with a medic but still no big deal.
over 14 years ago
That'sssssssssss a very nice everything you've got thereeeee...
over 14 years ago
I'd also argue Heavy domination is really due to people on pubs not knowing how to engage a competent Heavy. You're a bloody gigantic, slow moving target - if people however feel like running into your wound up meat mincer regardless they've got to l2p.
Those gloves however.. kind of a big deal.
over 14 years ago
GRU: "Increases movement speed while equipped to 299 Hammer Units per second, or nearly 100% of the 300 HU/sec baseline." (
If you go here:
you will find that Demo = 280 HU and GRUHeavy = 299 HU.
over 14 years ago
I'll admit, I always get a great kill count as Heavy... when the enemy just charges out into my line of fire.
I'm not that hard to kill, just don't make yourself a sitting duck. Or let the poor sucker Scout running in front of Natascha distract me and lob some explosives my way.
over 14 years ago
@The Doctor photo note, do you mean, "Broom. headshot"?
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44787]@Francis[/url]: what you talkin' about francis you have a shrine of him in your flashback.
"chuck using his adventure mode reactions crafts himself a adamantine sword and armor."
over 14 years ago
look down, look up, that thing you wanted is now diamonds.
over 14 years ago
lol, you totally bought minecraft, didn't ya Jo? >D
over 14 years ago
After reading this comic for several months, I finally got TF2
over 14 years ago
I hate this new wanna-be zombie killer.
Acting like he does a better job at killing zombies than I do.
Gentlle Manne of Leisuree
over 14 years ago
Maaaaaaaaybe, he didn't have enough diamonds to make pants, but he did have enough to make a hat?
over 14 years ago
hevy is rimming urgently!
that new spy knife is kinda cool. sure, you cant disguise, but it disposes off the corpses so nicely...
over 14 years ago
some where frank west is foaming in the mouth that chuck beat him into a dead rising comic.
Chuck in his crafted "Diamond Demo Knight" pack grants him plus 40% resistance in explosives. Sadly there no sign of snowflake to make him look any more bad ass than he is now.
over 14 years ago
ok. les go in parts:
1-minecraft+dead rising= epic loling
2-fu** the helmet, make pants.
3-there is not 3
over 14 years ago
Heavy is strong right now, buts its still pretty easy to take out a novice Heavy and both the Soldier and Demo have more utility, AoE, and burst damage abilities. They can take out large groups easier, sentries, and attack from more advantageous vantage points. Heavies good, explosives better.
over 14 years ago
I would say that you're probably an awesome Heavy..there is no class that plays by itself, and there are lots of useless heavies roaming around..
over 14 years ago
Wait, why does the Commentary say that the GRU makes you faster then the Demoman when it still makes you slower then everyone but the Soldier? The Demoman is far faster then 99% standard speed, which is what the GRU makes the Heavy move at.
over 14 years ago
Heavy is like only 4th for comp. play. The 3 are still the best offensive class. Scout, Demo, and Soldier dominate comp. and pubs still. GRU though is a great buff for the heavy and brings him up to their level some sort. Now they just need to do the same for the Pyro.
some random dude
over 14 years ago
Where's the IJIEK on his jacket?
over 14 years ago
And then a Creeper appears behind him and blows him up.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44769]@Sum1[/url]: ITS BOTH LOL
over 14 years ago
This is a Mincraft or Dead Rising 2 comic?
over 14 years ago
heavy are op, nerf now plox
Tyrone King
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
When we check back 4 months later, he's turned the mall into a giant base, for the sole purpose of Just Because he Fucking CAN.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44763]@Asiaticfox[/url]: This
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_44742]@CCNezin[/url] psh, who needs pants?
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
I don't know about Heavy. When I play, I usually get Soldiers or Demos shooting at me from behind walls. If I actually walk outside, I of course get mobbed by 2 Scouts, a battle Medic, 3 Snipers, 2 Spies, a Soldier, and a Demoman. But then I play a lot of pwndora 2fort.
over 14 years ago
Frank: Too busy playing.
CCNezin: Ran out of diamonds, obviously. ^_^
over 14 years ago
The hell is wrong with you guys? No discussions about Minecraft? I CALL HERESY!
over 14 years ago
I'm inclined to agree about the Heavy. I play him quite a bit (though it's hardly my most-played class), and everything just feels so *easy*, even not using Natascha. I suppose Heavies benefit more than other classes from the 12v12 format (while it hurts, say, Pyros a lot more than smaller games)
over 14 years ago
Nice cross game reference, but you forgot to make pants :P