What people are saying about "Standards"
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over 14 years ago
Don't you like to do that with the death bodies lol
over 14 years ago
@the slenderman: If it's a books Halo Spartan, the Space Marine would be an even match under equal conditions. If it's a games Halo Spartan, he'd have a hard time with the Terran.
over 14 years ago
the slenderman
over 14 years ago
Halo Spartan vs Terran Marine, winner has to fight a Space Marine
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45564]@SJTNK[/url]: I never mentioned the afterburn when I was talking about the Flamethrower. By "M1," I mean ambushing. If the target leaves too quickly and it'd take all 10 seconds of the afterburn to finish the job, then it was a pretty shitty ambush.
Pills McMollies
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45553]@Bindal[/url]: Ooooor this isn't Red Vs. Blue and by "Sister" he's referring to the fact that he's talking to a woman?
Necron Lord of Kronus
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45553]@Bindal[/url] Consider for a moment the possibility that everything Halo related isn't about Red Vs Blue and that this is just a random, and rather amusing, scenario set in a Halo Reach team game. And I figured this out before you- how?
Liro Raeriyo
over 14 years ago
I get an afterburn kill RARELY, so i find the regular flamer to be a joke now, the degreaser lets me switch between axtinguisher and shotgun easy and i keep my airblast ability, powerjack isnt that great though but it beats the home wrecker in most cases
over 14 years ago
Afterburn is not as critical to Pyros as it once was. They need to hit hard and fast because there's too many ways to get rid of fire now. You can't rely on your target bleeding out due to afterburn.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45545]@Davtwan[/url]: I don't really see why anyone would use the default FT, if they didn't have to. I say swap pyros go DG, Shotty, Axtingusiher. Focus Damage Pyros would go BB, Flare Gun, Power Jack; which would probably be best utilized in arena.
over 14 years ago
it's funny because it's true
over 14 years ago
I says the dude getting teabagged should be Grif , you know how Sarge hates him.
over 14 years ago
I die so fast to the degreaser axtinguisher combo I barely realize I've been hit.
over 14 years ago
skanerd - Its a Clam Slam, kk
Monty Python
over 14 years ago
Sit on my face and tell me that you love me...
over 14 years ago
My girlfriend and I coined a phrase for the female version of a tea-bag. "Clam dip". Enjoy!
over 14 years ago
Why am I the only one, who sees that all four Spartans got the wrong colors?
Sister is yellow
Guy on ground is Teal (Tucker)
Guy teabagging him is red (Sarge)
Guy talking to Sister should be orange (Grif)

And if someone doesn't know what I am talking about should quickly google those names.
over 14 years ago
Hey, what days does this comic update? Always nice to know :P
over 14 years ago
Sit on my face, and tell me that you love me.
I'll sit on your face and tell you I love you, too.

@POW!!!: Me. But that's because I don't have the degreaser yet.
over 14 years ago
@POW!!!: Probably people who want to be prepared to be able to M1 and combined fire, since the Flamethower is now the "in-between" choice of The Degreaser and The Backburner. Ones who'd still use it probably have Mastered both M1ing and shotty or flare aim to make up for the lack of extra damage.
over 14 years ago
There was no comic yesterday.
over 14 years ago
Who will use the regular flamethrower now?
over 14 years ago
I saw a stream of a bunch of people playing Halo.
Every time they killed someone, they'd crouch up and down on their bodies.
They said, "Wobble wobble" every time.
over 14 years ago
Female Spartans can get that attachment for only 10000 cR, but you have to reach the rank of Major first.
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
Pylons Pylons Pylons Balls
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45510]@Kiyobi[/url]: No, I don't see that. Degreaser is a boon for pyro's who've mastered Puff and Sting, and shotty kills. But W+M1 Pyros will do less damage over all. Single-minded Pyros would be better off with Backburner, since it now has a damage buff.
over 14 years ago
It's "ranger", then add "l'et" before it

over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45510]@Kiyobi[/url]: Oh hell no. They better not touch The Degreaser. That 65% weapon change is a life saver against hecklers. Opponents also have a fair chance to live if they kill the Pyro due to the decreased afterburn (45 HP loss total.) Moreover, there's plenty of sources to stop afterburn.
over 14 years ago
dey have it
over 14 years ago
Vitasaw will be in my loadout. I always die with nearly full charge... X-|
over 14 years ago
If you have reliable teammates then the Vita-Saw is unnecessary. If you play in pub servers it's a must. The -10 health isn't that big a deal because of Medic's natural HoT. But Vita-Saw + Blutsauger = An amazing killing spree...BY THE OTHER TEAM!
over 14 years ago
Dude, you have no idea how amazing the L'Etranger is with the Cloak and Dagger, too. If you have the Eternal Reward equipped, you have no reason to intentionally kill with the L'Etranger, anyway.
Also, as a Pyro player, I can just FEEL the Degreaser getting hit with the nerf bat soon.
over 14 years ago
"Gun-with-a-french-name" ?

Pills McMollies
over 14 years ago
Wow...A Halo comic? That's a surprise.
over 14 years ago
Being a Medic who tends to use Kritz more than Uber, I find that sticking with the standard Bonesaw to be worth it. Ubersaw swings to slow to reliably kill. -10 hp of Vitasaw might not seem like much, but I have survived afterburns with less than 10 hp while spamming the Kritz taunt.
over 14 years ago
Samus is a girl.
Grammar Medic
over 14 years ago
Honestly, the chances of that 10 health saving your life are so small, I'd rather risk it.

All it is is a quicker death to Pyros/Bleeding, cause anything else would either leave you with a good few more health, or kill you anyways.
over 14 years ago
Vita-Saw is best because you don't have to swing it to get it's effect. Ubersaw forces me to go battle medic to get a use out of it. That's fine for me since I'm a melee god, but I'd prefer to not be forced into attacking. The -10hp is a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Bonesaw sucks.
over 14 years ago
lol halo comic about teabagging. Such an original concept
over 14 years ago