[url=#user_comment_45777]@Xocolatl[/url]: To be honest, the war usually before the minion spawn with golem buff gank / countergank.
Oh, I recall the glorious days with 5v5 teamfights for Dragon.
2 JoPereira: ever considered playing LoL by the way? Quite a timesucker, though
over 14 years ago
@ random guy from the internet:
Depends on what you look for in a sequel.
LoL is in fact very different when it comes to pacing. The lack of creep denying pushes the game in a whole new direction. The war no longer starts after laning--it starts as soon as you buy your first item.
over 14 years ago
@random guy from the internet:
Except League of Legends is from Guinsoo, aka the DotA Allstars author.
And no, Dota2 is not a sequel. Because in sequels you change something.
over 14 years ago
an other good exemple where the community kill the game, heroes of newerth.
Insults from all my team, because it was my first game and didn't know how work all the item, all the champions, now where pop the bonus etc.... the only way to appreciate the game? Playing with friends via hamachi
over 14 years ago
The worst part about DotA was the horribly intolerant community and how difficult it was to get into or get good at. Valve is fixing those things. They're also fixing a game being ruined by leavers.
I'd say they're eliminating a lot of the problems.
Ikari Léo
over 14 years ago
Ah, como isso acontecia tanto quando eu trabalhava no Ministério da Saúde... ^^''
Eng.: Ah, how many times this happened when I used to work on Brazil's Health Ministry... ^^''
over 14 years ago
He has a skin where he is a giant lobster/crab thingy mabob
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45635]@Lobster[/url]: I believe you mean Urgot from LoL
over 14 years ago
OK - I PLAYED DOTA, and even I could not figure out what the hell everyone was talking about until someone stated the game's full name.
over 14 years ago
I got tired of Dota when it was still a Warcraft 3 map, so meh.
over 14 years ago
Steam has been a beacon for how to do Digital distro correctly for some time ..... but it seems like they have been on a consistant evil drive for the last few months. Monetizing TF2, Trying to Trademark DotA etc. I'm starting to wonder about them.
over 14 years ago
Im a little disapointed with this news. Played DotA for 3 years straight and it was awesome, then the game started to seem repetitive. And now they say they will make a game with EXACTLY same heroes and skills. The new aesthetic feature hardly would make me buy it. Only if it is really cheap.
I know your pain Joe, (was it Joe? I think it was...)
Just two days ago, i played DotA with some "pro" player.
Of course, as the noob i was, and with only the knowledge of DONT FEED, i chose NOT to follow him going against three enemy heroes and their horde of mobs. He just kept feeding.
over 14 years ago
Yes, I'm going back to playing League of Legends too...
Liro Raeriyo
over 14 years ago
Or, uh... Bomberman, yeah Bomberman
or do something relevent to our tiny minds and make some clichè joke about something we like, examples are TF2, L4D 2, HL2, Portal, and my mothers hairy meatloaf surprize.
(mabey forget the last one)
over 14 years ago
Cant we have good games instead? Like Heroes of Stalingrad?
over 14 years ago
first time hearing of this DOTA thing. no wonder... it sounds and looks boring.
over 14 years ago
League of Legends is better and till will be on Dota 2 Release V_V . . . . But yes, i do plan to play it a bit if it's free.
Liro Raeriyo
over 14 years ago
i hope im not about to blow anyones minds, but what the hell is DOTA?
Cant be asked to read all comments
over 14 years ago
So is this one of Gabens 3 surprise? if so how meny have there been reviled (Portal 2 on PS3 being one i think)
over 14 years ago
I have a friend who plays a game similar to DOTA that has a friend who's pretty much puts down the team. He doesn't work well with ANY character set. I think he plays for fun and that's okay, but it's gotten to an extreme where he's forgotten there's other people playing with him.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45593]@Frank[/url] West: Well, there's at least Case West to tie us over until then. Even if you and Chuck aren't in good terms around here. Takin' pictures of Combo Weapons sounds like glorious PP teamwork.
over 14 years ago
Hon is all the good heroes of DotA without stupid BS heroes like techies.
over 14 years ago
i'm fairly excited for dota2, but if it turns out to have only people from NA playing it, it'll be worthless for me. can't play with dat lag bro
over 14 years ago
I'm actually really looking forward to the hero sounds when they deny creeps.
over 14 years ago
HAHAHAHA! Only the true fanboys get to load the page!
over 14 years ago
over 14 years ago
My favorite DOTA game was the one that let me play as a gigantic hermit crab. :D
von Boomslang
over 14 years ago
Still a fest of microing, dancing, hit cancelling, last hitting and denying?
Yeah right. No.
over 14 years ago
Why the hell would you want to play this when you got HoN, LOL and Demigod?
over 14 years ago
Just play League of Legends.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45593]@Frank[/url] West: If there's two things in this world I don't hate, they'd be vests and Frank West. I'd jump into Dead Rising 3 faster than Louis downs a bottle of pills.
over 14 years ago
... im going back to playng LoL
over 14 years ago
Tycho over at Penny Arcade linked an interesting article. ( http://icefrogtruth.blogspot.com/ )
I'll stick to LoL. But it looks like some highly amusing drama may crop up down the line from this. Everyone got their popcorn ready?
random guy from the internet
over 14 years ago
I hope I'ts gonna be a full fledged sequel instead of just a cheap wish-to-be-clone like League of legends or heroes of newerth
Frank West
over 14 years ago
Don't care. What I do want is something people really need. A new Dead Rising. And I mean a REAL Dead Rising, starring me. Maybe co-starring Francis.
And maybe a new Paper Mario.
over 14 years ago
yea dota...uhm, no, i got my LeagueOfLegends, played hon played dota, HoN was a copypaste of dota 1, and now you're saying dota 2 is a copypaste of dota 1, so, no, not interested.
Ps: denying is fucking stupid, it rewards ranged and fucks non-flashing melee even further.
over 14 years ago
Shut up about HL2:EP3, it'll be out when it's out, if you can't accept that then send Valve an email or two. Maybe if we all send them an email they'll give a response. Or they'll just keep waiting like they ALWAYS do.(ValveTime anyone?)
over 14 years ago
What's next?! They'll launch satellite instead of making Ep3? FFFUUU-... just FFFUUU-
over 14 years ago
S2 did a good job making HoN. Now, Valve, go and do a fucking job making ep3 >_<#
@Dr. Awesome: League of Legends does one thing right in that it heavily punishes people who ragequit. The down side of that is that a team that is losing will quickly engage in the blame game. Looking for someone to accuse of feeding the other team.
over 14 years ago
DotA is a mod for a Blizzard game. How can Valve trademark that? adfhjkasd I is confus
over 14 years ago
OMG. First dota was crap. Second one ain't gonna be better. And now Valve is giving us this shit instead of EPISODE 3 or HL3. FFS VALVE....
over 14 years ago
The third panel isn't a blocked site, it's just that gameinformer went down after DOTA 2 was announced.
over 14 years ago
Just cant see anything good coming out of this...
There's already LoL and HoN. Now there will be one more...
Angry Fanboi
over 14 years ago
Gaben continues to troll us all WHARS MAH EPISODE 3?!?!
Dr. Awesome
over 14 years ago
Third on League of Legends. The community is even a bit nicer, since the developers actively police it and ban players if they get enough complaints through their reporting system. People will complain about matchmaking sucking, but honestly it's pretty damn effective.
I'm raging more that it probably gives VALVe an excuse to put off Episode 3 AGAIN.
over 14 years ago
Where's my Episode 3, Valve. You said there would be Episode 3.
Fuck DOTA. Ruined Custom Games in Warcraft 3. Everything was DOTA. No more DoBRP's or anything fun.
over 14 years ago
Please be a little more carefull with your photo notes to not invalidate other's.
Thank you.
over 14 years ago
I second League of Legends. I love that game, and its free to play. They make all their money through micro-transactions, extra skins and experience for those who don't have the patience to earn them. Works similar to the TF2 store, really.
over 14 years ago
Not with it coming to both Mac and PC. Sounds like it will either be a 30 USD or full 60 USD game. Defiantly not free. Otherwise IceFrog would have just been porting DotA over to SC2 and not getting a pay check from Valve :p.
DotA 2! I f**king called it!!! You have no idea how many fanboys were screaming that HL:Ep3 was going to be announced.
Actually, you guys probably do have an idea.
over 14 years ago
Sorry it was an invalid link.. here you go..
over 14 years ago
hay jo if your liked dota, try out League of legends its like dota, but a lot better imo. the match's are shorter (20-40 min are the norm) it has a lot less rage (but a few people do, like one of eight games have a jerk in them), and it did away with the whole "denying" aspect of dota
over 14 years ago
Link is still down. I managed to get through before the server was annihilated and copied the text from the article onto my Google Buzz. I don't make a habit of copying website content, but it'll take a load off their servers and get a copy out there for people to read.
over 14 years ago
No Stairway! Denied!
diddly doo
over 14 years ago
Defense of the Ancients.
over 14 years ago
What does dota mean anyway?
over 14 years ago
It's ok, dota isn't that great.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45574]@MasterSamus[/url]: I don't think it didn't work so much a the office software blocked it.
over 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_45573]@MasterSamus[/url]: Forgot to say the "link to Gameinformer."
over 14 years ago
First(always wanted to do that). And the damn link don't fucking work!!!!
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