They don't owe you anything more than they owe anyone else that buys their game. Why not a three-way lesbian or gay relationship? :P
almost 14 years ago
The voice actor for manShep was not "flat", he was subtle. He sounded like a calm professional. FemShep just emotes loudly. I found manShep sounded more like a military officer.
almost 14 years ago
Oh also the male voice actor for Shephard is so flat anyway. Honestly I can't stand his voice acting. Femshep all the way, purely because she can actually act.
almost 14 years ago
Actually the male voice actor for shephard for both ME1 and ME2 was 'not comfortable' with male on male relationships, so he refused to do any dialogue for homosexual relationships.
almost 14 years ago
Yeah I am not freaking out if a gay npc makes a pass on me.
Still I would like to have the option to shoot him in his kneecaps for trying to feel me up my butt. X))
almost 14 years ago
Sorry, but before they put in homosexual content in ME3, they owe me a relationship with two of the chicks at the same time or at least a threesome!
Us male players with threesome fantasies are in the majority here before any gays. :P
almost 14 years ago
I thought ME2 had a gay option.
almost 14 years ago
Given the nature of and reasons for the ME2 relationship options of Garrus and Tali, I was baffled that they -didn't- allow homosexual relationships there. They're aliens that are interested in you despite your species; seemed to me that gender shouldn't have been a major obstacle there.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_63809]@norwegianguy[/url]: The best prescription for homophobia, IMO, is to ignore it and go about your business.
A Person!
almost 14 years ago
There's a non-female Shepard in ME?
almost 14 years ago
Why is it so shocking that male Shepard can explore homosexual relationships? The option have always been there in the Dragon Age games and there have always been female homosexual relations.
If this says anything about anything it is the homophobia wich is still strong in modern society.
almost 14 years ago
hmm i like the female shepard panel more :3
almost 14 years ago
Hey, my save is pretty much what yours is. I don't think I got the best steel blade though. The rest I did.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_63791]@Drank[/url]: Asari age about 10 times slower than humans. I would assume that means mental maturity as well.
almost 14 years ago
@Song of Ice and Fire
Damn. She's dark.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_63760]@Lobster[/url]: I fucking hate Liara so much. I liked Ashley a lot, but I would have taken anyone over Liara.
You're like 50 years old and a super educated, and you're still this naive and stupid? Honestly?
Elia Moroes
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_63760]@Lobster[/url]: I've finally made up my mind. SURPRISE BIG NOT.
almost 14 years ago
Witcher save :
-Elven Raven armor (meaning you sided with the non-humans)
-Romanced Shani
-Kicked King of the Wild Hunt ass in the end
-Saved the witch
-killerd the werewolf guy
-killed Adda
-Got Gwalhir
-Got Aerondight
-Got holy grail
Skull Bearer
almost 14 years ago
Meh, just hope I won't have to use gibbs savegame editor to bang Garrus this time.
almost 14 years ago
Yay me!
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_63760]@Lobster[/url]: Not for a Femshep, it's not. =P
almost 14 years ago
So did the maleshep voice actor finally get over his fear of the homos?
Ivan The Space Biker
almost 14 years ago
Here the save you have requested:
It's from russian version of the game, i hope, that it will be no problem.
almost 14 years ago
@Elia Moroes: Liara is a brilliant psychic and wide-eyed innocent who thinks you're the most awesomest person in the universe and can give you brain-sex, whereas Ashley is such a huge bigot and bitch that she won't let you get a word in as she argues about EVERYTHING. Tough call.
almost 14 years ago
Yeah, that is kinda old hat for me given that I invariably play Femshep for the better voice-actor.
Elia Moroes
almost 14 years ago
I'm playing for the first time Mass Effect 1, and I'm a male shepard (I feel unconfortable playing with female character). And now I can't decide which choice I should pick: Ashley or Liara?
Philosophical and total sex-age speculations lead to no where
almost 14 years ago
I think it's a good idea. Female Sheppard can already be enter a same-sex relationship, this just levels the playing field for gays and closet Yaoi fangirls. And people who aren't into that don't have to do it.
almost 14 years ago
Seeing as how Jack admitted in ME2 she was in a threesome relationship, I figure she'd be a LI for Femshep.
almost 14 years ago
+1 No being able to have Tali as a femal Shepard was my biggest disappointment in ME2
almost 14 years ago
Phantom, +1, I want female Shepard's voice and I want Tali!
almost 14 years ago
I'm going to say what some people dream they had the BALLS OF STEEL to say.
I don't own ME or ME2 but I know everything about them, simply because the Internet (And by extension PC Games) was created for fapping.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_63718]@Phantom5582[/url]: No. It said Shepard could be gay, it didn't say Tali would be gay.
almost 14 years ago
What if "balls of steel" are touching?
A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Dumbing of Age
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Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
All Known Alternatives
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Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.