*shoots geralt with sasha*
Team! Help Nao!
Ze Spy
almost 14 years ago
Gentlemen. Shall we? *grabs his knife and points to geralt*
almost 14 years ago
Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, hide yo monsters, cuz they witchin ERRYBODY up in here!
almost 14 years ago
PSN rewards for returning players:
USA: Dead Nation, inFamous
Germany: Super Stardust HD, Billardsimulation "Hustle Kings"
On a side note, Gamestop offers an exchange programm for Ps³ to xbox 360, while PC users laugh themselfs into a coma.
Cyclone Duke
almost 14 years ago
A Witcher! Hide your women!
Booze Zombie
almost 14 years ago
Knowing Geralt, he'll just stab you right about... now.
"I'm a witcher, fuck off, guards."
almost 14 years ago
I hear a witcher..... and A BOOMER!
almost 14 years ago
@Elia Moroes: OCTO-BARTENDER hard mode.
Elia Moroes
almost 14 years ago
How a tentacle is supposed to coock or just HANDLE something?! This comic brought us a serious plot twist!
almost 14 years ago
If it's a Dragon Age game, everyone will hide.
Ze Spy
almost 14 years ago
When are we going to have a Day of the Tentacle arc? This game needs more love. And a purple tentacle (maybe willing to take over the world) can provide it.
almost 14 years ago
You forgot the motion blur.
almost 14 years ago
well for those who dont get the joke... in game 1 some people say in the street *its a witcher hide your women* or it can refer to the monsters you kill in the game a zegul in game 1 and a kayren in game 2 btw Im still trying to kill the kayren its very hard >.<
almost 14 years ago
Hide your every female, Geralt is in town!
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_63845]@Nexon[/url]: I think it's just that Geralt's a real ladies' man, not because they know he's experienced. Also them lasses are not that hard to please anyway. ("Here's a ring/gem/scarf for you." "Ooh, pretty. Let's get horizontal.") Not sure though. Played the first one only.
almost 14 years ago
i think this is one of those team fortress hide-the-whore jokes.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_63839]@Guy[/url]: Geralt kills a giant octopus on TW2. By chopping up his tentacles.
The ladies find him irresistible too. Cuz he's experienced, infertile and immune to STDs :D
Sigma Silver
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_63839]@Guy[/url]: i think this is a "Hide the women, Gerhart is in town!" joke. He does not want to take any chances that engie-tan will fall under Gerhart's albino spell!
almost 14 years ago
geraLt, actually. Or is it misspelled in the second game? ;)