10 out of 10 is the highest score something can get, that or 100 out of 100, but I digress.
If a game has the maximum score, that means that it is basically perfect. The point of having a 10 is for the chance that a game ever manages to be perfect.
over 13 years ago
nerf é super legau
over 13 years ago
It's a joke Matt, no need to get so bent out of shape over it.
over 13 years ago
Dumb comic is dumb. A 10 does not mean something is perfect. It means the flaws are easily overlooked or forgivable. If we say 10 is perfect nothing can ever be a 10. And if nothing can ever be a 10 there's no point in having a 10 as a score. Quit trolling out this stupid point, it's stupid.
almost 14 years ago
I keep hearing those...GOD DAMN numbers!
Sir Unimaginative
almost 14 years ago
If it was perfect, it would have gone to 11.
almost 14 years ago
I like the reviews of PCGameplay the most. At least, I liked it the most, don't know if it's still good.
Anyway, they used to check 3 separate points in the game:
- gameplay
- graphics
- sound
So the gameplay might be PERFECT, but if the sound is 'good' you can't get a perfect score.
*Monocle Man*
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64111]@Bob[/url]: I would say... That if they spended that whole quantity of money, it should cost at least 2 points... just an opinion here... I mean, with that quantity of money they could have given us at least 3 games with a 8 or 8.5 qualification :/
almost 14 years ago
Rockstar sure does like tossing that money around.
Even if Team Bondi were the real developers.
almost 14 years ago
They oughtta just use the "Japanese-style ranking" system. F through A, with A being an excellent, five-star game with minor issues that are easily overlooked.
And you save the coveted "S" ranking for a game that you really mean to call PERFECT perfect.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64047]@Dapperhare[/url]: How hopelessly naive.
almost 14 years ago
Many generics games received a perfect score.
Lord Moldy Butt
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64074]@Dt[/url]: ALEX Mason is from CoD Black Ops while the one in Red Faction Guerrilla is ALEC Mason
almost 14 years ago
I prefer user rating but its rare to see sites with it, even rarer to see sites which allow to sort by user rating not by who-paid-the-most-for-their-game rating.
p.s. gamespot still hasnt got money for a witcher 2 review. Do they really expect to be payed? naive...
almost 14 years ago
i prefer the 1-5 rating system that xplay uses before they became shit.
almost 14 years ago
This is why I distrust reviews. The comic gives a perfect example of how the actual quality of the game is considered after the company that made it.
almost 14 years ago
Even under a loose rating where 10 doesn't equal perfect, though, game mechanics and pacing are significant points, and should land a game a 9/10 if it's really great otherwise. 9/10's 'subperfect' like that. Butyeah, this is what bothers me about reviews too. ^^;
almost 14 years ago
Anyway, wasn't Alex Mason the main hero of Red Faction: Guerilla?
almost 14 years ago
I lol'd
almost 14 years ago
Plain numbers can be interpreted too differently. This might be a good opportunity to recycle the school ratings like A-F. There you can easily give an A-rating while still having room for annotations about imperfections and stuff.
Anne O'Neemus
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Oh how many good games were forgotten, and how many average games were overrated this way... That's why I haven't read gaming magazines for several years.
almost 14 years ago
I hate scoring systems in video games, people simply skip the written review and go straight at scoring, I found some games that rated poorly by some video game sites or magazines but I actually enjoy it.
Screw point systems, I prefer written reviews with no point system.
almost 14 years ago
This isn't really the "Doubt" option. The "Doubt" option would be to call him a fucking liar and act like you believe he doesn't in fact think the game is perfect, and far from it.
almost 14 years ago
@DeadSid :
It is not surprising that the average game quite a bit above this halfway point. This halfway point is still not very good. It barely manages to not be overtly BAD, but there are still far more enjoyable uses of your time, so these halfway points tend to not sell very well.
almost 14 years ago
To say that five is average is pure fallacy. Five is the halfway point between the worst imaginable game, a game without a single redeeming quality, and the best imaginable game, a game without a single flaw.
almost 14 years ago
Used to be some companies used a half star system. The problem with reading the review to temper the star system is that too many people don't. The point of the rating originally was just a quick, simple graphic to summarize the overall impression. Metacritic is centered on people not reading.
No, just NO
almost 14 years ago
I would agree, with you if I wouldn't know that Angry Joe's a pretentious douchebag with so much unfunny jokes and logically flawed oppinions that if you are a normal human being with self-respect and dignity you can't listen to him longer than a few minutes.
almost 14 years ago
That's not the point of rating a game. If you rate it then your giving a basis of comparison to other games. 5 being average. Sure its a great game but if you have complaints about it how can you possibly say its a 10? If 5 is average why do so many reviewers rate so many games as 8 9 and 10.
almost 14 years ago
Bah, a comic made by someone who doesn't understand the point of such reviews. Reviews tell people whether a game should be played. If a game receives a 10/10, then the reviewer believes that the game should be played because people would enjoy playing it.
almost 14 years ago
Though even compared to similar reviews with same flaws and see if he is always so forgiving, the idea of reviews showing bias, if not outright being bought off, is not something that will disappear anytime soon. But with as many reviewers out there, simply find one less generous with perfect scores
almost 14 years ago
if there were issues raised, especially fairly noticeable and large issues like pacing, mechanics and length, then it does beg the question about how it obtained a perfect score.
I guess the only true way to verify this would be comparing this review and issues raised with other reviews...
Donglong Lee Pussenmunchen
almost 14 years ago
"rounded to the nearest whole number it's a 10."
almost 14 years ago
@Wrong is Right
By your own post a 10/10 doesnt mean a perfect score same a 5/5 doesnt mean a perfect score. 100/100 would be one but where does a 96-99/100 rate? If its a high 90s game it shouldnt be but down with a low 90 game as a 9. I see it as if its a 10 its going to go down as a classic.
almost 14 years ago
Good follow up Dodds.
This game is surprisingly fun to play with multiple people.
Holy Sparks
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
I prefer Angry Joe's reviews on his point system - 5 to 6 is a game that has some merits but is generally meh. 7 to 8 is pretty good, despite flaws. 9 is a damn good damn with a couple issues that keep the shiny stuff shiny (laggy online for instance). A 10 is so much fun you ignore the flaws.
almost 14 years ago
Review scores are bullshit, this argument is proof.
Read the text, make a decision. If you get hung up about the little number at the end that was only ever supposed to be there to give the reader a quick-glance idea as to the direction that the review takes, then you're doing it wrong.
almost 14 years ago
Review scores are relative, not objective.
If game scores were meant to be objective as in provable or factual, NO game would EVER get a perfect score, because perfection does not exist.
Is L.A. Noire perfect? No.
Is it one of the best games ever in that reviewers opinion? Probably.
Wrong is Right
almost 14 years ago
Indeed. A 10 point scale is pretty much unforgiving on such things. Just as percentages (a 100 point scale), a complete maximum score DOES mean a perfect game.
Which is why I like the more ambiguous "star" grade (four out of five stars!), simply because even at 5 there's some wriggling room
almost 14 years ago
A 10/10 DOES mean perfect - just because the perception of review scores has been destroyed by the current trend of the Four Point Scale doesn't mean you have to accept it as such.
10/10 =/= perfect score
almost 14 years ago
A 10 out of 10 does NOT mean PERFECT. A 10 out of 10 means that it is above and beyond what a normal game will give you, it is a game that people will be talking about for years to come. The few flaws are so minor that there are in the game are so minor that most will not care.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
@Elia Moroes: ALICE!!! <3
That Guy
almost 14 years ago
Bethesda should take lessons from this.
almost 14 years ago
Is there Witcher 2 review on gamespot? Or are they still waiting to be paid?
almost 14 years ago
Read the reviews first and ignore the score, that's my policy.
This is the reason.
almost 14 years ago
why i never read reviews
more liek ROCK$TAR, amirite?
almost 14 years ago
I think he was paid off.
Elia Moroes
almost 14 years ago
Actually, L.A. Noire is not on my wishlist, at the moment. I'm just pushed up for Alice: Madness Returns. And I am a guy who just loves Noir and detective stories
almost 14 years ago
Rockstar has done so much to hurt the industry, nearly as bad as EA
almost 14 years ago
I don't think Phoenix Wright could get this guy off the hook.
almost 14 years ago
Actual intent: So your alibi is a bit weird. Which orphanage were you working at, again?
almost 14 years ago
The movie was very good, i hope they'll make a videogame transposition some time in the future.
almost 14 years ago
I enjoy this game.
almost 14 years ago
Come on, be easy on me, the game has hookers that you can beat to death with baseball clubs ¿You seriously think that players will give a shit?!They played GTA IV, for god`s sake¡
almost 14 years ago
This is hilarious.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_63975]@Dodds[/url]- That was the first thing that went through my mind, too. xD