What people are saying about "Failoc"
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almost 14 years ago
I think a lot of people go to Blizzcon not for what Blizzard presents, but for the chance to be in a crowd of other Blizz fans. That, and the 'I did Blizzcon' cred they believe they can get from it.
almost 14 years ago
"you won't enjoy the cool Blizzard-theme pet you get for World of Warcraft"

...And people rag on Team Fortress 2 and hats.
almost 14 years ago
If you watch it for free, you won't enjoy the cool Blizzard-theme pet you get for World of Warcraft. :3
almost 14 years ago
This is what I have to say about blizzcon:http://www.newgrounds.com/portal/view/510137
almost 14 years ago
Good thing i got mine.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64225]@Lien[/url]: I'm actually trying to learn French, although my dedication needs work.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64153]@obama[/url]: Very unique take on this particular comic, my good man. If I hadnt had the pure insight into your beautiful mind as I have, then surely this comment would mean absolutely nothing.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
@Dead Herald: To be exact, it's the new Orleans motto, French and English alike say this there. Yoyogre Should go there more often and make us french less arrogant about grammar.

Et utilise google des fois mon vieux!
A Bag of Craw-dads
almost 14 years ago
@Dead Herald: Just like Cajun?

Le' tah gud tymes rool!
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64208]@Yoyogre[/url]: It wasn't pure French, it was Creole. Translation: Let the good times roll!
almost 14 years ago
I got my tix already so here's a tip for anyone else: Use the official clock at www.time.gov. And refresh about a quarter second AFTER the proper time, to ensure the site is ready.
Jezi Belle
almost 14 years ago
Also just throwing it out there -- the increased ticket prices are based on renting more and more of the Anaheim Convention Center every year. BlizzCon is actually a huge money loss for the company, even with tickets that high.
Jezi Belle
almost 14 years ago
Wow, bunch of negative Nancies in here. I still play WoW, I'm still active and engaged with it (plenty of us are, no matter how LOL OVER IT all the cool kids are). And I generally go to BlizzCon to meet up with my guildies from all over the country (+ Canada). It's 100% worth it for plenty of us.
almost 14 years ago
Love the Murloc at the end. Little bastards are always ruining things.
Are you kidding me?
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64175]@Asuka[/url]: I just about spat out my drink when I read that price. Even if I cared and couldn't find free coverage I'd just wait until afterward if it costs that much just to watch the damn thing.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64175]@Asuka[/url]: Or you could just watch everyone else's coverage for free, which lets you look at exactly what you want to see for as long as you like and without dealing with the swarms of unwashed nerds.
almost 14 years ago
Hey, Jo? You don't have to buy the tickets. You can get your self a virtual ticket and watch it online, in my opinion, it's worth the $40 USD.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
So what will we see on Bizzcon this year?
Stuff from Stacraft 2.2, Diablo 3 and maybe just maybe a teaser from Titan? For that price?
almost 14 years ago
I pity the fools that pay to go to Blizzcon.

Blizzard has shown with SC2 that their only interest post-Kotick is fleecing their customers. Anybody giving them more money willingly is an idiot.
almost 14 years ago
I don´t get why people wants Blizzcon tickets to bad...you can always buy the stream ticket to see everything online, and you get a free pet. And that pet is 100 times better then what you get in the goodie bag that you recieve when you actually visit it...
almost 14 years ago
Thanks for the tip: time to get Blizzcon tickets and resell them on Ebay or ten times the value ;-)
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
There's a reason they sell out, even if you don't want to go, you can sell the tickets for a small mansion. Especially once the tickets are entirely sold out.
Hollow Aizen
almost 14 years ago
I would go to Blizzcon, but the only thing I'm interested in is SC2 DLC and Diablo 3. Blizzcon is Blizzard's way of putting WoW in everyone's face and rubbing in their vast accumulated wealth.
give them more money
almost 14 years ago
1. go to blizzcon
2. feed the hype machine
3. ????
4. profit!
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
Slot machines are designed to produce a kind of "Just one more try!" response.
A Bag of Opinions
almost 14 years ago
I like slot machines. They always charm me out of my money with magic!
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
I'm not interested in Blizzcon. Though it wouldn't be hard for me to get there, but what is there to do there, really?

1. Play WoW, which I'm sick of.
2. Play Starcraft, which I hate.
3. Play Diablo, which is old.
4. Look at girls in blood elf cosplay.

1 out of 4. But nah, not worth it.
Dead Herald
almost 14 years ago
Fat ass Tauren.
almost 14 years ago