Can you remember stitches in Duskwood? The Mob level 40? And the ways you had to travel in Duskwood up and down again? A mount? Pah, those things were far away as you were araound level 20 to perhaps 30 as you were questing there. the epic mounts cost 1000 gold - 800 only with pvp-rank 3 ;)
almost 14 years ago
i try teIIing my damn inconciderate guiIdies that shit... their Iike Nnnoooo fighting in aIteric? /Ieave and i just bIow up on em im Iike YOU DONT KNOW AITERIC VAIIEY!!!!!! when we wouId summon the giants in the middIe to win!!
almost 14 years ago
we did fight horde up hill on AV for Hours!
screw that. some lasted a day or more. People would leave the raid and come back at the end of the day. same battle
almost 14 years ago
Blood and sweet that 40 people PUT TOGETHER todo something .that was epic battle grounds was not a joke , it was not for POINTS but it was for titles :) everything was more fun , less kids played it since it was not a run shoot kill game it needed harmony , setup , patience & rewards worth somethin
almost 14 years ago
Well one of the purpose of the game was the community that created by people ; friendships and fun , tries over something , doing a group quest , and so on and on .
epic AV's epic MC and Nefarian , CThun , and Kelthuzad ! and all other bosses , Gaar , chorommagus (spell) , twin emperor ,
almost 14 years ago
Akama took 3-5 full raid groups of Horde to stormwind which was leaked to the alliance which resulted in a 30min server crash due to too many toons in 1 spot. The times of old right there cause it took a couple hours of video making and dueling that day before we rode from kargath.
almost 14 years ago
-48hours spent in AV where you got to see the druids and Lok'thar (kill me if i got the spelling right havent seen them in years.
-World PVP actually existed and WoW raids back then were not the highest priority
almost 14 years ago
Damnit, "pst" is an acronym, not a verb...
almost 14 years ago
I queued for Arcatraz yesterday on my level 70 priest (as DPS only) and got an instant pop. Several of the people had never been there before and one asked a question about the lore of the place. Some of the youngster are actually interested in the past of the game!
almost 14 years ago
Game went downhill after they added Maraudon
almost 14 years ago
hours? TRY DAYS
almost 14 years ago
Oh man, fighting the horde for hours in AV was absolutely awesome. And even in WSG and AB, you would meet the same horde guys again and again...sometimes, one of you would log into the opponents' faction and whisper the other one a curious hello...
Nowadays BGs are just anonymous battles.
almost 14 years ago
Nah it was never that hard. I think I did my warlock's quest and had it done within a few weeks of hitting 60. All I did was convince the other warlocks leveling up, since I was the first to 60(it was a reroll guild) to split the costs of the items with me.
almost 14 years ago
AV was epic back then. I miss those days.
almost 14 years ago
lol, i remember the "good ol days" 3 and 4 hour AV's searching for a solid hour for a tank in trade chat.
almost 14 years ago
Azzuris of the Malestrom
almost 14 years ago
I remember how hectic and uncoordinated quests were back then. When TBC came - it was like heaven - swift and fun.
Yeah and I remember the AV days - please forgive me but I wouldnt want them old days coming back. NEVER.
almost 14 years ago
Know a AV that begun 6pm, I left 11pm, requeue at 8am and got in the same AV. That was such a epic feeling. Because it is a battle field and not some little skirmish like nowadays!
almost 14 years ago
I can remember going through the changes since vanilla and applauding them. It was such a pain in the ass to assemble a group back then, and if you were lucky you might have finished before everyone got tired of wiping.
almost 14 years ago
One of the reasons I got Cataclysm, after not playing since Vanilla, was pangs of nostalgia over those insane AV battles. Got my toon to 85, only to be crushed with the changed, almost AB-like now. I always hated resource-centric BGs like that and haven't played since. Hope Blizzard changes AV back!
almost 14 years ago
@Old Man: you still have to if you have to start the pump in the basement first.
interesting tidbit
almost 14 years ago
i think WOW is the only videogame that some poeple have to go to rehab for
almost 14 years ago
Ahaha. I remember doing Scholo recently, while levelling a Shaman. I was apparently the only person that had done it (back before BC) and there were SO MANY DEATHS and a couple of ragequits in the first room before I took the lead. I then showed them how extensive and fun Scholo was.
almost 14 years ago
I still remember when getting an epic ground mount for either the paladin or warlock was a brutal quest that could take weeks even months to complete because of all the craziness you had to go thru with other people!
almost 14 years ago
@Boosh How about several days till a week, hehe on Role-playing servers they role-played in that instance. You would log out and log in and queue up to join the same AV again lol :P. Great times.. great times.
almost 14 years ago
Infact, you would meet friends and guilds to sign up for via PVP. Cross Server really ruined that a bit. Oh well.. new times new game :). The Young ones like the current one, and that is how it will stay :). Miss it all you like, it is never coming back :). RP in AV.... I salute you :).
almost 14 years ago
pop up you would be excused to leave, as it didn't happen often. Then in AV you would have 6 hour matches in which even the biggest summon was fielded (Even bugged sometimes, but the Icelord vs the Tree stays funny ;).) Or the Troll that guarded the first Graveyard... Sigh.. I miss it so much :P.
almost 14 years ago
Making things so easy, fast, short, simple, direct, limited and transient made them so much boring to me.
In the time I did one instance before I'd be able to do 6 or 7 now but I'd still have so much more fun with that one engaging instance.
God I miss WoW. Old wow.
almost 14 years ago
I agree with the old man, as an old man. I don't play wow any more as Cross Server queuing has ruined it for both my Horde and my Alliance Character. I didn't mind waiting for the queue to pop as I farmed a bit while I did, and there was this gentleman's agreement that if the AV battle would
almost 14 years ago
I miss old Alterac.
Hour long fights were great.
almost 14 years ago
Back in my day for the Wintersaber mount took over 800 quests to complete if you were a night-elf, humans had about 80 less quests. Then they changed it do be done in about 250 quests. I remember being the 9th on the server having obtained it, grouping with the 6-8th watching them getit
almost 14 years ago
I liked the old WoW back then. To speak the truth, I liked the old Warcraft lore back then, before WoW started.
el osto
almost 14 years ago
Yep a challenge makes a game better. The game got worse because it got easier so it's only natural to laugh at the kids trying to play it these days :{
not old enough
almost 14 years ago
@hurr i'm a durr
Those additional action bars were added in a patch. A patch before BC, mind you, but still a patch.
almost 14 years ago
O god here is one for you old timers. Remember when you had to fly to each place individually? None of the griffons or anything were linked?
Elia Moroes
almost 14 years ago
I've started to play WoW since the TBC. Gotta say, I have still some doubts about this game. What amaze me is that the newest WoW contains both necessary changes and cupcakes. One can't either bitch around or be too proud of it
almost 14 years ago
My moment of realization was when a little gnome scrublet yelled at me "STOP GOING SO SLOW THIS IS ONLY SCHOLOMANCE" when I was leveling a tank last summer. Heartbreak, tears, etc.
almost 14 years ago
Do a comic about the downtime on HoN.
I need my HoN fix man!
almost 14 years ago
BLEH! flying mounts. back in the days you could only use normal mounts and they were expensive and minimum level 40!
Your Name
almost 14 years ago
@Lilly Satou: I like how less than half of those pics are actually porn.
Black Dragon
almost 14 years ago
Wanting entertainment we went out back and pulled up Earthroot, and then we had to travel FIFTEEN MILES to get to Stormwind!!
almost 14 years ago
Young whiny whipersnappers....
Lilly Satou
almost 14 years ago
@Josue drew porn: No, REALLY!? It's not like he's ever done that kind of thing bef-oh wait.
almost 14 years ago
Meh, screw that game.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64319]@SarZ[/url]: It was like, Summer 2006. That's all I can recall.
can't wait for WoW2.
With no character, stat, or inventory carry-over.
almost 14 years ago
Mean while in Lineage2.The new patch that coming on 2nd quarter of this year change the game from Korean grind fest into something else.
almost 14 years ago
Moral: You don't have a right to complain; your seniors had it much MUCH worse.
Continued from previous
almost 14 years ago
before they make a second one, are.. bleh.
That one guy you responded to
almost 14 years ago
@MMO Trollin': Considering Starcraft came out in the 90's and even though SC2 is out they still have servers up for it? WoW servers will probably be around for a long, LONG time.
And the point isn't the fact that the game won't end, all MMO's end eventually. But one that only last a year or two
almost 14 years ago
Can't wait for GW2.
MMO Trollin'
almost 14 years ago
@Totally not the previous poster: Yes, because WoW won't ever ever end. You won't ever lose the time you spent on your character. Blizzard totally isn't making another MMO right now.
Oh wait.
Also the crap you did in GW1 is going to unlock exclusive things in GW2.
some old dude
almost 14 years ago
heh, opposite happened to me,
bought trainin and was saving for mount, then the patch came and mount was cheap as chips, made my day :P
Mp Jens
almost 14 years ago
When you take a look at Team Fortress 2, the game had changed a lot since it's release.
almost 14 years ago
The game is to casual now...
Guy that is a guy
almost 14 years ago
Ah, guild wars. I remember that
Never got to twenty
WoW is a fun game and made well and everything
Personally I'm a fairly long time player of it
Started playing near the release of BC
Then stopped playing when WoTLK was in all the work i did and all the epic loot i had became trash
Totally not the previous poster
almost 14 years ago
People assume people play WoW because they all think it's perfect, it's not. It's just a game where the people making the updates aren't idiots. Remember guild wars? Totally great, then they just go ahead and make a new game. Hope you enjoyed losing the time you spent on your previous guy.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64342]@jso[/url]: Nah, WoW isn't perfect. The reason so many people still play it is because Bliz does a mildly good job keeping up with it in comparison to most other companies and their MMOs. Remember Aion? That stuff was going to be awesome! Then it took them two years to come out with a patch of weapons.
almost 14 years ago
but god forbid you say anything needs to be fixed in wow, wowfags will jump down your throat for the assumption that wow isn't already perfect and that bilge needs to fix anything
almost 14 years ago
Wow isn't unique in that... Guild Wars 1 is just the same in that aspect...
Teh Hobo
almost 14 years ago
Best was when the ice giant in AV killed everyone in its path, gaining size and power with each kill... Managed to lead it to an alliance owned graveyard... hilarious results B-)
Teh Hobo
almost 14 years ago
This pretty much happened to me when I used to play WoW.. felt like an old person telling tales of how we used to play a single match of Alterac Valley for hours and the "myths" of how we summoned flying reinforcements and a giant ice elemental (Horde side btw!
almost 14 years ago
I remember playing the first 20 levels of paladin on a friends copy of the game, back in 2005.
Then taking over his character in a raid in 2010.
"Oh god, what do I do?"
"Use that, then those, then alternate those when that bar is full"
I somehow managed to get top DPS list. =)
almost 14 years ago
@Enigma Dragan: That is incorrect to some degree. Warrior's used to Charge or intercept squirrels and such to get around faster.
almost 14 years ago
As I remember... Alterac valley sometimes lasted for days. You could join one at 11 PM and go sleep, then next day continue.... Good times.
almost 14 years ago
There were food/water/vendor talent trees for mages...
almost 14 years ago
Back in my day, water would dismount you.
There were talents like wand spec, improved distract, consecration was on holy.
almost 14 years ago
New WoW: Easy to learn, many achievments, easy to play, casual.
Old WoW: Easy start, hard to master, only Skill could help you in a Dungeon, hardcore.
Both: Fucked up Community (in German RPG-Realms, cause of Blizzards genius recommandation System)
Enigma Dragan
almost 14 years ago
@Old Man: Back at your time, Warriors had it worst, no speed boost of any kind until level 40, they just... walk, all the way to the other side of the world!
Enigma Dragan
almost 14 years ago
I remember when killing civilians hurt your reputation so badly, your rank lowers like heck, now they can just kill not just quest givers but also vendors, annoying the low level players because they're "bored"~
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64313]@SarZ[/url]: Arcanite Reaper of course, not reaver. And greens should be purples.
Doc Lithius
almost 14 years ago
Regrettably, I was never around during the days of hours-long Alterac Valley. I'm actually quite jealous of that, since by the time I started doing PvP, the shortest games were 5 minutes and the longest games were somewhere around 15. But only if one side turtled.
almost 14 years ago
Remember when the community was furious about the new Alteric Valley blues and greens?
How dare Blizzard give a level 51 the Ice Barbed Spear and make it better then the infamous Arcanite Reaver?
I could have had an epic mount instead of that AR!
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64309]@Mewt[/url]: Not old enough, as back in the old days, there was no training. Buying the mount for 800G (and using it) allowed you to ride, no training needed.
Of course it could be possible that you bought it, did not use it yet, it got patched and you somehow was not given the riding skill?
almost 14 years ago
I know I participated in an AV that had been going on for at least 8 hours, and was in there for 2 hours before it was finally over, and I'd heard of longer ones. I raided MC/AQ40 once before BC, and the Alterac epic was my first, only to be replaced 20 minutes into BC by a quest green. =/
almost 14 years ago
Back in my day, Mounts were 800g and 40g for training. Gold was hard to come by.
I paid for my 800g mount and was going to work on getting the extra 40g for the training. Then the next small update patch they change it to 800g for training and 40g for mounts.
I Never got to ride it, ever.
almost 14 years ago
Damn young whippersnappers, getting their first mounts at level 20, with that new-fangled dungeon finder. I remember when Scholomance required AT LEAST 10 people, and Stratholme, undead side, was hard with 15! I remember when Molten Core was the only 'raid' dungeon, and when T2 didn't exist!
almost 14 years ago
I remember going to my first baron run at level 52, cause they needed people to fill the 15 man. I was getting gear I could not use for a few levels. Remember a time before global channels? Having to go back to town everytime you wanted a new SM group as alliance? Rough times
almost 14 years ago
@hurr i'm a durr: I'm afraid you are wrong. I remember you had to download mods for extra bars and auto looting. When you looted something the box was always in the corner away from the center of the screen. Those were must have. Also every week they had a version update so you need to open the TOC.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64295]@Biggles[/url]: ALL of the early AVs lasted 12 hours. I remember on Silverhand (an RP server no less) the horde fought the alliance ( I was horde for the record) to a standstill by effectively just keeping it maxed at 40 vs 40. I believe it ended around hour 28 when the horde just gave up over the bug.
almost 14 years ago
back then, gold didn't come from inmates in the Chinese labor camps, forced to play WoW by/for prison guards who traded it for money;
back then, gold was mined voluntarily.
by drooling morons.
called 'WoW players'.
almost 14 years ago
3 Hour AVs? sorry folks but you can't touch the 25 hour AV that happened on Dalaran, and my psychotic guildmate who was there for the whole thing...
almost 14 years ago
Don't forget having to go through a dungeon for the sole reason to train your professions.
almost 14 years ago
ah good times back when reaching level 60 and having a epic mount was a achievement and when horde and alliance fought to the death or real.
hurr i'm a durr
almost 14 years ago
you were always able to enable more bars in the options even in classic.
almost 14 years ago
And money was actually a hard thing to get, having your mount at 40 was near impossible.
almost 14 years ago
lol! Yesterday I told a guildie that the original WoW only had the 10 button slots in the bottom bar and they couldn't believe it.
almost 14 years ago
3 hour alterac valleys? How about 8 hours back and forth across the field of strife for troll camp control. Heres the real kicker.... raid dungeon bosses that only dropped blues.
almost 14 years ago
Possibly one of my favorite things about WoW was the 3 hour Alterac Valleys.
That mage is me, except I was a tank back when.
Old Man
almost 14 years ago
Back in my day, we had to walk uphill, both ways!! just to get a drink.
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