What people are saying about "Monkey's Paw"
Monkey's Paw
Comments have been closed for this comic.
Devil Dan
almost 14 years ago
@Trolling Nerd: It took four wishes to get even that.
That guy named steve.
almost 14 years ago
Monkey's Paw was a great story. I thought of the VG Cats rendition as soon as I saw this.
Trolling Nerd
almost 14 years ago
It gave her the finger? I thought it lasted 5 wishes! D:
That reminds me
almost 14 years ago
For a better understanding of this comic watch an anime called "Bakemonogatari".
Jar of Jam
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64456]@Tkun[/url]: Caesar, Settlers, CivCity ?
almost 14 years ago
Speaking of Civilization on Facebook... Yeah, a few clones of that are already floating around. Also, it's not surprising to hear of a Sim City for Facebook. EA Games put that Dragon Age one on, and since they publish Maxis games, it's bound to happen.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64508]@Surnem[/url]: AHAHA. Pretty damn awesome.
almost 14 years ago
Hear, hear! I actually got let down by the Pocket God peeps when I checked out their Facebook game.

Right--I only need one addiction in my life, thank you very much.
Hyrule Hat
almost 14 years ago
Relic is working on a new RTS slated to be announced this August, chances are it will be the next Homeworld game since THQ got the property rights back to Relic.
Hipster Bastard
almost 14 years ago
Dem eyes
almost 14 years ago
Next - X-com for Facebook!
almost 14 years ago
Civilization is also coming to Facebook. NO!
Great Biotic Wind
almost 14 years ago
Makes me wonder whats going to be the big difference between this and Cityville...
almost 14 years ago
I just realized, this comic is turning into a gaming comic wherein two characters are put in situations to make fun of games. Not very uncommon, but the fact is the two main characters are a young woman and a talking tentacle. o_o
almost 14 years ago
Sadly, Zynga DID make a "Sim City" clone already. It's called "Cityville". Sadly, this does exist.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64503]@DomEReapeR[/url]: http://www.xenonauts.com/
almost 14 years ago
Im gonna get the X-com pack off steam and i'm definietly getting Xcom when that comes out. I honestly don't mind the change as i think it would be hard to make a game like X-com nowadays.
almost 14 years ago
Hoh shit I laughed for 5 minutes, thank you.
One hell of a wish
almost 14 years ago
It used up 3, maybe 4 wishes to get it granted and it STILL screws you.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64492]@tri[/url]... why not?
almost 14 years ago
God damn it you were the one to wished for Duke Nukem ... No wishing for HL2 E3
almost 14 years ago
I notice the paw is giving the finger
almost 14 years ago
I'm liking Engie-Tan's alternate outfits. This one looks slightly amish.
almost 14 years ago
cheap way to capitalize on a DEAD franchise.
almost 14 years ago
This makes me weep in sadness... That franchise is now dead :(
Cultived Little Bastard
almost 14 years ago
Haha, there actually is a short story about an enchanted monkey hand that grant wishes!
almost 14 years ago
Might be because she's wearing clothes.
Art style..
almost 14 years ago
It looks ... Different. Now engi does not looks sexy.
Well , she was never sexy for me , but yet still , she looks kinda...Weird , now
almost 14 years ago
Why they can't make game yust like sim city 4 but with fixes and grapfical update ?
almost 14 years ago
What happened to the art style?
almost 14 years ago
As long as it's not as bad as Societies... ugh.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_64467]@Harakou[/url]: If you're using firefox, download the newest version (4.0.1) and that should fix it.
almost 14 years ago
Oh no, it's begun...

On a side note, why does my computer freeze up for a few seconds every time I load the site? It's really bizarre.
almost 14 years ago
Something seems off with the artwork in this one...
almost 14 years ago
Well and there i was watching some old homeworld 1 flicks, thinking "A HD Remake would be frikkin sweet."
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Is there any game in the simcity series about making non-modern cities? Like making a medieval European city, ancient China, Greek, Roman, Japanese, Aztec, etc?
almost 14 years ago
Simcity needs to be revived... NAOW.
almost 14 years ago
Homeworld...oh my God, that brings back so many memories, I'll go dig it out of the closet !
almost 14 years ago