And that's how Communism will be built. No money, do what you can, got what you want.
almost 14 years ago
pfft. it would only be a COPY of my wallet ;).
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65569]@pong[/url]: Hey, nab me some lightstone while you're at it, bro. I have dark spots in my tower what need brightening.
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Old joke, bro.
Come ooon. D;
almost 14 years ago
torrenting diamonds.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65552]@RoderickBR[/url]: I thought the same, and I think they repeated it later on StarForce. Not that it was a novel scifi idea =P
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65453]@Anon[/url], if you could download cars, why couldn't you just download gas, too? And while you're at it, don't worry about getting the car fixed; just "reprint" the car, using the same molecules.
almost 14 years ago
Why not just make it so you download the world but the world doesn't see or have access to download your pin number and naked pics of your ex?
almost 14 years ago
Hmm. I saw this idea fist in Megaman Battle Network 5.
almost 14 years ago
"Six Megan Foxes"
almost 14 years ago
ITC: Downloading cars when you could be downloading women.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65523]@clone24[/url]: In the future, you can download your own pirated engi-tan.
almost 14 years ago
lol , limewire is dead
now its all uTorrents and shit
get with the times daddyo
almost 14 years ago
I like how the future is full of scouter visors.
Elia Moroes
almost 14 years ago
(Yes, a whole new post to correct my grammar)
Elia Moroes
almost 14 years ago
Well, this sound more realistic and interesting than the Wii FU** U
almost 14 years ago
no engi-tan?
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
I do believe the title is a reference to that public service announcement that appears before movies in movie theaters that says you wouldn't steal a bunch of shit ( ).
almost 14 years ago
It kinda felt wild sometimes. Illegal stuff, people speaking their polemical mind and having different opinions than what CNN tells them, at least it's been more untamed than the stuff you see on the newspaper or hear on the radio.
Now it's becoming tidier and correct.
Google, so evil.
almost 14 years ago
BRB, downloading a faster internet connection
... download a car?
almost 14 years ago
Monkey D. Luffy
almost 14 years ago
As future king of the pirates I approve of that pirate's sarcasm.
Also, meat please.
almost 14 years ago
3D printing anyone?
almost 14 years ago
The car may download my wallet, but why will I need a wallet when I can always download a car? ::Gong::
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65457]@tidbit[/url]: I started reading the books because I wanted to read the original source before the TV show started.
If I had watched the show first, the spoilers would prevent me to reading it.
The TV teaser was pretty good too.
almost 14 years ago
Where can I get 100$ bill torrent?
almost 14 years ago
as far as the hacked accounts... I hear every other day about someone getting their account hacked, be it WoW, paypal, ebay... whatever... I have and always will maintain that if you got hacked... YOU did something to allow it to happen. never DL programs from untrustworthy places (Pirates Bay!)
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65457]@tidbit[/url] of course it's because of the show... the show creates awareness and now people are aware of the books... also, there will be some people simply unwilling to wait for the next episode and thus they will search out the books and read them so they can find out everything now...
almost 14 years ago
Going a little off topic here but why does everybody care about the game of thrones now? They're great books I admit but now alot more poeple are reading them and discussing it then before, and i noticed it started happening when the show began. so is it because of the show now or what?
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65436]@GuardianTempest[/url]: Having a genuine car still saps your bank needs maintenance and fuel.
Cyclone Duke
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Now, the REAL impact of such technology would be to bring us one step closer to Pokémon.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65436]@GuardianTempest[/url]: second option sounds a lot like how it works today, except for the "without paying" part.
almost 14 years ago
Your choice:
=One-time pay for an expensive, and genuine car with all the accompanying stuff.
=Download that car right now without paying and no accessories. But the it will sap your bank account later...continuously.
almost 14 years ago
Jaded Cynic
almost 14 years ago
Jo - you forgot one letter from the initialism-name of your future product there: Matter-To-Energy Manipulation *EQUIPMENT*, thus becoming M.E.M.E. ;)
almost 14 years ago
almost 14 years ago
Personally I buy all my games on Steam, but the country I live in has omgwtfbbq SHIT support for anything of this nature, so the only way I can watch a TV series is by downloading them. And no, Netflix and the like don't work on this part of the country either.
almost 14 years ago
Do What you want 'cus A Pirate is Free...
You are a Pirate!
Yar Har Fiddle Dee-dee, being a Pirate is alright to be!
Do what you want and do what you will... You Are A Pirate!
almost 14 years ago
@ antipirate
If pirates inflate the prices you have to pay, just pirate 50% of your stuff yourself to counter the price-hike of companies, if thats your concern.
Also, to the author: your friend was likely affected by the sony hack. Lot of people use same password everywhere, maybe he did too.
Lupin the Phantom Thief
almost 14 years ago
I'll get back to you.
almost 14 years ago
E3, 2011: "You can upload your car" spoken as part of the Kinect Fun Labs demonstration during Microsoft's press conference.
I am not making this up it actually happened.
almost 14 years ago
And thanks to more powerful search algorithms, not to mention more multi-national-friendly laws, there will never be a wild west internet in the future.
Google, destroying the dreams of Pirates one day.
almost 14 years ago
[url=#user_comment_65401]@karm[/url]: Actually, there never was a wild west internet, especially if you know how it works. (For example, people hide in the interwebs by being a person in a crowd instead of a little hut in the middle of the desert)
almost 14 years ago
Are there more-than-legal-apps?
@Anti-pirate No, pirates don't change a thing. They are just a marketing word. Just like terrorists.
Exponential greed is what drives everyone up the wall.
almost 14 years ago
Hahaha oh that'd be nice.
It'd never happen though, even it could.
It'd kill business, plus there won't be an internet as we know it in 20.
It's already becoming a more controlled thing like TV or internet in asian countries already. The age of the wild west internet is going away.
I totally would
almost 14 years ago
I totally would download a car. I don't even drive, but I would still totally download it just to have done it XD.
almost 14 years ago
"It has nothing to do with the fact I'm a lazy shit who feels entitled to everything."
somehow you think this is not sarcasm?
almost 14 years ago
You are retarded.
Even if that were the case; which I highly doubt it is:
Poe's law.
almost 14 years ago
@Anti-pirate: You are retarded, Pirate was obviously being sarcastic.
almost 14 years ago
You pirate, resulting in artificially inflated prices that honest buyers must shell out for these commodities to exist in the first place. Else you'd have nothing to steal.
You're pathetic attempt at rationalizing your thieving tendencies is an insult to humanity.
almost 14 years ago
You can also get your computer compromised by using legal apps that have DRM. Or just going to a bad site with a bad browser (like IE6).
So, the risk to get hacked is about the same, the precautions needed are about the same, but I do not need to rob a bank to play games.
Hipster Bastard
almost 14 years ago
Finally I can download more RAM!
almost 14 years ago
Security is, and probably always will be, inversely proportional to skates.
Kitty Kat
almost 14 years ago
Now all we need is the star based power supplies to give the energy needed.
almost 14 years ago
Now you guys can claim mine in a more physical way!
almost 14 years ago
Frig the car! Download a young Asian sex slave and never leave home again. Always wondered why anyone would voluntarily leave the Holodeck in Star Trek.
almost 14 years ago
BRB, downloading pizza and faster internet.
almost 14 years ago
I would, nerfnow. I would.
almost 14 years ago
"here are"? isn't it "here at"?
sem querer ser chato =P
almost 14 years ago
I pirate because I'm trying to send a message to the industry about how their standards are unfair to the developers, and their prices are too high for the content they produce!
It has nothing to do with the fact I'm a lazy shit who feels entitled to everything.
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
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No End
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Paint the Town Red
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Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
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