I've loved me some Sonic for years now, been a few bombs but really he's never been as bad as people say. When you have so many titles not all of them are going to be magic.
Full support for more Rouge cosplay. ^_^
I will!
over 13 years ago
I will get you next time Engie Rouge!
over 13 years ago
Screw all y'all.
I haven't played a Sonic game I hated yet.
(And I've played Heroes, Shadow the Hedgehog, AND Sonic '06.)
Whiners complain. Gamers adapt. If you can't figure out the controls, that's your beef, not mine.
over 13 years ago
Fucking box, out of the way!
over 13 years ago
Having played both Adventures, Heroes, Unleashed, and a few of the handhelds, my opinion is that Gen is the 4th best in the franchise, after 3+K/2 and Adventure 1. The Sonic cycle had totally destroyed my faith in modern Sonic, but Gen is the definition of triumphant return. http://bit.ly/trE8aA
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_96312]@a[/url]: Yeah, but, man, if you never actually buy the games when they *do* get it right, they're just not going to bother. Takes more effort to make a good game, and it sells the same? That's gonna be what teaches them to keep repeating their mistakes!
over 13 years ago
I've yet to see any rehashes in the main series so far (meaning spinoffs excluded) unless you mean buying a crappy port of Sonic 1 for the twentyfifth time XP
over 13 years ago
Neither is buying every rehashed piece of garbage they spew out. That just teaches them to keep repeating their mistakes :P
over 13 years ago
Don't let a bad game from six years ago stop you from buying a good game now. That's not going to help the series get back in order.
over 13 years ago
Green Hill zone, Chemical Plant, Sky Sanctuary, City Escape, Perfect Chaos boss,Shadow Rival, Metal Sonic Rival and that Sonic Unleashed level were decent, but the rest was shit.
Of course as Modern Sonic, fuck old sonic.
Rented it, not games are good since they scrapped the story.
over 13 years ago
Sonic Gen was so good that it makes me wonder what they're going to do with Sonic 4. Sonic 4 is so far from Colors, which was basically the prequel to Gen, that they'd probably be taking a step back if they make the next episode.
Also, Rouge outfit...but no cleavage?
over 13 years ago
Sonic Gen look awesome from the video I saw, truly one of the best game and sonic game out there and I WOULD buy it... except damage been already done and I am never buying anymore sonic game. The awful Sonic 2006 and Color just made me stop :(.
I liked Generations, they pretty much managed to revitalize the series. If SEGA was smart, though, instead of sueing that Sonic Fan Remix Game (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U2njsRhaDA), they should have made it's own version or continued the project. SEGA, y u so dumb.
over 13 years ago
Engie tan looks fabulous.
over 13 years ago
Green Hill: OK
Chemical Plant: OK
Sky Sanctuary: Awesome
Speed Highway: Very Good
City Escpae: Good
Seaside Hil: Good
Crisis City: Awesome
Planet Wisp: Good
No bad levels... Pure awesomeness.
over 13 years ago
Make it rail-platforming (2D classic), or make it high-speed (twitch reaction game), or make it new-gen platforming (3D roaming), but combining all three is a recipe for disaster unless they pull a miraculous feat.
Sonic Touhou-ism actually sounds vaguely awesome actually...
over 13 years ago
They need to leave the entire 2D-3D hybrid rail-speed-platforming alone if they want to win. Anything too starkly on the rails is stifling. Anything too fast can only be enjoyable if the controls are tight and the feedback is clear (and not a blur of camera-focus shifting crap).
over 13 years ago
well sonic did have some realy bad games(like black knight)but just as jo i still love him,and i raelly like colors...
over 13 years ago
Not Blazblue, but still blue.
An Onymous
over 13 years ago
Poor Sonic...:(
P.S. love cosplaying Engie-chan :)
Im with Jo on this one.SG is a preaty good game,sure the some of the other games are sucky,but that dosent mean that every new one will be too.
PS.Sonic would kill Mario in a battle!!!
The Anon known as Ivan
over 13 years ago
Pah! Who likes Sonic anyways. I never liked his games on Sega Dreamcast. I rather played Mario World and other Mario games.
over 13 years ago
A green gift box with yellow ribbon....
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_96257]@Truth[/url]: "get back to his roots"
What, having crappy gameplay that involves more sitting and staring at a character who runs faster than your eyes can process, or to the frustration of platforming with a jet engine?
over 13 years ago
It's not Sonic's Fault in the slightest. He's just had a bunch of developers with a string of bad ideas in using him. He needed to get back to his roots.
@VinLAURiA[/url]: Seconding this recommendation. Colors is awesome and you're a sad, sick person if you disagree.
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_96199]@Zach[/url] He didn't say the classic levels suck. Get over yourself and take off the rose-tinted glasses.
over 13 years ago
That engie-tan suit is too cute..
Dan Sidney
over 13 years ago
Colors is a very good game too. A little slower than Unleashed (actually many lamented Unleashed was TOO FAST) but the stages are very creative and fun to play.
Also Eggman PA. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VvS7ewAkwEA
Dan Sidney
over 13 years ago
Unleashed... had a fantastic daytime stage design.
But yes. Night time. SIGH. :\ It's a game you should really play it if you liked Generations' 3D levels... but you should download a save file and play the stages, so you can skip the nighttime sections. Because the daytime stages are just AWESOME.
So Very Disappoint
over 13 years ago
Really Jo? Sonic? Bastion would have been better. :<
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
oh yea, ofcourse changing the music for a level is awesome too, just i kinda wish they had the jap sonic CD music (didnt wiki and havent unlocked all music yet)
Liro Raeriyo
over 13 years ago
for the most part i prefer classic sonic and his 2D levels, although, outrunning the super GUN truck was quite fun, now what sounds more fun, shooting friendly soldier number 1337 or outrunning a psycho truck with giant sawblades while your both on the side of a building
Andrew Hall
over 13 years ago
Is that a Tails hat or did Jo-tentacle actually kill and partially decapitate Tails?
over 13 years ago
Actually it is 72 PPI, not DPI.
Dots and Pixels are very different things, and srs bns...
over 13 years ago
I've always thought that Rouge's outfit was hot and that it was a shame it was worn by a Sonic character and therefore dragged down by the fandom. Lookin' good, Engie!
over 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_96199]@Zach[/url]: Nothing is wrong with him. The modern levels generally ARE better.
over 13 years ago
@OH CHRIST: You'd be surprised. Rooftop Run is a glorious level. So fun to run through. Modern especially.
And yeah, Generations is an awesome game.
Average Joe
over 13 years ago
Honestly I was expecting sonic to be made fun of here. :-/
over 13 years ago
Sonic got the right idea after that horrible inside the mind of a sonic fan comic that and all the cheesecake the author puts out.no animal mascot character should need to see a human dress up as a bat slut and a tentacle as your first sidekick.
Dr. Obso1337
over 13 years ago
Waiting for an Ackbar joke.
over 13 years ago
You like the modern levels better than the classic ones?...
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