Please not skype...
All others end up being a matter of user preference, but in the end I still find Steam Voice chat the best when playing with other three players. Everyone has it and it's as quick as inviting everyone to a chat and turn voice communication.
or, just type. i mean, really.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Dolby Axon best VOIP!
about 13 years ago
@Sreggin Wej: Or maybe your a moron and don't understand how much of a beast Skype is with voice comm, its packet size is MASSIVE.
about 13 years ago
I don't see any problems with Mumble, when I first got it, it was a simple "plug in your server info and go".
about 13 years ago
How are they arguing if they don't have a common talk method?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116526]@Pasketi[/url]: I think that is exactly the whole idea.
Read this:
about 13 years ago
Wait, how are they talking to each other in the first place?
about 13 years ago
Gamertag invited you to join an Xbox Live Party
"Hey bro, pass me the chips."
Sreggin Wej
about 13 years ago
If you use something else than Skype for a game with 4 or 5 players on a team, you're doing it fucking wrong.
about 13 years ago
my guild uses teamspeak, it works pretty good, and the push to talk is reprogramable, so that you can make it something easy like the "`" button. the leaders of hte TS server have a general rule that its "push to talk" if you dont use a headset (like if its open mic)
about 13 years ago
I don't know about you, but Skype works amazingly well.
4 people on top of that is definitely no problem. I used to chat for hours on end with more than that with ease.
about 13 years ago
Dude, steam has a pretty competent built in voice communication system AND NOBODY BOTHERS TO USE IT!
about 13 years ago
Dolby Axon you pricks
about 13 years ago
Ventrilo FTW
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Push to talk for more than 3 or 4, where skype falls.
3D audio is pointless.
Most problems people have with ts, vent or mumble is user error.
Audio quality is indistinguishable with correctly set up servers. (putting asside people with shit mic's)
Skype is the only one that is newb friendly IMO.
about 13 years ago
Fuck always-on talk.
I don't want to hear someone breath or cough every 3 minutes.
about 13 years ago
P.S. I developed a typing speed of 84 words per minute playing online PC shooters without a mic.
about 13 years ago
Panel 3 and Panel 4 guys are idiots, Mumble is great.
about 13 years ago
The amount of swearing in this post is too damn high.
Hardened Tank Veteran
about 13 years ago
my guild used vent/GSC
they worked fine for me
but any who, voice is useful no matter how skilled you are and no matter what game you play, just its more useful in some games and situations than others.
about 13 years ago
Maybe its the old school MMOer in me, but if you genuinely NEED voice chat for pretty much any game you probably suck.
a confused reader
about 13 years ago
WTF is mumble?
Mr. B
about 13 years ago
Also, fuck you, push to talk is awesome.
Mr. B
about 13 years ago
I, for one, swear by Mumble. Skype gets annoying, especially if someone has background noise so you hear their TV constantly. Plus it's a resource hog. Vent/TS are laggy and colossal pieces of shit. Horrid quality. Mumble, however, is like a phone call. Great quality, no lag, easy to use.
about 13 years ago
Obviously, the best solution is to have multiple voice communication systems set up, working, and ready to go.
about 13 years ago
True story.
about 13 years ago
Push to talk is for noobs.
Don't be a noob.
Don't use push to talk.
about 13 years ago
Anyone noticed 101.*555*.101.10? IP fail, bro, amirite? ( is the last possible IP, 555 is impossible without i.e. No-IP or other similar piece of software)
about 13 years ago
So, TeamSpeak or what? I'm kind of a noob, so I usually end with my skype and call it a day.
No One
about 13 years ago
Needs more xfire.
about 13 years ago
you can disable push to talk in vent
about 13 years ago
Ventrilo es #1
about 13 years ago
"TS3 has the best sound quality, positional audio, and text to speech (not on by default).
TS3 is the only one thats 100% FREE."
Mumble has positional audio and the best latency of all the three. I rarely care about the sound quality, since all three is good, but i want to hear stuff now.
about 13 years ago
This comic spoke more truth to me than most of the other comics you done so far, Jo.
Why can't we use the in-game voice communication and just... play the damn game!?
about 13 years ago
My clan uses mumble, I thought it was easy to use and the voice quality is good too.
about 13 years ago
I find it hilarious that they are communicating by voice (implied by the mouth moving) and their issue is to set up a voice chat so they can game while voice chatting...
about 13 years ago
Kids this days... RAIDCALL, people. Raidcall.
about 13 years ago
Welcome to League of Legends ranked games! Whole situation expirienced in 60seconds with almost similar result => 5 people + 3 different chatprogramms = written chat
about 13 years ago
How has no one noticed that they're verbally arguing over what chat client to use?
Green Tentacle
about 13 years ago
Have you donated to the Kickstarter Double Fine Adventure yet Jo? Where's the comic??
about 13 years ago
Mumble's only advantage is the ease of setting up a server.
Vent is more popular even though it's the worst one right now.
TS3 has the best sound quality, positional audio, and text to speech (not on by default).
TS3 is the only one thats 100% FREE. And it Has a iphone and android app.
about 13 years ago
Engie-tan likes Mumble.
about 13 years ago
I always just use Steam or in-game voice chat if it's any good.
As TF2 seems to be nearly the only game with decent built-in voice chat, it's Steam more often.
about 13 years ago
I really hate ventrilo users. Dumb program.
about 13 years ago
Mumble takes a short time getting used to/setting up but so does TS/Ventrilo the first time you use it and I'll be honest, Mumble has by far the best VoIP quality and uses auto-leveling and stuff for filtering. The only thing I miss in Mumble is Text-To-Speech Macros from Ventrilo XD
I prefer vent myself, although I read TS has improved lately. I can't use Mumble, as the audio processing it does gives me a headache after a few minutes.
about 13 years ago
Find it funny how people are saying steam-voice sucks
I use it all the time and think its fine... >.>
about 13 years ago
It is nice thing that ddo has ingame voice chat.. i'm pretty surprised that not all the mmorpgs have it.
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
This is exactly why I prefer to play games alone.
about 13 years ago
For the love of Celestia, use PTT. I don't know how many times some retard left it on vox. So we hear all the background conversations or coughs. The worst is when you got some mouth breather on the other end. Their mic never goes dead.
about 13 years ago
Nobody use X-fire anymore?
Weeaboo Bob
about 13 years ago
Push-to-Talk, because sometimes you cough/sneeze and no one needs to hear that.
Also Steam has voice, but it blows. Only good as a last resort.
about 13 years ago
Don't know how many games it works in, but in some games, Mumble has positional audio, meaning you will hear the speaker coming from the direction he is in relation to your character. Distance also has an effect, so unless using the right channel, you won't hear someone on the other side of the map
about 13 years ago
Mumble +1. Fast & easy setup (guided, modern), fantastic voice detection, comes with its own instant-server software. Quality always top notch. Used TS, Vent and Mumble and even though I came to Mumble last, it always needs least fiddling with to get to work.
about 13 years ago
Oh and it would help if the host doesn't have to be somewhere in the middle of the jungle in Kongo and the rest exactly on the other side of the planet.
about 13 years ago
Why the hate with steam chat?
about 13 years ago
Skype has the best audio and speech quality - just a technical thing.
And that is where most big conferences fail.
The host should have a rather good computer AND a good bandwidth or every one will have to suffer the consequences.
about 13 years ago
What the shit is mumble ts all the way baby.
about 13 years ago
I regularly use all 3 at once and they are all good in different ways. Does kind of make it hard to keep them all straight when TS and Vent use the same PTT key though.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
why would anyone want to do a wow raid?
about 13 years ago
Weird, when I played Guild Wars, everyone I knew used Ventrilo. We didn't even think about Skype (probably it wasn't really good at the time) or Teamspeak.
about 13 years ago
Hey Nerfnow, may I know what was the font name you use for your comics?
about 13 years ago
This certainly brings back memories. But I'm using all of the above these days (except steam voice. Annoying thing) and I can generally help if anyone does have issues with the software fast enough so that there won't be an issue.
I do not get how everyone ignores the fact that the most commonly installed software gamers have on their PCs aside from the game itself is Steam.
Why is everyone in the comic ignoring Steam's voice chat?
Is Steam chat really that bad that they'd have to go through hoops and not play the game?
about 13 years ago
so much for steamchat. also, skype doesnt work for people? thats a new one. everyone I know can use it fine
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Vent or use steam chat. That is all.
about 13 years ago
Using mumble for years it is the best by far. It takes about 3 min to google and download, 2 to install and about 5 min to get the shit how it is supposed to be ok.
also it nearly does not use any internet source while vent and ts suck a poor connection dry like the sandking the broodmorther.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116390]@Archon[/url]: Oh, at this point I'm pretty good at setting it up. Still, I prefer to spend my time playing instead of hunting down apps.
+ on my server we already use mostly only TS3/Mumble (VT is dead because vista/7 bug)
If you want, I can help you to set up all things :P
about 13 years ago
@Blu Mage: 10y ago playing with voice was rare.
Blu Mage
about 13 years ago
Jo stop bitching we both know 10 years ago you'd kill for push to talk
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116381]@nova[/url]: Gaming mouses tend to be both expensive and "ergonomic", but this ergonomy assumes you are using it with your right hand.
"Also, fuck push to talk."
Kek , all that software have Voice activation detection
you are only fucking lazy to go setting and set all things that are in settings(90% of people)
VT/TS had always good setting for voice activation
Mumble has it now good(1.2.3), previous didnt(1.2.2)
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116379]@Nerfnow[/url]: Get a left-handed mouse with additional buttons (e.g. from Razer). I use one of my thumb buttons for p2t.
Vent is de facto in WoW
about 13 years ago
Around mid-late BC when pick up raids were more popularized, you had consistent problems with people knowing how vent worked. As pugs became more popular, this slowly died out and WotLK on, everyone knows how to vent it up.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116377]@nova[/url]: Being left handed, there is a serious lack of avaliable buttons to use. After binding crouch, sprint, weapons and stuff, push-to-talk end up on a hard to reach place.
Well on my Server I have in pug LFM macro already TS3 written, so if someone dont have it, I kick him on start and go find other one, because they have enough time to instal it etc. And mostly they need to only listen.
+ Ventrilo is now not so good working, because of that vista/7 lag bug
about 13 years ago
"Also, fuck push to talk." > Yeah, fuck you, too.
Any arguments for your preference for voice activation? I guess you are using VA and every one else in your server uses p2t, don't they?
about 13 years ago
a hamster
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Took sooo long by panel 12 the poor dude is Bald
about 13 years ago
This could have been solved with steam's voice chat XD
I use skype most of the time, me and my friends find the sound really clear.
about 13 years ago
I know that feel bro.
I've given up on finding a good voice chat, and just use text. It's inefficient as hell, but it also means that I don't have to focus and switch over when I play Spy on all talk servers.
about 13 years ago
BakaBT, Pirate Bay, Demonoid, Tokyo Toshokan. You will never need to want for anime again.
Ethan Allison
about 13 years ago
Push to talk works great if you unbind caps lock and use it as a dedicated PTT key.
about 13 years ago
>Fuck push to talk
Lookit this wrong post.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116349]@Valhalen[/url]: This man is totally right! Voice activation is the worst choice for gaming in general. Use mouse's thumb-key or Crtl or whatever you feel comfortable with but please don't be just another douche who ruins other people's experience because of the inabillity to set up your sound properly...
"Fuck push to talk"? Push to talk is brilliant, it's better than have that dude with really bad mic making noises the whole time.
In fact, fuck Voice Comunication. Too much trouble, if you know the instances and your group have good synergy, you don't need that. =P
about 13 years ago
Voice chat is an abomination before the eyes of God.
about 13 years ago
You guys know you can voice chat through steam now right? It's pretty goddamn easy to set up and mostly everybody has steam these days. Beyond that most team oriented games have built in VOIP, even if some are pretty terrible. BUT NO LETS USE 3RD PARTY PROGRAMS BECAUSE WE WASTED MONEY ON SERVERS!
about 13 years ago
Vent is the best Skype sucks :D
about 13 years ago
Ventrilo is definitely the way to go. Extensively used it in WoW and Warhammer Online.
about 13 years ago
I have Skype, Ventrilo, TS2/3 and Raidcall installed and used then all to raid in wow. They all work fine for me and none is better. (Except RaidCall, piece of shit using Java, ActiveX and some random crap to integrate the two. Goddamit)
about 13 years ago
You CANNOT BELIEVE the amount of hoops I had to jump through to attempt to get some form of voice communication up and running in my LoL Clan.
Within one week? Nobody's using it anymore. Wonderful.
about 13 years ago
You forgot a column of panels: the Forever Alone, doesn't-have-a-mic (or isn't able to voice chat due to account restrictions or legal reasons) guy who is stuck using text chat and getting backstabbed while typing every two minutes.
about 13 years ago
Of course my goofy consolized ass just uses the VIOP that comes with the game.
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