Hardly. Lockboxes don't announce anything, and 90% of them just have cosmetics. Mind you, unlike tf2 hats, these have to be PERMANENTLY ATTACHED to stat-changing armor.
about 13 years ago
Well, the human creativity at its finest. There is nothing we love more than create new ways to kill and to make sex.
But, there is no way to avoid that the girl in there have a dirtier mind then the poor Jo Tentacle.
about 13 years ago
I think I get it,
Internet rule #34,
if it exists, there's porn of it.
about 13 years ago
crate #34 is considered a disappointment whenever I trade it they close the trade window
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117010]@Triv[/url]: I was also playing TF2 and got crate #30! I unboxed it and got a strange machina.
about 13 years ago
Finally finished this comic...now to wait for the next page.
about 13 years ago
Funny, was playing tf2 earlier and i got that crate O.o
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116601]@Chessrook44[/url] Actually, the primary problem is the sheer amount of message spam, along with the fact that a good portion of it is fake, referencing players that don't exist at all, and some that have been inactive for months.
about 13 years ago
That should fix your save problem if you don't get the time to play through them before ME3. There is a save for pretty much any combination of choices you can think of.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116814]@Hyperstar96[/url]: Jo is a tentacal. She's a female. 34 suggests porn. I shouldn't have to tell you what kind.
about 13 years ago
I still don't get it. Is it a Rule 34 joke or a crate joke? An if it IS a rule 34 joke, then what was the point of Jo getting a grenade to the head?
about 13 years ago
But she's a Demoman, and there's possibly a Strange Scottish Resistance in there.
about 13 years ago
I just checked if jo has a rule 34 account. He does. MENTALSCAR
about 13 years ago
Oh, it was a Rule 34 joke? I thought it was a crate joke.
about 13 years ago
@ An Onymous
Because some people do know what "girlfriend" actually is.
about 13 years ago
Wow, didn't think about Rule 34 at all. All I thought of was how absolutely terrible the things in crate #34 were and how worthless it was to open it.
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
How do people still not know about rule #34?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116740]@digizaruk[/url]: Except for two facts - we DO have a demo here and the M49 is well known for that barrel.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116721]@Greenman[/url]: So you say, but the launcher end of the stock primary slot for either the soldier or the demo look very similar.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116623]@TLV[/url]: ... I'll be in my bunk. Knock before you come in.
about 13 years ago
so is 34 the new 69?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116715]@digizaruk[/url] that's the nozzle of the stock grenade launcher.
about 13 years ago
Anything with Demo-tan is awesome
about 13 years ago
I have 4 crate #34 and whenever i try to sell them they yell scammer
about 13 years ago
@Mein Herr: If there was ever one to begin with.
about 13 years ago
I'm surprised nobody else noticed that demo-tan has a rocket launcher.
panties midget
about 13 years ago
google rule #34
about 13 years ago
Aha! Thank you BlackDrifter. I actuall didn't get this joke without your photo comment. And no, I actually do mean that. This one went over my head.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116692]@412[/url]: The Steam-Version is at least better than Non-Steam. And the controls are a bit better, espically in the MOCA in ME1.
about 13 years ago
I don't get this comic.
about 13 years ago
Holy shit, you actually have bought ME 1 and 2 on steam? I've lost the the rest of my faith in the humanity.
Oh wait, you're brazilian, nevermind, human race is alright.
about 13 years ago
Here, you can have... MAH BIG GAY DANCE!
about 13 years ago
I've recently traded ~40 boxes for 3 ref. Best deal ever
about 13 years ago
since i have a bunch of keys in my inventory, i never get crates. goody!
about 13 years ago
Last months I made my canon paragon shepard save, the perfect one with nothing missed and all DLCs.
about 13 years ago
You can't add ME1 keys to origin yourself but you can contact EA support. Just be persistent, first I was told it's not possible but after mentioning other people had success this way I got it too.
about 13 years ago
Dear Author, you can add Steam ME2 key to your Origin account. I'm not sure about ME1, but I think it works too.
about 13 years ago
Everyone should love the 34
about 13 years ago
Thanks to Origin ME story ended in ME2.
about 13 years ago
Why wouldn't she want Crate 34?
I'd give a good deal for the chance to get a Strange Scottish Resistance.
about 13 years ago
Jo has actually done a fair amount of Rule #34 for his characters, and will take commissions. Way worth it wink wink nudge nudge
about 13 years ago
actually either it is rule 34, or a lot of people get this crate way too often
seriously, i like have 5 of them right now.
about 13 years ago
"Go on. Google JoPereira. I DARE YOU."
about 13 years ago
"Don't know if this is ironic or not. but there prolly isn't rule 34 of any of nerf nows characters."
You're new to this whole "internet" thing, aren't you?
Go on. Google JoPereira. I DARE YOU.
about 13 years ago
Don't know if this is ironic or not. but there prolly isn't rule 34 of any of nerf nows characters
about 13 years ago
you can get the gibbed ME2 editor to let you modify save files.
i did that after my computer died and i lost 3 different versions of shep and about 100+ hours that i was not going to replay
if you check on the mass effect wiki it should have a link
about 13 years ago
I see what you did there.
about 13 years ago
Wuh oh. I hope tentacles grow back.
about 13 years ago
you do know there are sites for mass effect saves right? as in masseffectsaves.com and masseffect2saves.com
With dlcs and multiple paths and such.
about 13 years ago
From what I understand, they ARE releasing ME3 on Steam, but it is going to be ONE week afterwards, 3/13. So...are you willing to put it off by a week or are you going to buy it on Origin?
<going off word of mouth here>
about 13 years ago
@Chessrook: Sprial Knights did the same thing.
about 13 years ago
And to add to that, whenever someone gets the SUPER-RARE ship, there's a server-wide system message announcing that someone got the ship? And the forums and regulars are pissed about the box, and pissed about the announcement spam?
Yeah. That's crates done WRONG.
about 13 years ago
Crate bondage. Kinky.
about 13 years ago
Speaking of crates, did you know that Star Trek Online has decided to copy TF2, and make a type of box a random drop that can only be opened with a single-use key that you buy in the C-store (Read: with Real Money)? Oh and the box contains a SUPER-RARE ship that can only be gotten in the box?
about 13 years ago
For the ones that don't get it:
Rule #34 is "If it exists there is porn of it".
That box contains what everyone asking for heavy fanservice wants.
about 13 years ago
I don't get the joke either.
about 13 years ago
You know what's going to be real funny. When you do your steam playthroughs. And then origin won't allow you port it unless those copies are on origin.
cat shit
about 13 years ago
I don't get the joke, actually what is the joke?
Mr. Dog Howard
about 13 years ago
Rule 34!
about 13 years ago
I have to admit, that experience is highly overrated.
Akane has only one way to get back home: collect the 42 keys to parallel worlds. Eri and Ben are just trying to get through the summer before university. When a magical key turns up in an old spare set, all three are forced to change their plans and fast.
Paint the Town Red
Windy, Winter Jay Kiakas
Winona runs a werewolf shelter with partner in crime, Odile in the Gothic city of Merlot. One day they take in an injured vampire, and soon unravels many of the dark secrets of Merlot.
Josceline Fenton
A witch accidentally marries a monster, and now she and her familiar has to navigate life around her monstrous husband and her even more terrifying in-laws.
Alex Assan, Lin Darrow
A ragtag band of bootleggers open a speakeasy for bottled colour in the greyscale city of Ironwell.
No End
Erli, Kromi
A queer romance about people attempting to build lives in a cold, post-apocalyptic world ravaged by hordes of undead.
Guilded Age
T Campbell, John Waltrip, Florence Machina
Welcome to the saga of the working-class adventurer! Enjoy the complete story with new annotations daily!
Dumbing of Age
David M Willis
Joyce has been homeschooled her entire life until now, when she's suddenly a freshman in college! Things don't go well.