First of all, Kino no Tabi. It's really charming, stories are told with minimum of usual for anime drama and loud speeches about what's right, and you can feel how scarily lifelike they are.
Ikoku Miero no Croisee is really great, I second it.
Also, I'm surprised none has mentioned Haibane Renmei.
almost 13 years ago
A lot of people think pyro is underpowered. Newbs.
Radical Inquisitor
about 13 years ago
The Avengers: Earth's Mightiest Heroes!
Young Justice
about 13 years ago
Whatever you do don't watch Strike Witches.
The plot goes nowhere and it's just fanservice of underaged girls in skimpy clothing.
about 13 years ago
Lucky Star
Hidamari Sketch
Strike Witches (Can be fanserviey, don't watch in public)
Ikoku Miero no Croisee (Nobody knows about this, hidden jem of 2011)
I think you may have seen Kamisama Dolls based on your mini-medic character, but if not, that too.
about 13 years ago
Dude if you like these things then you WILL LOVE MEGAS XLR.
Go watch it now.
Adventure Bobby
about 13 years ago
C'mon, Adventure Time!
about 13 years ago
Brony here and I recommend K-ON. Not that lolrandom or reference-heavy, but has a solid delivery and narrative. Oh and friendship between girls.
about 13 years ago
Chuck. It's a fun TV series which just finished.
about 13 years ago
Panty not pants wtf
about 13 years ago
Pants and Stockings with Garterbelt
No really it's an anime... about 2 sinful angels, one is a slut and the other a glutton. They kill ghosts so they can go back to heaven.
It does have some toilet humor though but stick with it to the end it's a fun ride.
about 13 years ago
Shakugan no Shana represent. Third and final season is coming to a fantastic close.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116317]@Kinetik42[/url]: Yeah, TV-Nihon's got the whole lot subbed, though the bulk of the direct downloads were on MU, so you'll have to use either torrents o their IRC channel...
about 13 years ago
A truthful semi-poem
about 13 years ago
The spy is not pictured here,
Because if the spy is skilled, he's that by which you were just killed,
he will just steam roller you, even if your all PEW PEW
because the longer you run, and the harder you try,
he'll kill you any ways, and FUCK YOU that's why.
about 13 years ago
If you like TTGL,then watch Full Metal Panic! too.
damn, you made me turn around when you wrote spy behind you.
about 13 years ago
Also, GTO is pretty damn good.
about 13 years ago
Ever seen Toaru Majutsu no Index? You might like that.
about 13 years ago
Lucky Star and Nichijou - both slice of life anime comedies.
And you could try Panty & Stocking, but not necessarily.
about 13 years ago
To watch I really recommend the Venture Bros series. Maybe Lucky Star for it pure absurdity.
They say Lost in Mars was interesting, I need to see it. Oh, and some Doctor Who too.
No Engie or Spy, these two have own their personal war.
seems kind of obvious and you probably already watched but how about south park?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116315]@Zach[/url]: Already did it. Author need to finish it. :/
about 13 years ago
Yakitake! Japan is good.
about 13 years ago
Try Kamen Rider Den-O. You'll have to download it, and it will only be sub-ed, but a very good watch none the less.
about 13 years ago
You should read Berserk. Amazing art and story. And don't watch anime, it's a huge waste of time. You can typically read a series in about a fifth the time that you could watch it.
Blade Nd64
about 13 years ago
Card Captor Sakura. It's easy to watch (watched most of it while mapping), still good after 13 years (watched it for the first time 6 months ago), and incredibly adorable (I'm a guy).
about 13 years ago
I think Lawyerman. Tarage, and Kyoshiroh covered most of mine. I'm trying for light... Kiddy Grade (WFT me for liking that), Mezzo (comedy shoot'um up). Stargate SG1 as live-action SF can get fairly mindless, I sometimes fall asleep to it. Murder Princess was short but funny.
about 13 years ago
Nah, I'd say the Spy is more like one of those annoying achievements developers put in 360 console games. Like a collectable that only shows up on a harvest moon or something.
about 13 years ago
The lack of Engineer hurts him.
about 13 years ago
Ichigo Mashimaro is laid back to the max
cool story yo
about 13 years ago
gonna stick to my guns and say Community... u should at least give it a try.
about 13 years ago
full metal panic! (nothing to do with fullmetal alchemist) it's a good mech anime and has lots of fun moments too...
about 13 years ago
So much weeaboo shit.
Watch Archer.
about 13 years ago
Detroit Metal City. Must see for anyone.
about 13 years ago
I'd recommend the first season of School Rumble, and of course One Piece. But if you're just starting out on the latter, it'd be a long recap coz it's about 500 episodes now I think.
about 13 years ago
Yuru Yuri is pretty decent comedy show. Also- ongoing anime Daily Lives of Hige School Boys, Kill me baby. And maybe Lucky Star? But you need to know something about japanees to catch all jokes. Nichijo is like family guy, better as clips, gets pretty boring after some time.
about 13 years ago
Gintama, mostly Comedy with some short action arcs(which still contain all the comedy), awesome parodies, some 4th wall braking and penis jokes.
this clip pretty much says it all:
about 13 years ago
Hey! I'm a good pyro. Enemy's weapons will be MY flamethrower fuel.
Also for the other, don't suggest Samurai Jack. That cartoon is art, and although it has some action episodes there are a few of them that needs concentration to understand more deeply.
about 13 years ago
Oh! And Nichijou! It ranges from the calming everyday comedy of Azumanga Daioh to action packed crazy nonsense in a fraction of second!!!
about 13 years ago
Second Kill me Baby! I was reading the manga when they decided to make it to anime.
about 13 years ago
Liro Raeriyo
about 13 years ago
Kill me baby is a pretty funny one, Panty & Stocking is quite good. Hetalia is very good if your a history buff, and still pretty funny if your not, but each episode is only 5 minutes long.
Well if you're looking for something that you don't really have to pay attention to to enjoy, I'd recommend Phineas and Ferb, or Animaniacs. Also why do you have to be hatin' on pyros, Besides the obvious? They're more of the annoying guy who poisons you before a boss.
about 13 years ago
I'm glad it was already mentioned, but Wakfu is amazing. It is fairly similar to Avatar: the last airbender (advanture with some comedy) but more focussed on comedy.
Also Baccano!, which has the same makers as Durara!, and even more fun then Durara!.
about 13 years ago
Birdy the mighty. Just re-added to netflix.
You might wanna watch the old OVA's first.
about 13 years ago
Oggy and the cockroaches still come to mind.
A hint of "watch my chops" here and there
And wrap it up with some "space goofs"
J.T. Marsh
about 13 years ago
Exo squad, I cannot stress amazing it was. for a sci fi animation. Made in the 90s it was ahead of its time. I recommend everyone at least see the first few episodes. Good story, characters, and action packed! Lasted 2 seasons before it was cancelled on a cliffhanger. You can watch it all on Hulu
about 13 years ago
"Now and Then, Here and There"
"Android Kikaider"
about 13 years ago
If you're looking for some solid action cartoons with decent story Vision of Escaflowne is excellent as is Ronin Warriors. Witch Hunter Robin is excellent but ends up being a bit slow in the pacing.
For more mainstream american cartoons, Avatar: The Last Airbender and Samurai Jack are great.
about 13 years ago
Macross Frontier, Fate stay Night, Batman Beyond
Sliders, The Fringe, Eerie Indiana, Gunsmith Cats,
Darker than Black, Rideback
Gurren Lagann is awesome, even though I only watched it recently. When I played TF2 more often I ruled as pyro. Nowadays it's either Heavy or Scout.
about 13 years ago
for this season, nichibros has got to be one of the most funniest shows in a long time. not as random as Nichijou, and more funny in my opinion. as for cartoon, boondocks is a good choice, learn about black culture?
about 13 years ago
Well.. Death note is nice.. then theres naruto and bleach, if you want something that will last a long, long time ^^
about 13 years ago
Boss Fight? Not if you're a Spy. If you're a Spy, the Pyro is the Boss Fight. But a Boss Fight like the first one against Vile in Megaman X. You CAN win it, but you're not supposed to.
about 13 years ago
While only the first season is available on DVD, I highly recomend Xiaolin Showdown. If your looking for something with hillariously immature adult humor, then I would suggest either Code Monkeys (Done in a fantastic 8 bit animation style) or the anime Desert Punk.
about 13 years ago
Gurren Lagann! YES! Amazing show! Best anime however has to be Code Geass - give that a try too. Also Darker than Black
and yes, Phineas and Ferb is great. So is Adventure Time. Spongebob. MLP. Batman The Animated Show.
about 13 years ago
Beelze already said it but it bears repeating: Phineas & Ferb
Cowboy Bebop and Nadesico are also excellent.
about 13 years ago
Nichijou watch it nao!
about 13 years ago
Yes, but unfortunatly for us most of the pyros nowaday are F2P n00bs that only w+m1. *sigh*
about 13 years ago
Would a decent pyro be classed as an enemy too?
about 13 years ago
How i Met Your Mother is pretty good, as for anime/cartoon i would pick Lucky star or K-on for something easy to watch
about 13 years ago
Turtles Forever and Return of the Joker if you want something western.
about 13 years ago
K-ON is great if you liked Azumanga, Invader Zim and Avatar the last Air Bender are great, along with Wakfu(a french anime, Young justice is a newer teen titan show that has pretty much the greatest depiction of Robin ever.
about 13 years ago
check nichibros, because why not?
about 13 years ago
Adventure time is really short and funny. Also, it's trending right now.
about 13 years ago
i suggest one piece, naruto, or bleach. That is, if you are looking for action and adventure.
Brasileiro aleatório
about 13 years ago
Code Geass para anime e Futurama pra desenho, ta pra sair a nova temporada de Walking Dead e depois Game of Thrones. Pra comics tem The Boys (muito foda) , e Irredemable.
about 13 years ago
Cowboy Bebop is awesome, but yeah: If you liked Azumanga, go watch Nichijou. If you like anime in general, then there's also Lucky Star, which makes a bunch of jokes aimed at that crowd. (and if you're familiar with, and enjoy Seinfeld, Lucky Star is the Japanese version of that.)
about 13 years ago
@Admiral-Crunch Obvious Troll is Obvious.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_116210]@Kamina[/url]: Was that a reference to Gurren Lagan?
about 13 years ago
For an Anime I'd go for Gravion
about 13 years ago
Storm {DCC}
about 13 years ago
Darker Than Black is an excellent anime!
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Hidamari Sketch and Aria the Animation.
about 13 years ago
If I don´t get at least 20 obvious troll is obvious comments, you all failed.
about 13 years ago
Star driver
Sleepy Snarf
about 13 years ago
Samurai Jack too, forgot about that one.
Sleepy Snarf
about 13 years ago
I like the Powerpuff Girls, Teen Titans, and Johnny Bravo.
If no one is attacking me I usually will go for the sniper and the medic to protect my team and weaken the enemy's.
about 13 years ago
If you liked Azumanga Daioh, then you might want to watch Ouran Hight School Host Club.
about 13 years ago
A couple good light school comedies nobody else has mentioned:
School Rumble
Baka and Test
about 13 years ago
For me... in the same order.
Scripted death event.
about 13 years ago
Adventure Time, Bakemonogatari, Futurama, Panty and stocking with garterbelt.
about 13 years ago
tengen toppa gurrenlagan, otimo anime
avatar the last air bender, otimo desenho
BLU Scout
about 13 years ago
When I was young, learning the early days of TF2. I always felt a good Soldier/medic pair was far more intimidating then a good heavy/medic. To this day I still believe those words.
about 13 years ago
Are you playing as Engineer? or what?
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
I don't have an idea. I usually stay away from cartoons unless they're old (Tom and Jerry, Dexter's lab, etc) or Friendship is Magic.
But I started watching a kickass show some time ago, it's called Breaking Bad, you should watch it, it's fucking awesome
The Baron
about 13 years ago
You like Dexter's Lab and MLP? You might want to check out The Powerpuff Girls and Samurai Jack.
about 13 years ago
Try Angel beats
about 13 years ago
Hm... if you liked Gurren Lagann, GaoGaiGar or New Getter Robo/Getter Robo Armageddon might be a good option.
about 13 years ago
Engineer is still building at the spawn.
about 13 years ago
I hope you have watched "Avatar the last airbender"?
If not you have missed Something.
about 13 years ago
Danshi Koukousei no Nichijou
Boku Ha Tomodachi Ga Sukunai
Hunter x Hunter
Ben-Tou (Fight Club for FOOD)
Gintama (more mindless is hard)
Carnival Phantasm
Shinryaku!? Ika Musume
Baka to Test to Shoukanjuu
Cromartie High School (completely mindless)
about 13 years ago
Excel saga ftw
about 13 years ago
I would like to recommend Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai (僕は友達が少ない, lit. I Don't Have Many Friends) great lighthearted anime.
about 13 years ago
If I right, it seems that you are going to play DotA 2/TF2 on e-sport level and that's the reason to exercise ^_^.
If you like Azumanga so much I would recommend Nichijou, but I need to have quite good multi-tasking abilities (It's soooo funny, that you might forget to exercise).
about 13 years ago
Whoops, lotta people beat me to the punch there!
But yeah, if you're looking for something easy to watch. go for Nichijou. If you want something extremely interesting, check out Bakemonogatari )mentioned earlier too :P) and Nisemonogatari, its sequel.
about 13 years ago
yup, Nichijou is great, watch it!
mr. boy
about 13 years ago
teen titans was an awesome show
about 13 years ago
oh yeah i forgot to add Code Monkeys.
about 13 years ago
Nichijou is fairly entertaining. I'd relate it to Azumanga.
god dammit
about 13 years ago
Nobody mentioned the old Tex Avery cartoons ? Just go watch those, right now. RIGHT. NOW.
about 13 years ago
Nichijou ! I it's like Azumanga,that show is so funny i can't even discribe it xD
Mad Cow
about 13 years ago
@Another Byte on the Web:
Megas XLR
Teah I liked that one.
about 13 years ago
Chrome Shelled Regios (Koukaku no Regios).
It's not entirely mindless but easy to watch and quite addicting.
about 13 years ago
Ed Edd n Eddy's a great show, but it's kind of old. The new looney tunes are good too, but I'm not sure if you'd be able to keep up with all the new things. But the music on it is really catchy, the first one is a sympthony about grilled cheese. I guess if TF2 was a show, that'd be my pick.
Ted E.
about 13 years ago
I mean, one awesome cartoon called Adventure Time.
about 13 years ago
I think the pyro is more like a random encounte. At range he's ammo refill, at close range, specially if you find one after turning a corner, he's more like a trap room.
about 13 years ago
Actually from those that I rec, the only mindless one is Adventure time. There's also Regular Show. As for mindless animes, perhaps Arakawa Under the Bridge?
about 13 years ago
Anime: Durarara
Cartoon: Adventure Time
Series: Castle
Btw, no engie?
about 13 years ago
He wants a light hearted, simple show and you people are recommending Full Metal Alchemist, Code Geass and Ghost in the Shell? Are you people high?
Jo's fan #1
about 13 years ago
Watch Regular Show.
about 13 years ago
I suggest Wakfu.
Here is database for all available links in English -
about 13 years ago
Despite it not being mindless, i really must recommend Steins;Gate. Its the first thing i've been really obsessed with in years, I was sad when it ended. My all time top anime.
about 13 years ago
No one suggested GTO yet? That's a riot of a series, when a former gang member decides to become a teacher with some unorthodox teaching methods.
about 13 years ago
You should watch Code Geass
about 13 years ago
I noticed the title of yesterday's strip, and I suggest you try Wakfu, which is pretty much "child bearing hips: the animated series".
It's a light-hearted fantasy adventure show with incredible animation and artstyle
Only drawback: it's only aviable in french with english subtitles
about 13 years ago
Nichijou, Wakfu, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex, Baccano, Steins;Gate, Evangelion, Clannad, Bakemonogatari, Busou Renkin, Chobits, Darker than Black, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Eureka Seven, Hellsing Ultimate, K-ON, Outlaw Star, Slayers, Star Driver, Spice and Wolf, Haruhi, Vandread, FLCL, ect..
about 13 years ago
Lighthearted comedy anime? Well there's...
Ichigo Mashimaro, Minami-ke (recommend skiping the 2nd season), Lucky Star, Nichijou (personaly didn't like it, but it is popular) and ever infamous K-On!
about 13 years ago
Ok, Jo.
Try with Nichijou, is like Azumanga but with crack... lots a lots of crack.
Yuru Yuri is fine too, but instead of crack, lesbians, lots of lesbians.
And Seto no Hanayome is a comedy beast. The first 3 or 4 episodes are ok, but the rest are awesome.
about 13 years ago
Baka and Test excellent and funny anime.
about 13 years ago
I'm guessing a nest of Engies squating behind L3 sentries in the intel room is the final boss and a competant gunslinger engie is a miniboss. Otherwise ammo refill.
about 13 years ago
Soul Eater's anime ending sucked, but I guess TTGL's is no example of perfection either.
The lack of bashing going on feels wrong. Some spy is pretending to be my Internet. Here, I'll try to get some in:
Attention thread! YOUR TASTE = SHIT!
Master Geass
about 13 years ago
Try Fairy Tail. It's hilarious. Right now you can find the first season on YouTube by FUNimation.
about 13 years ago
An easy to watch but unusually cool show I found was Soul Eater - nice lil anime
Check out Sora no Otoshimono, perhaps the funniest anime ever made. Though not reccomended if your not into a little ecchi-ness, seeing as many of the jokes revolve on the main character's quest to see panties xP
about 13 years ago
Sgt Frog
about 13 years ago
Avatar: Last Airbender I can get behind, great, great show.
Same with Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood, always found it way superior to the original show.
Also gonna recommend One Piece, only one of the really long anime (Naruto, Bleach) I think has stayed good.
I recomend Fullmetal Alchemist; Brotherhood, if you like action. Nichijou if you want a gag series that is really adorable and hilarious at the same time.
about 13 years ago
I recommend Nichijou, it's basically like a more absurd, far more hilarious, and way better executed version of Azumanga Daioh. Vastly superior to Lucky Star and similar dreck.
random guy from the internet
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Lucky Star should be up your alley if you liked Azumanga. Definitely simple, lighthearted and funny. No real plot to follow so it's not really vital to focus on every moment of what's going on, so that should be good to play while exercising.
about 13 years ago
Swat Kats?
about 13 years ago
Also Ghost in the Shell: Stand alone complex.
about 13 years ago
Well if you want to watch something not animated
I would pick FarScape.
Sir Mighty
about 13 years ago
Double A...
MLP because of Lauren Faust :D
about 13 years ago
Cowboy Bebop is also worth watching if you like anime
about 13 years ago
You should watch Fairy Tail, its a great series.
about 13 years ago
Man, I completely forgot about Yu Yu Hakusho... its been so long, damn... that was a good one too
Double A
about 13 years ago
Powerpuff Girls because of Lauren Faust
about 13 years ago
Nichijou is hilarious. Like Azumanga 2.0
Weeaboo Shit
about 13 years ago
Fuck yeah azumanga daioh
about 13 years ago
Avatar: The Last Airbender, Baccano, Code Geass, Death Note, Durarara!!, Fairy Tail, Fullmetal Alchemist(2003 or Brotherhood), Gintama, Hunter X Hunter(1999), Lucky Star, Nichijou, Rurouni Kenshin, Stiens Gate, Trigun, When the Cicadas Cry, Yu Yu Hakusho. This should be a nice list for you to check.
about 13 years ago
Nichijou. Think Azumanga, but crazy as hell.
about 13 years ago
As for just cartoons, Jackie Chan Adventures, Xmen Evolution, Wolverine and the Xmen, Avatar. And by now, Lawyerman thinks you are just about sick of lists.
about 13 years ago
Again, Lawyerman suggests Shin Chan, Slayers (whole series on youtube in good quality), Panty and Stocking is a great WTF, Yu-Yu Hakusho is a great English Dub, High School of the Dead for Completely Unrealistic Breast Simulation, Samurai Jack, Brandorr had a good idea with Archer. Cowboy Bebop
Yo Jo, if you liked Gurren Lagann, watch Full Metal Panic! and Code Geass.
about 13 years ago
Animanics and pinkie and the brain
about 13 years ago
FLCL, it's only 6 episodes but you really need to watch it twice.
Durarara, interesting cast of characters makes it go round.
Avatar; The Last Airbender, Worth a full watch of all three seasons if you haven't seen it. Snag a torrent somewhere and watch it.
about 13 years ago
Each capture point is basically a check point and spies are "god damn bats"
BLU Pyro
about 13 years ago
I shall state it again. Adventure Time.
about 13 years ago
Ugly Americans, Sgt. Frog, Shin Chan.
about 13 years ago
You liked Gurren Lagan and liked it, how bout PSG? Those guys went on to create "Panty, Stocking, and Garderbelt." I watched it and I am not sure it was not just a fever dream I had. The music is really great.
about 13 years ago
fate stay night!
about 13 years ago
Dude, Phineas and Ferb is SO AWESOME
about 13 years ago
Just watch "Regular Show" and be happy! :D
("Adventure Time" is also mentionable of course)
about 13 years ago
Just to say something different?
Batman: The Animated Series and/or Animaniacs. From the golden age of 90s cartooning.
about 13 years ago
Mighty Mouse
about 13 years ago
When i was kid i really enjoyed The Mask: The Animated Series... I think it fits description "mindless". It is very fun, worth to try.
about 13 years ago
Adventure Time!
about 13 years ago
Futurama and King of the Hill
about 13 years ago
soul eater is a nice one, though maybe less laid back, still it's funny (take a look at any with Excalibur in it)
about 13 years ago
from cartoons new thundercats, young justice, ugly americans (better than name indicates.), avatar: the alst airbender, the avengers, super hero squad show,
zero no tsukaima, sacred blacksmith, chobits, fairy tail, galaxy angel, kamen maid guy, grenadier, jungle de ikou , lupin III
about 13 years ago
I play pyro all the time and SIR, I AM INSULTED! A good pyro reflects rockets and equips the shotgun in case of water, a match for any scout/medic/sniper/scout. Not demo though...
Also everything Watchit said, as well as Golden Boy and The Tatami Galaxy (Which is more Slice of Life like Azu)
about 13 years ago
Things to expect from Gurren Lagann:
- Epic Hot-Blooded Manliness
- Shameless Fanservice (NerfNow not enough for you?)
- Battles literally so big Galactus would be an ant.
- Ultimate Baddy Power: Divide by Zero
- "Go beyond the impossible and kick reason to the curb!"
about 13 years ago
Adventure Time. It's simple, light-hearted, and surprisingly funny for a kid's show. If not that, then Futurama for sure.
Minion of Cake
about 13 years ago
I didn't even notice, 'til Davtwan mentioned it, but where *is* Engie?! O.o Also, @Trolling Nerd, it means basically that Pyro is a free kill.
about 13 years ago
If you've seen Gurren Lagann, you might like Panty and Stocking (with Garterbelt). Just as crazy fun.
Commenters: WATCH GURREN LAGANN, sight-unseen. Also seriously, the English language dub is no good - watch in Japanese with English subtitles.
about 13 years ago
You should really check out Sgt Frog. It's on Netflix on REALLY funny.
about 13 years ago
I'm also guessing you've seen the Abridged parody series on the interwebs. You can't really go wrong with the old school Looney Tunes. Goofy is always good for a laugh if you don't mind Disney. Transformers is good,especially G1 and Beast Wars.
about 13 years ago
Everyone watch Gurren Lagann. It's the single most epic thing ever produced by mankind.
It's free in *sigh* English dub *vomit* on Youtube, Netflix, and Hulu.
about 13 years ago
Well,if you liked Dexter's Lab,you've probably seen Powerpuff Girls and Johnny Bravo. Well,have you tried Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt? It's like a slightly dirtier version of those shows. There's even a cameo with Johnny Bravo when he makes a sex tape with Panty. Wears a white shirt,tho.
about 13 years ago
avatar the last airbender.
about 13 years ago
Futurama +1
Sam N
about 13 years ago
Lucky star is a good anime to watch... it is the definiton of silly and simple to watch ^^
about 13 years ago
You forgot Engi!
about 13 years ago
woah woah woah, hes a brony, SWEET, SO AM I!
about 13 years ago
Samurai Jack e Megas XLR são bons, eu assistia nos bons tempos do cartoon network
Na area de animes eu recomendo Soul Eater, tem uns 50 episodios
about 13 years ago
Mick hit the nail on the head PPG and Venture bros. PPG is Craig McCracken's (SP?) best work and Lauren Faust cameos in it.
about 13 years ago
...And I just now saw people below me mentioning Futurama. That is definitively something you should watch. Think Simpsons, but in the FUTURE! (It's made by the same people)
about 13 years ago
Well, that rules out Young Justice, but I still whole-heartedly suggest Axis Powers Hetalia (which is continued in World Series Hetalia). Azumanga Daioh is actually the show it reminded me most of (though instead of high school girls, it's personifications of countries).
about 13 years ago
As far as anime goes, Cowboy Bebop stands out of the crowd. Great stories, action, and music!
about 13 years ago
Right now my main source of entertainment is MLP:FiM, but in the past I've watched Anamaniacs, Dexter's Lab, PPG, Johnny Bravo, Invader Zim, DBZ, Simpsons, Futurama, Cowboy Bebop, Venture Bros. (great show!), ...
If you liked MLP:FiM then you'll like PPG. Futurama and Venture Bros are a must!
about 13 years ago
I think you would like The IT Crowd. It's available on Netflix. It's amazing.
about 13 years ago
Also I reiterate my statement from yesterday. You can never go wrong with COWBOY BEBOP.
about 13 years ago
Full Metal Panic, FLCL, Excel Saga, Nerima Daikon Brothers, Lucky Star
Avoid K-on
about 13 years ago
Cowboy Bebop (great space cowboy anime), Ghost in the Shell (great near-future cyborg anime, tons of action), Samurai Jack (some of the same animators from MLP), and FLCL (great, colorful animation, and hilarious) A note on G.i.t.S., the 1st movie and tv series are action packed the 2nd movie is not
about 13 years ago
I also suggest either Nichijou or Adventure Time
about 13 years ago
i'd suggest: ben 10, soul eater, the boondocks.
about 13 years ago
To exercise to. right? I'd recommend Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu, Genshiken, Martian Successor Nadesico, Lucky Star, and Panty & Stocking. ARIA and Ah! My Goddess are also quality lighthearted shows, but the pacing's a little too go with exercise if you ask me.
about 13 years ago
you mean you've watched g1-3 of my little pony?
about 13 years ago
For modern anime shows I'd recommend, bakemonogatari, working!, nichijou, and for not so modern outlaw star, those are only a few by the way.
about 13 years ago
Again, I recommend Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo. If only for the name.
about 13 years ago
By those guidelines, Nichijou. A thousand times Nichijou.
about 13 years ago
It's obvious where the Spy is, but where's the Engie? :(
Not Jesus
about 13 years ago
If you liked Azumanga Daioh, there's also Lucky Star which is similar. FLCL/Fooly Cooly: 6 episodes but they were awesome.
about 13 years ago
Gurren laggan? That is awesome!
about 13 years ago
try Full Metal Panic!
awesome anime/manga :D
about 13 years ago
Fullmetal Alchemist and FMA: Brotherhood. Only animes I ever watched, but still pretty damn good.
about 13 years ago
Kore wa zombie desu ka? It has some of the crazyness of Gurren Laggan and can be very funny.
about 13 years ago
Adventure time!
about 13 years ago
you forgot enge ):
about 13 years ago
Funny mindless shows? One I would recommend is Whose Line is it Anyway. Loved that when it was on the air, always made me laugh. If its just cartoons, though, I would recommend Aventure Time or Harvey Birdman to get a few giggles.
about 13 years ago
Nice and simple? Should watch Zoids or Bleach, both mindless Shonen fare that makes one dream.
Random Guy
about 13 years ago
Samurai Jack.
about 13 years ago
You should watch archer then, based on what you're into.
about 13 years ago
I second Nichijou and Lucky Star. Also, try Aria or K-on.
about 13 years ago
Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt is great. same guys who did Gurren :3 Baka and Test is funny, and High School of the Dead is heavy on the Zombieland vibe :3
Another Byte on the Web
about 13 years ago
Try Megas XLR. Great Western style animation with Giant Robots. Samurai Jack is also very good.
about 13 years ago
Weeaboo Bob
about 13 years ago
Nichijou and Lucky Star are in the same vein as Azumanga. If you haven't seen Futurama, thats a must see. Persona 4 the Animation is my current main animu. If Masako recommends it, usually good
about 13 years ago
W + 1 Nerd.. W + 1.
Trolling Nerd
about 13 years ago
I don't get the "Ammo Refill" one, can someone explain?