Yea, that's me in the purple orb of truth, there. xD
about 13 years ago
i don't care about ranked indeed.. (not ranked too :P)
about 13 years ago
So bloody true about me...
about 13 years ago
I wish I had my own servers, so I could modify these plugins, to prank these /rank kids: humiliating answers, fake rank, ingame slap or autokilled randomly, reduced damages, beacon on the /rank player, etc... man, it would be like in a dream :D
about 13 years ago
everytime someone type /rank, I type stuff like "/penisize" "/myego", "/amIworthsomething" "/lookatmemum", etc
or more elaborated stuff like :
Your self-esteem is : #LOW
Congratulation, [you suck at this game][you suck at social life]"
about 13 years ago
Ah the truth about our real desires: If all is revealed, gaming would become better. We want recognition, we want people to look at us as an example, but it does not happen that much. SO, the next time you see your are not ranked, don't try to be "the better one", just GET MAD!
grammar nazi
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117292]@Gamesman[/url], It doesn't matter what the reason is. I would suggest the same thing to someone who is terrible at their ONLY language, which is quite a few people.
Raphael Angelus
about 13 years ago
Must get to 2k elo and take oddones place
Some random guy named Andy
about 13 years ago
HoN player: "Lol is shit, it copies HoN and HoN got more characters!"
Truth: "Lol is a game as good as HoN but im never going to admit this since im a fanboy of HoN"
Same works for LoL players.
about 13 years ago
These comics are really nothing more than the author's projection of his opinions on things that displease him. To take them seriously would be to miss the joke.
about 13 years ago
I would love to see a new dwarf fortress comic
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
Panel 2: The lore on this game sucks, it's like it was written by chimps.
Panel 3: The lore on this game sucks, it's like it was written by chimps.
about 13 years ago
@grammar nazi: It might have something to do with the fact that english is not his primary language. How many languages are you perfect in?
random guy from the internet
about 13 years ago
i love The Crystal Ball of Revealing comics
about 13 years ago
The problem with rankings, is that sometimes the community can become elitist. In Company of Heroes if you did not have more wins than losses (or enough games) people would ask you to leave. It's the reason people restart their accounts. They want better scores.
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
I don't care about rankings much, care more about taking down the jerks who keep sniping,backstabbing,trolling people.
about 13 years ago
Me, and probably most of the lol unranked community, care about ranking. But we just don't want to endure all the ragers/trolls in soloq ranked. It's not about caring or not caring. It's about not caring enought. Having a good rank is like receiving a compliment. Everyone likes compliments :D
about 13 years ago
I never keep track of my rank but in most games i like to keep my score / KDR high just for the challenge, but i wont go oh well my rank is:------ and that makes me better than you.
about 13 years ago
It looks like he grows a goatee in panel 3.
I admit it
about 13 years ago
If it's low, I really don't give a fuck, but I always enjoy having a higher rank than my
about 13 years ago
I play lol, but never rank game :D Like this, no rage about this number that some guyz (and girlz) run to.
about 13 years ago
I'm not going to rage on the spelling.
I will say that the crystal ball thingy there won't be able to pierce the veil of truth at heart for a gaming gal. Their always vicious, aggressive, and hates being dominated.
about 13 years ago
@grammar nazi: Why would anyone care about how he is spelling things. The Comics are supposed to be good not the Texts. As long as you get the meaning, the spellings are good enough.
about 13 years ago
it used to work on some DM servers. It was interesting when some div 5 guys kicked your butt even so you were supposed to rape them. Nvm that was not a real HL stacks thing since you achieved that rank with your team and not while playing that stupid DM server.
grammar nazi
about 13 years ago
Jo, you should really start using a browser with spell-check. Not to be a dick, but you misspell something in every one of your comment sections.
about 13 years ago
that's a pretty damn good ball of revealing you have.
about 13 years ago
OMFG, I ranked 14th in Comments; wait till I tell my folks!!!!!
about 13 years ago
The crystal ball peers into my soul...
"Wait, I'm RANKED?! But... how? How did that happen? I don't play any games that even have rankings! I'm sooooo confuuuused... T-T"
about 13 years ago
That Guy
about 13 years ago
To be fair, in a lot of modern games it isn't much effort at all to pull up someone's rank. To some it could be just passing the time, like reading a webcomic that states the obvious.
Mein Herr
about 13 years ago
Battlefield 3 doesn't have a leaderboard! THIS MUST BE FIXED!
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117151]@Shal[/url]: For some troubleshooting, yes.
about 13 years ago
Have you visited the DotA2 Dev forums, Jo?
about 13 years ago
In some cases, your rank only symbolizes how much of your life you've wasted on that game.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117139]@sinfire5[/url]: if by "repeating character" you mean an inert magical object, then yes we have a new repeating character.
One of my favorite repeating characters too. More CBoR pls!
about 13 years ago
If you don't know your rank then how could you ever correctly say GOML?
about 13 years ago
Oh hey, I'm top of the score charts.
about 13 years ago
lol, a new repeating "character"
about 13 years ago
they* damn typos
about 13 years ago
its almost as if the.... do care... DUN DUN DUUUUN!
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