What people are saying about "Valentines"
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about 13 years ago
Still got my saves, but I decided to replay ME1 and ME2. Unlike the other times, I actually did every side-quest, found every upgrade, etc. I was really an obsessive-compulsive completionist during this final playthrough. Just finished ME2 a couple days ago, actually.
about 13 years ago
Kyaaa! The two engies are so cute!! <3
about 13 years ago
I've lost both ME1 and ME2 saves, and I don't want to use some other person's one. Replaying the first game for the fourth time
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117868]@Juan[/url] The Power of Love.
about 13 years ago
Wasn't Engie-Tan RED?
Why did she become BLU?
about 13 years ago
My answer to "engineeeers, we are engineeeers":
"Hello, I have many hats."
about 13 years ago
Is it wrong i think you could do a really hot poster of Engie in that Classic "We can do it" poster pose from the 1930s (feel free to correct me on time, fellow trolls). Goodness knows I'd buy one :D
about 13 years ago
If you lose your ME save, this site has the solution! http://www.masseffect2saves.com/ its great for a second playthrough!
about 13 years ago
I lost my Mass Effect 2 when my hard drive died... Fortunately, my ME1 saves were backed up, but that was a dark day. Have been replaying to get ready for ME3!
about 13 years ago
I am playing Mass Effect 2 as fast as humanly possible on INSANITY lmao
about 13 years ago
Because two females make everything better then two men
about 13 years ago
Hats before hos!
about 13 years ago
I have chosen poorly.
about 13 years ago
Who needs engies? The male engys! Of course.

Wait... Spy's sappin mah computer!

*PC shuts down*
about 13 years ago
Soon, Sniper got his wish of getting all the attention he ever needed.

Sadly, it was by other male Snipers getting easy headshots due to how easily they can spot his head.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
2 more things, 1: more Cute engie comics. And 2: more heavy weapons girl comics
about 13 years ago
Nope, still have my ME2 saves. http://www.gamesave-manager.com/ is a godsend.
about 13 years ago
three.. no wait! four!
about 13 years ago
Daaawww, Engie/Engie is adorable.
about 13 years ago
My laptop died and my external HD back of shep corrupted for some reason so my sheps were lost. Gonna get 1 and 2 and 3 for the Xbox and remake them all.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
More detailed EngiexEngie Action Please
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
The two Engie-chans need to hang out more often, just saying...
about 13 years ago
Origin might not be mandatory, since nuuvem is also selling the game, and for a good price I have to say. Unless you are going to use the multiplayer. I will wait to buy ME3, since ME2 had DLCs like Kasumi: very nice, but you already finished the game when it was launched.
about 13 years ago
I never lost my saves, but I didn't like my ME2 finish on the Soldier I was planning to use through all 3 (backwards spoiler: deid elpoep wef a) and I had rented the game back then to play it. I want to start over, but ME1 made me fall asleep in 10 minutes when I tried...:(
about 13 years ago
The old lesbian comic+ McButterpants photo note = http://postimage.org/image/d14009fc7/
Mental breakdown
about 13 years ago
Sigh no time for ME goddamned IGCSEs in May
about 13 years ago
Just dowloading all my ME2 DLC for the replay feast :P
about 13 years ago
That was a one-shot, and that hardly counts as canon in any webcomic universe. :T
about 13 years ago
You at least have a computer to play on! Mine is done after a few lightning strikes (not all in one night) and finally stopped working 2 months ago. Now I'mma buy a new one only in like 8 months! (Studying + work).
about 13 years ago
*Forever Alone*
Axe Murderer
about 13 years ago
I've been waiting for this for 368 comics.

In the beginning, God created Jo and Engie-Tan, and said that it was good. Then Engie-San came along and stole every last bit of Jo's thunder.

WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO LUSTY ARGONIAN MAID NOW? Find out next week on Young and the Breastless.
Sasha Nekosune
about 13 years ago
I intend to do everything all over again from 1-3 in one go. well mostly one go. starting all over again.
Liro Raeriyo
about 13 years ago
Sniper has "un-welled"

Genuine Unusual Train Climber Tophat!

Effect: Flame war starter

Sniper has painted Genuine Unusual Train Climber Tophat HOTPINK!
about 13 years ago
No, I just realized that I'd forgotten most of my story and I wanted to play through the Arrival DLC with a new Shepard, so I went through it all.
Sadly this has made me crave only more Mass Effect and I'm stuck in a situation where the wait is killing me and I can't play much else.
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
It's about time Engie and Engie get together.
about 13 years ago
Totally worth it.
about 13 years ago
Sorry, belong to the Master Race (PC) so no problems with saves there, all snuggly and waiting for ME3 :3
about 13 years ago
Lost the saves? Hardly a problem on the PC version. http://masseffectsaves.com/ and http://masseffect2saves.com/
about 13 years ago
I started playing ME 1 again, worked though it to ME 2, and I'm about 1/3rd though.

Dear god, ME 1's combat is horrible and side quest are mind-devastatingly repetitive.

about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117444]@Red[/url]: I enjoyed Mako, specially compared with the awful MINERAL SCAN.
about 13 years ago
theres a website that contains me1 saves with all the decisions made for both paragon/renegade so you can skip playing me1 :P
about 13 years ago
It probably has something to do with me having just started ME1 a couple of days ago, and never having played ME2
about 13 years ago
Back to that damn Mako you go and those stupid sharp mountains. Not to mention decryption... So such decryption...
about 13 years ago
@Alexander Krizak: When I replayed the game, it started to lost it's impact. Also, I don't want to get the "best" answer to every option, kinda opposite, I want to roll with whatever I did, good or bad.
Alexander Krizak
about 13 years ago
Lost? Haha, I deleted my ME2 saves and replayed both my Paragon Infiltrator and Renegade Vanguard through the games once again in order to optimize my experience for ME3. And now I'm considering starting a third Shepard for a run through ME1 and ME2 before ME3 comes out as well.
about 13 years ago
The bigger and fancier hat, the bigger your dick. So yes, more hat, more bitch.
about 13 years ago
Incoming comic about the TF2 rings.
about 13 years ago
Proving again how ridiculous Nerf Now can be when it really tries.
The Awesome Racoon
about 13 years ago
It makes sense, once you get hat, you get the bitches.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117404]@Nerfnow[/url]: I don't get why peeps are so big on saves right now...is ME3 not due until the middle of next month?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117391]@Boobr[/url]: I managed to restore my old saves. :)
@Manly Yams
about 13 years ago
It was nerfnow canon long ago... Check his PC vs Mac comic...

BTW Who gives a shit about women when you have a hat that cool?
...I do...
about 13 years ago
I haven't lost an ME2 save, but I did have problems about the game not reading my DLC's before. I was wondering why I suddenly lost Zaeed Massani, Kasumi Goto, Firewalker DLC and my DLC weapons.

Had to download and reinstall the whole game again. That's a 17gb wasted bandwidth. >_<
about 13 years ago
I'd just like to point out that there's websites where you can download Mass Effect saves.

It also allows for PC <-> Xbox conversion.

Just saying.
about 13 years ago
JOKES ON YOU JO! I lost my saves months earlier, and already managed to replay the game!
Manly Yams
about 13 years ago
sooooo does this mean engi x engi is "nerfnow canon"?
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117355]@Nielspeterdejong[/url]: I think the sniper knows that the devil has run out of stitching material. And given past events... no wishing for fem demoman.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117377]@Octopiss[/url] People still buy it anyways..
about 13 years ago
FEW DAYS??? YOU got about a month until they release ME3
about 13 years ago
Oh great, it's another I'm rich app. Valve, I am disappoint.
about 13 years ago
WARNING!!! Blu sniper's hat will alert EVERY red enemy of his location and use him as a bullet cushion. Also, MORE hwgirl!!!
about 13 years ago
You fool! You are a Sniper! You KNOW the perils of crosshair-attracting headgear better than any! You should have requested more weapons in the meet-the-Pyro update!
..oh well, it's not like I -a turtling Engie- will meet you that often.

....Hey, will the other classes make wishes there?
about 13 years ago
Both the engies are lesbian?
about 13 years ago
Relevent: $100 diamond rings in TF2. Excellent.
about 13 years ago
And that is exactly why I uploaded both my ME1 and 2 saves to Dropbox.
about 13 years ago
HD that had my games died. So lost my ME2 AND ME1 saves. Might just download a save for ME1, but 2 I'd wanna play through.
about 13 years ago
.. The moron should have chosen fem Demoman.. ^^;
about 13 years ago
Whose wish was that?
Mass effect worries
about 13 years ago
Isn't there a site devoted to mass effect saves. So you don't have to replay the whole game?
about 13 years ago
you know what? i support the sniper's decision. in tf2, hats are how you mark your supremacy, so if you have a unique hat, clearly you are superior to all others.

even if i do miss femsniper a little...
about 13 years ago
Needs higher resolution on lesyay.
about 13 years ago
Why would I need to replay ME2? It's not like I'll be playing ME3 as long as it uses Origin.
about 13 years ago
Goddamn it Sniper, why didn't you wish for a GIRLFRIEND or whatever
about 13 years ago
high res kiss or gtfo :(
about 13 years ago
Hurray for wishes!
about 13 years ago
Is this where you say "A Hat is fine too"?
Brasileiro aleatório
about 13 years ago
Love. I Love it.