omg natala, i could weep just snieeg your before and after pictures!!! i'm so proud of you, and you're such such SUCH an inspiration to SO many people out there. I dont know if you remember me i'm c4ssandra, from one of your veganhope support groups earlier this year. After the one-month support t
about 13 years ago
The ring is actually a misc slot item once the person accepts it, they activate it in their backpack, the message sends across all servers, and now your character wears a diamond ring.
Lupal Fillyus
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_118925]@dumbasseseverywhere[/url]: When all you have is a picture in your inventory: No. Just google the picture then.
You don't spend 100$ on a picture of a cake, do you? "But it's a real picture!"
about 13 years ago
Yeay! More Orange and Red Engies!!!
The look on Orange Engie in the first panel is LOVELY!!
I want more of them!! =)
Senor Tuna
about 13 years ago
The amount of hundreds and hundreds of dollars spent on these rings are -insane-. Someone spent 100 dollars just to make this joke.
"J Lo" receives "Marc Antony's" "beatings" I mean, really? You think a joke is worth 100 dollars? Valve is once again rolling in dough.
Devil Dan
about 13 years ago
The real expensive part of this IMHO is the server wide anouncement. The price has to be high to keep demand down. Even at this price it spawned a load of joke messages. Imagine what it would be like if it was any cheaper.
about 13 years ago
Oh those silly lesbians.
about 13 years ago
what's 'real'? a nerf shirt is real but an item in tf2 is not?
about 13 years ago
hope it was worth the wait
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
In any case I smell trouble for this romance.
Foolish lovestruck orange-haired Engie, spending all that money on a non-weapons-related stone. Clearly original Engie just wanted a ten pack of new keys and a pre-opened special create containing one (1) Lusty Argonian Maid Heart, freshly harvested.
Andrew Hall
about 13 years ago
Ok, so what are we using for each Engie? Is red still Engie-tan and orange is now Engie-san or Engie-chan, or will we all forget by the next Engie-related strip? Or should we call them Engie Aka and Engie Daidai or something?
about 13 years ago
One word: D'aaaaaawwwwww.
about 13 years ago
MMOs have been doing it for a while. EVE is a recent example.
about 13 years ago
If there's a company that can convince you to buy something completely useless (and virtual) for 100$, it's VALVe.
about 13 years ago
This is probably either a temporary pairing or we will probably get a backstory.
about 13 years ago
@Prof. Luigi
I'm well aware of that. What does that have to do with anything I said?
about 13 years ago
To be honest I feel the same way about normal rings that Jo feels about TF2 rings. They are barely visible, can't be sold or traded away once given, and cost way too much money. I'd rather my loved one buy me a cool looking and unique hat.
about 13 years ago
we need a backstory arc.
Prof. Luigi
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117894]@Mothman[/url]: What are you talking about. Orange hair engie was the first nerf now engie.
about 13 years ago
I've put to much thought into this...
about 13 years ago
Come to think of it I don't recall Red Engie ever showing that kind of "intrest" in anyone but Orange Engie.
Her being jelous of Lifts-Her-Tail would be akin to being passed over for employee of the month by a newbie who just got there after you won it 8 months in a row.
about 13 years ago
Most people would react the same way as Engie did when walking in on ,what would appeared to be, two people having or about to have sex. There's little to indicate that her and Jo ever had anything more than a landlord/boss, tenent/employee relationship.
Fatherless Son
about 13 years ago
So far i've seen people using these rings to make fun of others , with "lots of dicks" and stuff in the ring names. Hilarious. Absolutely mature too. Tottaly not sarcasm.
Habria escrito en español, pero no me dan los caracteres.
about 13 years ago
Re. Engie tan staying at Jo's place for rent
That still doesnt explain how Red Engie-tan got flustered at Jo when she caught him and the Lusty Argonian Maid in an awkward position.
Then again, this could just solved by saying both are bi. But I think thats a cheep way out. :(
about 13 years ago
Engie-tan(1) has accepted Engie-tan's "Something Special for Someone Special"! Congratulations!
about 13 years ago
I would like to say nobody buys it.
I have to say I've seen a couple go through on the same bloomin day.
The HELL is wrong with you people?
The Wizard That Didn't Do It
about 13 years ago
It's either a Valve-Made alternative to more expensive engagement rings, or Valve is testing the waters to see how expensive they can make something.
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117841]@Roam[/url]: No kidding. I don't get why some people see something like this and go "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!" Whoopdee-freakin-doo, it doesn't effect your life, so why whine about it? People like who and what they like, they don't have to explain it.
about 13 years ago
See-man: *points at bra-less lesbian engie* "See!"
Erick Mendonça
about 13 years ago
Foi uma das coisas mais toscas que já vi a Valve fazer...
about 13 years ago
Thank you so much Jon for making my boner break my wall :(
about 13 years ago
Then perhaps, Super Fabuloso, you should stop giving a shit about who other people are attracted to? This visit from Captain Obvious was brought to you by : Maturity!
Manly Yams
about 13 years ago
Chill out dude. At least he's not shipping canon characters like just about every female TF2 fan on DA likes to. Both engis are his characters, so he can do with them what he wants.
That being said though, I hear ya about the homo TF2 thing...
Super Fabuloso
about 13 years ago
Can't seem to escape homosexuality in TF2, on either side of the gender border. It would almost be hilarious if it wasn't infuriating and depressing at the same time.
Some Dude
about 13 years ago
I fukken lol'd when I read that!
about 13 years ago
Did I ever tell you the definition of insanity?
about 13 years ago
Jo, are you a pervert, because it always seems like the engies are never wearing bras
Combustable lemon
about 13 years ago
So much money, and it is on fire!!!! Not good! Total waste of money. One could get 40 keys with that amount of money, and the keys are worth the money
The Ghost of Macharius
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117802]@El_Nazgir[/url]: It was glorious.
about 13 years ago
being a masive yurifag i approve of this
about 13 years ago
Gotta say if you compare your first comics to the one your making now, you've really come a long way my ''Friend''
Just look at how well the faces look :D
about 13 years ago
Wait.. Since when have these two become lovers? ^^;
I thought that orange engie had scout, and red angie had a crush as well right? ^^;
about 13 years ago
For the 40k fans: I saw one with the God Emperor of Mankind accepting the "apology for the horus heresy" from Horus.
about 13 years ago
Jo, all I'll say is that it's much more socially acceptable and much less legally suspicious to wear a diamond ring than to carry glasscutting tools.
about 13 years ago and the following one
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
Orange Engie offering a ring to Red Engie? I SUPPORT THIS!!
P.S. happy to see orange Engie is expressing her true feelings at last :)
about 13 years ago
Money to burn...
about 13 years ago
Anyone have a link to the comic that Davtwan is talking about? I don't remember anything comic that gives even a notion of the two being together (not that I have a problem with it).
about 13 years ago
Now the tentacle is all alone with his Argonian Maiden with the arrow in the knee
about 13 years ago
lol @ people wondering when did they become lesb/if they are bi/whatever
This is how it works: everyone fucks everyone and everyone is happy.
about 13 years ago
Me still wants, just cos its expensive...
about 13 years ago
So, all those messages are people giving away rings... in a game where all avatars are male... and probably played all by males (with the ocasional female... sometimes).
Now, I'm usually open-minded but... Why, Valve, why?
about 13 years ago
I saw:
The Emperor has accepted Horus's "Sorry about the Heresy."
about 13 years ago
To those who are curious to when these two got together, I think it was during that one PC vs Mac comic. The one where the Scout cockblocked their kissing.
I guess they liked each other more than we thought.
about 13 years ago
"You sure about this, boss?"
"Yeah, I'm just real curious. That other game made a lot with a $1000 item, and it was also an FPS."
"If it doesn't work out?"
"We'll move on. It didn't take too much resources for that ring."
Valve: *in shock.* "Not sure if want..."
about 13 years ago
To be fair, the ring is wearable.
about 13 years ago
It's a crazy experiment by Valve to see how much money they can milk from people.
Did you know there's a F2P game that sells a 1000$ cash item? That item brought them 2 milion $ in the span of 2 months.
about 13 years ago
You make stuff that's real jo? you mad crazy fool.
Tom Genius
about 13 years ago
Bring back SpyXMedic-tan
about 13 years ago
Bring back SniperXDemo-tan
about 13 years ago
Orange Engie's face in the first panal is utterly adorable. The dawwww is strong in this one.
about 13 years ago
Correct, that Engineer was the Blue Pyro. It's possible she's Bi, or just had a slight crush on him. What's the lesbian equivalent of a man-crush?
I'm pretty sure Engie-Tan was/is just staying at Jo's place because he accepts payment for rent in fan-service.
about 13 years ago
I dunno about you guys, but I wouldn't be thinking "what a waste of money" if my lover got me this.
In my opinion, this is way better than any fancy (ugly) hat. I'm not even a fan of hats!
about 13 years ago
Yeah im confused as to when orange engie was a lesbian. Didn't she like that one male engineer that helped her out in the first few comics but it was just the pyro who switched classes?
Also, I thought red engie was with Jo. When did they become a couple.
Also, I dislike the ring too.
about 13 years ago
How romantic!
Red engie should be more appreciative of such a nice gift! But I can sort of understand, especially if orange engie isn't well off.
I'd hate for my lover to buy me something expensive when she can't afford to. :(
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117642]@Spy[/url]: Yes I did.
It was wonderful.
about 13 years ago
Right. The rings are useless unlike terrible looking unusuals.
I dont see how you can say one is worth the money/time/effort and the other one isnt. Is the blizzard skyrim hat any more valuable because its worth was determined by a random number generated, rather than valve's own price tag?
about 13 years ago
I have a screen of: Rei Ayanami has accepted Shinji Ikari's "Become one with me."
Got instakilled, dont care. That one was worth every dollar they spent on it.
Mann. Co Key: 2.5 bucks
Pile O Gifts: 20 bucks
Pointless virtual Ring: 100 bucks
2 hours of inane Ring-related practical jokes: Priceless to us, 300 dollars to some schmuck no one's ever heard of.
about 13 years ago
Speaking of things to use your disposable income on--I just ran across *this*:
...Jo just needs to swipe a beret from a doll of some sort, and he's all set...
about 13 years ago
*gasp* This ring is just as useful as a real ring. You are all now thinking more practically
about 13 years ago
So are they lesbians now?
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
about 13 years ago
since engie is obviously an ingrate, maybe she should get a sapper.
Raphael Angelus
about 13 years ago
raphael_angelus is my steam
I also have Dota 2 :D but I don't play it much :( too busy playing league
about 13 years ago
Wait when Engie-tan(Red) was looking for a place why didn't she stay with Engie-tan(Orange)?
about 13 years ago
It's funny because just yesterday I mailed Jo asking for a commission showing the two of them getting married :3
about 13 years ago
@ Nerfnow
I wish I was fucking kidding
Why is the ring like that? So many wasted faces! I mean the diamond is well made, but still! That part is just lazy
about 13 years ago
I just find the comment about the Nerf!! Now!! shirt being real. 'cause I know an unusual hat is just as real as the ring. Which is to say neither are.
about 13 years ago
@Mr Plen: Note that all the TF2 characters has been shown to be able to switch teams and roles at will.
They even suicide (by shooting themselves with their own guns) to speed up the process.
about 13 years ago
@Zombieplasticclock : I request a screenshot, gentle sir. My sources says otherwise but I may be wrong.
about 13 years ago
Hilarious and cute, but true. It actually does show up ingame, but its a damn ring, so nobody notices it. For its absurd price, it should at least have an unusual effect where its really fucking shiny or something
Mr Plen
about 13 years ago
Wasn't Engie-tan (the orange haired one, to avoid confusion) on Red Team? At least in all of her previous depictions.
The art in this one is surprisingly well done for a jab comic. I really liked the faces.
Black Dragon
about 13 years ago
I'm calling it now; Next comic they'll be just about to make out for whatever reason and then at the last second Scout will ruin everything...again.
Also what's going to happen to Jo, or is this a different Engie-tan?
about 13 years ago
Use it to purpose, cheapest ring you will find!
about 13 years ago
Not sure why these 2 have gone from gaming rivals to lovey-dovey, but hey, who am I to question fan-service logic?
about 13 years ago
I guess they did open the #34 crate that appeared on previous comics after all.
Pott Scilgrim
about 13 years ago
They're in lesbians with each other.
about 13 years ago
useless crap
Need a Name Here!
about 13 years ago
Mind you, the ring CAN be seen ingame. When the person you gifted it to accepts the proposal, both person get a ring misc that goes in their finger when equipped.
about 13 years ago
hey luigi, did you see the one with Anne Frank and Adolf Hitler called "no hard feeling"?
about 13 years ago
Get her a chromatic dragon instead.
At least then people can see a pimpin' mount for your money, instead of just a waste of money.
about 13 years ago
Oh man. Yesterday, there was a HILARIOUS one.
Reddit has accepted 4Chan's "/b/romance"
about 13 years ago
@Raphael Angelus: DOTA2 is my MOBA of choice. But I'm cool with TF2.
Raphael Angelus
about 13 years ago
PS: you should totally play league or TF2 with me ;p
about 13 years ago
So...since when are the engies a couple? I'm lost here.
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