What people are saying about "Item Server Down"
Item Server Down
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almost 13 years ago
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about 13 years ago
I don't use equalizer, axtinguisher or gru! And my demoman loadout uses ALL unlocks. What do you have to say to that?
Shimon Says....
about 13 years ago
Vanilla Spy is actually really good once you figure out how to use the regular revolver (or just can't consistently headshot with Amby like me), 50+ damage at close range mauls scouts if you can hit em 3 times. Battle Spies forever!
Some Soldier
about 13 years ago
@Some Spy: >Implying the Dead Ringer isn't a crutch.
Awe Striker
about 13 years ago
Not pictured: My younger brother.

He does not run anything but vanilla on principle, and tops the boards like it's nothing.

Even with Pyro.
about 13 years ago
I raged about scouts being too overpowered at the start of TF2 ( But I mostly got pissed off at demomans then scouts )
about 13 years ago
Black V
about 13 years ago
Vanilla SPY ALL the Way
The original watch is the best
about 13 years ago
I main as Spy, an absolutely hate this situation. I shy away from DR Enforcicle like a respectable Frenchman, but this totally ruins my play stile. I use the YER, C&D, and Amby, and I can't survive without. Also, soldier minus equalizer might as well be rocket jumping with no health. DEAD.
about 13 years ago
I actually play Soldier with the default rocket launcher most of the time. The Black Box and Liberty Launcher are both great and I use them frequently, but sometimes that fourth rocket just serves you better and without the downsides that both the Mangler and the Direct Hit bring.
Some Spy
about 13 years ago
it saddens me when other spies I see rely on the enforcer to get them their kills

the ambassador is so much more efficient when used properly, but hey I can live with the norm revolver

also, I still use the norm knife

but I still cry when items servers down,

no deadringer
about 13 years ago
Yeah... everyone's got a class they're good at. I normally don't W+M1, I try to use the airblast, and heck, I don't really use melee weapons anyway... I'm not so great when it comes to melee fights.
Liro Raeriyo
about 13 years ago
oh right and uh

*Troll face*
Liro Raeriyo
about 13 years ago
sticky launcher is op, needs nerf,

valve says they cant nerf the damage anymore without simply removing the weapon

how about make its RANGE so horrid that unless you actually charge the launcher its basicly gonna sputter out 2 inches infront of you.

competetive players get no say on this.
about 13 years ago
This song pretty much translates TF2 Classes in 1:18 seconds, really.
Vanilla man
about 13 years ago
I use nothin' but vanilla! :)
about 13 years ago
Wow, this one's pretty damn funny
about 13 years ago
Im a Vanilla spy :D Strange Knife + Invis Watch
about 13 years ago
I dunno about Vanilla Pyro. He can still spread flames pretty nicely, take out Flare-Gun-Usin' Pyros, guard the Sentry, Spycheck, repel Ubers...
The Wizard That Didn't Do It
about 13 years ago
My problem when the loadout server goes down is that my stranges get no credit for any kills I get until it's back up. :\
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_118143]@m[/url] No your not. I love when this happens to. TF2 players rely to much on their new weapons to win the game. They defiantly need to be taken back in time back to when us Grandpa TF2 players played to see how it was.
about 13 years ago
I LOVE when this happens.
I can't be the only person who likes valilla-ish, can I?
about 13 years ago
Same expressions when viewing Demoman's porn collection.
about 13 years ago
I use pure vanilla Spy except for cosmetics. DR Enforcicle is horrendously overpowered and designed for those who happen to be mentally impaired and can't use anything else.
about 13 years ago
Demoman, forever overpower.
about 13 years ago
Default Soldier isn't that bad, but Default Heavy can be a bit difficult to get used to, I would mourn for my Holiday Punch though. Default pyro is pretty fucked over though, no W+M1 crits or Puff n' Sting.
Soph Senkai
about 13 years ago
I main Pyro, I only used a Strange Flamethrower, pretty much everything in secondary, and usually a Axetinguisher, but I hardly use my Axe unless the situation calls for it.

I 'Vanilla' with Scout in that I use the fish and standard load out.
about 13 years ago
VANILLA PYRO, is da best for me after soldier, seriously, if you play him a lot than you will notice that de only ones dangerous to you are long distance engi/sentry and other pyro's(there are exceptions.

yet i cant imagine it as soldier without equalizer, just a siting duck when low on hp
about 13 years ago
Everyone saying "I use vanilla pyro/spy" is bullshiting. Vanilla soldier, OK, shitty launcher but not bad, Vanilla demoman, not bad, that's what I use actually.
Vanilla pyro is AWFUL, It's hard to axe people after airblasting and W+M1 sucks. And vanilla Spy has Invis Watch, and it sucks.
about 13 years ago
The only thing that would upset me is soldier. I cant use the normal rocket launcher for shit.

I like Vanilla everything.
about 13 years ago
Yeah, screw Axtinguisher, I bring Homewrecker.
Now, take away my Degreaser, and I CUT YOU.
about 13 years ago
I actually play mostly vanilla anyway, except Sniper. I never leave home without my huntsman, but mostly because once I picked it up, it just started to feel like cheating having a long-range hitscan weapon for headshots. That, and always taking the homewrecker with the Pyro <3
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_118048]@bp[/url] The spy should not be able to 3 shot a 125hp class (and medics if damage spread is favorable) at medium range with no downside. The gun is broken and needs to be nerfed. Ambassador at least needs a no-scope headshot to be able to do that kind of damage.
about 13 years ago
Vanilla pyro all the way, everyway.
about 13 years ago
Actually, Losing the G.R.U and The Equalizer, while kind of a bummer, doesn't stop me at all.
Losing the Sandvich sucks, but hey, I don't play heavy, so who gives a fuck.
Pyro, on the other hand.... FUUUUUUUUUUUUU!
about 13 years ago
Scout is overpowered. (QQ)

Haha, no, I play Scout.
about 13 years ago
In before a bunch of people say they play Vanilla Loadouts to look "creditible."
about 13 years ago
Lol Vanilla Sniper
Cheshire Cat
about 13 years ago
I play vanilla spy or ambassador/invis watch these days. It still catches people by surprise and is the most balanced loadout for spy. All the others are either too obvious, do not let you manage the enemy's paranoia levels, or do not give a spy enough "uptime" to be useful.
about 13 years ago
I can never play spy without the Cloak and Dagger.
about 13 years ago
When item servers are down TF2 actually gets a lot more fun for me. No bullshit upgrades, no ridiculous particle effects everywhere... it's almost as if the game was designed without all that crap originally!
about 13 years ago
Yes I would be upset about the loss of my equalizer, but i'd be dead without my black box
Sonic Rainboom
about 13 years ago
I hate when the Item Servers are down. I dont use the Axtinguisher, the Tomislav, or the G.R.U, or the Enforcer...I think they´re just cheap. I for myself like playing Vanilla Pyro, Soldier...
about 13 years ago
I can deal with vanilla louadouts fine. Except for the default invisiwatch. That sucks.
about 13 years ago
TBH... I used a vanilla pyro quite effectively on 2fort, 27:11 kd xD
I was surprised at how well I was doing, and I was stealing intel too, then I took a sentry gun to the balls. :|
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_118044]@Slim[/url]: If the DR enforcicle allows me to be more credit to team then fuck you I'm going to use the DR enforcicle and be happy about it, rather than being hampered by suboptimal loadouts. There are more game-breaking things in TF2, such as sentry jumping (some leagues do allow the wrangler.)
about 13 years ago
Disciplinary Action > Equalizer. Teamplaying Soldier is superior to pussy Soldier. And not as affected by item server down.

Vanilla Pyro is inferior to other alternatives, tho. The Flamethrower has no good reason to be used over the Degreaser or the Backburner, and the Fire Axe, well...
about 13 years ago
I hate Enforcicle spies. When using the DR, there is literally no downside. 20% extra damage and silent kills for what? Loosing your knife for a few seconds when set on fire? How often does a spy get away when set on fire? There is a reason why every competitive league bans those weapons.
about 13 years ago
Now you've done it - bored with the conventional console shooters this comic inspired me to hop on steam and download the game >.<
about 13 years ago
I love this, whenever I got this mssg I would be like..... back to demo. A+
Return of Investment
about 13 years ago
As an Amputator/Gunslinger I feel restricted but gladly accept this situation because of one thing: NO DEAD RINGING!
about 13 years ago
I Almost use totally vanilla loadouts :3
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117982]@Discrider[/url] Let me guess.. You play a "unbiased" Demoman right? ^^;
about 13 years ago
When this happens I just switch servers or wait in spawn till it reconnects. I assume Valve is to blame though not actually sure who to *shakefist* at...
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117986]@PointyKnives[/url]: For full modified vanilla, add the Holiday Punch. It's even got the Fists' taunt!
about 13 years ago
My personal favorite for Heavy loadout is a modified 'Nilla.
Iron Kurtain (Functionally identical to mini, but more stylish)
The extended mag Shotgun (Family Business, I believe it is called)
about 13 years ago
/continue rant

and many of you will argue against me, but when was the last time you got mad at a soldier that managed to direct hit you in the face when you were 2 feet away from him?
about 13 years ago
Vanilla TF2 is the way TF2 is meant to be played. I said right from the first medic update that once they add new weapons, they are gonna add new weapons for every single class. There will be serious balance and game changing issues that will wreck what TF2 is.

And bam I was right.
about 13 years ago

Now if only the Heavy had a slower spinup, the game would be temporarily perfect.
Tomi Undergallows
about 13 years ago
I refuse to play as pyro without my Degreaser/Axtinguisher or Gas Jockey set! And I'm finding it hard to use the shotgun as engie when you have a pomson. I mean, c'mon... PEW PEW *cloak/uber rage*
about 13 years ago
Actually, my pyro loadout is mostly strange normals, so vanilla just makes me go, "Blast, no sledge to help the engineers."; however, lost connection makes me a sad engie, because I like my baby sentry. It's cute, goes places you wouldn't normally put guns, and most people under-estimate them.
about 13 years ago
Vanilla heavy is actually just fine. There are some situations where I'd want the Killing Gloves of Killing for some clutch crits. Other than that though, Sasha is great and having the shotgun for run and gun while you get in position for Sasha just works. Also, f**k the sanvich!
about 13 years ago
[url=#user_comment_117950]@gimmethegepgun[/url]: Good to have but it's not something you need at all You could run vanilla sollie in comp TF2 and do just fine, let alone casual dicking about with your friends
about 13 years ago
Demo happy because Demo can enjoy scrumpy in the middle of the fight
about 13 years ago
I can play vanilla pyro just fine . Although my preferred pyro load-out is Degreaser, Flare gun and Homewrecker.
about 13 years ago
Vanilla Snipers work fine too.
about 13 years ago
I, personally, want to apologize for your Enforcicle encounters on the behalf of all Spies who hate the Enforcer and stay away from the Spy-cycle unless we' toying about. I'll stick with my Strange Knifey and my Strange Amby (who I call Sorry) over a downsideless higher-damage output, fireproof Spy.
about 13 years ago
@HIPSTER BEFORE IT WAS COOL: Except the Equalizer is great to have with you, way more useful than the shovel (useless).
about 13 years ago

God dammit, that means all the soldiers stop using black boxes and no more puff and sting pyros and none of this milk man crap. Straight, honorable, fun, vanilla TF2 just how I remember when I first started playing.
about 13 years ago
?? Vanilla sollies are just fine though
about 13 years ago
I main Degreaser shotgun Axetin. Pyro, and you'd be surprised how effective vanilla pyro can be...
When everyone else is forced to go vanilla as well...
about 13 years ago
Engie-tan would be delighted to know that the enforcicle-ringer spy is stuck with vanilla if this happens.
about 13 years ago
I've been playing Vanilla Spy since...well Vanilla. The fact that many Spy items are (just about) straight upgrades (Spycicle, Enforcer + DR, Saharan ammobox thieves) doesn't hinder me, since most people playing these days are terrible anyway.
about 13 years ago
Ubersaw and K.G.B are OP weps. Medic can live with the regular medigun while heavy must have a primary wep loadout.
about 13 years ago
life's not worth living without an ubersaw, dummkopfs!
about 13 years ago
Demo put on his MANN FACE.

Pyro, though, has to be very clever or very good with a shotgun to not be considered (a(n)) ammo refill/kill fodder/wasted server slot. Every other class class has enough power or escape capability with stock weaponry to not have such an issue, even for new players.
about 13 years ago
Ohh boy is it fun to be on 2fort when this happens...
about 13 years ago
Every class is good, even without their sidegrades and unlocks. I find it always better to play stock.
about 13 years ago
Its not so bad for the soldier, he has the most versatile stock loadout in the entire game!
about 13 years ago
Demoknights to Stickytrappers, There is no such thing as an underpowered Demoman.

But I see a few Vanilla Pyros around who aren't F2P rookies.
about 13 years ago
snipers have it pretty good still, i want a new SMG
colonol meh
about 13 years ago
meh i dont use G.R.U much and i prefer to not use axtinguisher