Luckily, despite the fact that ME2 has a whole bunch of DLC, only Arrival and Lair of the Shadow Broker really have any effect on the story. Arrival is...okay. Lair of the Shadow Broker is awesome and the only DLC that I consider completely worth the price and more.
about 13 years ago
For God's sake, Jo!
Stop this shit. You're brazilian has well, so use Nuuvem. once you pay for the game, you van download it thousand times anywere for free...
about 13 years ago
have fun playing me3 is going cost for 900$ to get all the dlc
about 13 years ago
I stopped supporting companies that do that a long time ago.
EA is the worst though.
about 13 years ago
It's almost like he TRIED to make this strip hard to put photo notes on...
about 13 years ago
Lol Origin. Won't touch with a thirty foot battering-ram.
about 13 years ago
The situation with the DLC nowadays is kind of like the situation with some of the MMO games. You know, those which let you buy extra in-game stuff with real money. I don't know about you guys, but I just think that the game developers are getting greedier and greedier.
An Onymous
about 13 years ago
I hate spies.
about 13 years ago
Yay, invisible heroes... The only good of the lot if Rooftrellen!
about 13 years ago
u mad about invis heros bra? fucking casual!
about 13 years ago
My boycott list already includes Assassin's Creed serie (for the DRM included) and anything with Games For Windows Live in it.
Note that I could buy them on Xbox360 or PS3 (I have both) but I prefer to focus on games that don't treat me as a thief when I buy them.
about 13 years ago
As much as I wanted to play Mass Effect 3, I totally lost interest when they said "Origin only". I won't buy it till it's on Steam.
That doesn't mean I will pirate it either, I simply will play something else. There are tons of great games to play.
Sniper Dave
about 13 years ago
Just don't pre order the game, buy it on steam EA told me both programs get it on release day.
about 13 years ago
Just pirate that shit. EA/Bioware absolutely do not want to give you a complete game for a fair price, so why should you contribute to their profits?
If you want games to stop ripping you off, you have to stop buying them. Stop it now.
about 13 years ago
I can see your case for riki maru, kinda but Lina with spells named Dragon Slave and Laguna blade is not , I don't think you could say that isn't using the same character.
Also, all the Blizzard characters =p
I totally agree with you on the Dota name though.
about 13 years ago
It's easy, Rikimaru is hardly a original name copyrighted by anyone, neither is Lina(though the full Lina Inverse is, but that's why she's only called Lina)
There are no clear cut cases of infringement, except MAYBE for the name, but then again I do not think DOTA is a name that anyone can claim.
about 13 years ago
And continue playing. That way you buy a game you like and don't have to pay for any DLC. Because fuck DLC.
Nowadays I just pirate everything though. Only thing I bought in the past year was Dark Souls.
about 13 years ago
"I want to pay ONCE and after that, just enjoy it"
Then do what I used to do until I converted to being a full pirate, pirate the game and if it's good, buy a copy, you can play the bought copy for any patches/no bugs and when DLC comes out pirate that, transfer saves over to pirated copy
about 13 years ago
Same here, I got all ME2 story dlcs, pre-ordered ME3 collector (without knowing about the dlc only included with it and to buy on day one for the others) but that's it, this is the last bioware game I will buy day one.
about 13 years ago
Back in the days, I used to play Bhaalspawn Saga (BG1, BG2, BG2TOB) o'er and o'er again. I thought I'd stop doing that, but I am still often reinstalling Baldurs Gate. Simply because of my severe dissatisfaction with Bioware and its 'EAish' attitude today.
Now, Bethesda Softworks I can respect.
about 13 years ago
I love ME universe and loved ME1 and ME2, but I cannot respect Bioware anymore. Not after Dragon Age 2. Also, the taste of their DLC policy left utterly unpleasant memory in me.
Ahh.. those were the good days when there was no shitty DLCs but just a single good, full-of-content expansion pack.
Mass Effect 3
about 13 years ago
Get the collectors edition, It's only 20 USD more and I think you get better stuff if you pre-order from Gamestop.
about 13 years ago
I have never, and will never understand how they've made dota 2 without changing some of the names which are obviously copyrighted by other companies like riki Maru or Lina (Inverse)